Rob's World! is under construction

     Welcome to my most humble Home Page. I've been working on it on and off for nearly three years now. I've learned a lot. And am eager to learn more. I'm really excited by JavaScript. But haven't had much time to read/learn more about it. It seems capable of performing many amazing things without requiring a high level of programming expertise. If you've found something amongst my web pages that has helped or entertained you in some way then I've done what I've set out to do. I'll keep plugging away at the site. Hoping to improve and expand it until it's complete. Yeah Right!

Robert L. Vaessen

This listing is an archive of the What's New entries from 1999.

Fri, Dec 31, 1999 7:19 AM

There really haven't been any major changes to the web pages lately, so I thought I'd take the time to just talk about the last month and the upcoming new year. (The next What's New entry will be on a new page. I'll archive this years entries and start over again.)

December in Misawa. It's a Misawa winter; temperatures ranged from highs in the 50's to low's in the teens. We had a lot of snowfall. Something like 90 inches this month. But, as is typical for this area, most of it has melted. We have only traces of snow on the ground. Misawa is a coastal city, and warm trade winds keep it mild throughout the winter. Just a few more miles inland and the story is vastly different. Japans mountains keep the inland part of the island insulated from the warm coastal breezes, and as a result the snow accumulates. I've been spending a lot of time updating my new computer. My new PowerMac G4 sure is faster than my old computer. Still haven't figured out what to do with the Performa 550. I've been spending a lot of time resolving hardware and software conflicts, and have most of them resolved. The only remaining problem is the printer. I haven't been able to get my non-usb Epson stylus color 800 to work with my computer.

I must have been a very good boy last year because Christmas sure was bountiful. I raked in a lot of goodies. Of course I have to count the G4 as one of my Christmas gifts. Aside from that, I received numerous other gifts. I won't bore you with a long list, but will mention that Kim and I also purchased a new TV. The new TV is a Sony WEGA 36". The one that has a flat picture tube. It'll be delivered on the 8th of January. Hopefully we'll have our new TV stand by then.

January first marks the beginning of the new year. 1999 was an excellent year for Kim and I, and I hope it was just as good for you. Hopefully any Y2K problems will be minor and short lived. I have not bought into the whole Y2K hysteria. Living inside the military I feel more secure than I would if I were living in say, the rest of Japan. Japan on the other hand is a fairly sophisticated post-industrial country. I believe they are well prepared for the majority of the problems that might arise from Y2K. Can you imagine living somewhere like... Well, We'll just leave it at that. Hopefully we'll all make it through the new year o.k. If it's of any comfort, my f2f AD&D group pans to play on the evening of the 1st. Happy New Year!

Sat, Dec 18, 1999 2:12 PM

Corrected some minor relative linking problems on the Bio page, and the Disclaimer page.

Sat, Dec 11, 1999 1:43 PM

Still learning to use the new computer. One thing I did manage to do was create a PDF version of my Character sheets. Several people have written complaining that the formats offered were incompattible with their system. As a result I created these PDF versions. I hope you enjoy them.

Sat, Dec 4, 1999 4:38 PM

I've been busy upgrading my computer. As you can image, I havn't been getting much of anything else done. Aside from some minor changes to the front page, I havn't updated anything. I'm sure that the new computer will keep me busy for awhile. I've got to work out all the kinks, transfer all the old stuff over to the new computer, and learn the particulars of my new PowerMac G4 w/OS 9.0.

Sun, Nov 7, 1999 09:31

This weekend I updated the junk drawer. It looked kind of bland so I tinkered with the table some, and added a background image. As I mentioned last week, I ordered my PowerMAC G4. It hasn't arrived yet, but I have received some of the other things I ordered. Once I have everything up and running, I think I'll post a list called 'Computing configuration: Hardware and Software'.

Sun, Oct 31, 1999 13:59

Well, I ordered my PowerMAC G4 on the 28th of October. There were a few complications, but I expect it to arrive sometime within the next month. I did a considerable amount of work on the web site this weekend. Most significantly, I added a new page/feature to the site. The Junk Drawer. The Junk Drawer is a listing of it's contents. What secrets abide within the cloistered confines of one mans Junk Drawer? I updated my books page. The monthly schedule, and some of the PBeM pages.

Sun, Oct 10, 1999 09:47

Updated my books page. I know that there haven't been many changes to the web site as of late. I'm slowly working on some geneology stuff, trees of Misawa, and updates to my character sheets. I'm planning to make them available in pdf format. A lot of my web site work has been delayed while I wait for my computer upgrade. I plan on purchasing a new PowerMac G4 this month. I imagine it'll be a while before I get everything up and running again after the upgrade.

Tue, Oct 5, 1999 17:53

Updated my schedule. Yep, that's all. I've been rather busy lately. Going on trips and such.

Wed, Sep 15, 1999 15:33

Corrected a problem with my HTML character sheet page. Thanks to Justin for pointing out the problem.

Sat, Sep 11, 1999 17:26

Updated my schedule. Added some class dates and a change in the AD&D meeting. I've also started updating some of my web pages using an AppleScript which encodes email addresses using HTML entity substitution. I access the AppleScript directly from within BBedit. Perhaps it will result in less spam!

Wed, Sep 1, 1999 18:00

Updated my schedule. Not much planned for this month. I plan to hike Mt. Hakkoda on the 3rd. We've also moved the AD&D f2f campaign dates to Friday. From now on the meetings will be held weekly, not every six days. The change was made primarily as a result of changes in work schedules.

Sun, Aug 1, 1999 08:34

Updated my schedule, and theBio page. I'll be taking one day of leave at the begining of the month in order to go to the Nebuta festival in Aomori. Other than that we don't have much planned for this month.

Wed, Jul 28, 1999 08:49

I just finished updating my treasure distribution page. I updated the HTMl, added some more content, and changed things around a little. More importantly though, I updated the banner graphic. Using AppleWorks and a freeware Adobe Photoshop plug-in, I was able to create an extruded effect. It seems that AppleWorks has the (undocumented) ability to use photo-shop plug-in filters!

Mon, Jul 26, 1999 08:24

Just got back from a vacation in Osaka Japan. Kim and I had a really good time visiting an old friend of ours. While I was there I managed to read a book about one of my favorite hobbies; hiking (A walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson). I don't seem to have much time for it now days, but I sure enjoyed it when I was stationed at Sugar Grove West Virginia.

It appears that most of the GeoCities/Yahoo merger problems are over. They still have not answered my concerns regarding watermarks and my GeoPlus account. Nor did they answer some of my other questions. I guess it's too much to ask for. A company that big obviously can't afford to provide customer service. What a sad statement..

Oh, the laweyrs have accepted my placating actions. They have decided not to sue my scrawny ass. What joy! If anyone was confused about my 'eMail-Stamp' it was them, not the rest of the public. Of course they'll probabaly run out and register 'eMail-Stamp' so they can bother me some more. I'll probabaly end up calling my icon something like 'GrmphhtBltz' before they'll relent.

Sat, Jul 09, 1999 07:24

Geocities and Yahoo have merged, making my life miserable. I couldn't make changes to my web pages for the last three weeks. Seems like things are straightening out now. I hope things get better, instead of worse. So far it's not looking to good.

Updated my schedule. I'm taking leave for a good portion of this month. Kim and I are going to Osaka to visit a long time friend of ours.
More problems with my 'eStamp'. I received a (poorly composed, gramatically strained, somewhat confused) letter from a lawyer/law firm. Apparently they think that my use of the term 'eStamp' may encourage/contribute to the term becoming generic. They have trademarked the term 'E-STAMP', and they don't want the term to become generic. They only want people to think about their company, and it's product/services when the term 'E-STAMP' is used. They have 'asked' that I not use the term 'eStamp' to describe my Animated Connection Creation. Of course I've caved. What choice do I have really? I don't have enough MONEY to enjoy all the benefits of our legal system. I have therefore renamed my Animated Connection Creation. I now call it the 'eMail-Stamp'. A little less hip, but I'm confident that it still conveys the correcnt meaning. What jerks.

Fri, Jun 11, 1999 09:00

Updated my schedule. I'm taking leave next week, and we're postponing the AD&D cookout until a weekend meeting. I also updated my books page.
I sent email to GeoCities, and they responded with a really lame ..'This isn't really an answer, answer'.. Man, they must not care about their customers very much. Anyone know of a better web page provider for the same price? I guess I'll have to send in another trouble report about the same thing.

Sat, Jun 04, 1999 06:00

More problems. Now someone has been pestering me about my 'eStamp'. So I added a more thorough explanation/dexcription to the note on the front page.
Another problem is GeoCities. I found some code had been added to my web pages, and it's making a mess of my 4.0 compliance. Arrgh! I'm paying for the web space. I wish they would stop putting stuff on my web page. I'll have to work on that problem this weekend.

Sun, May 30, 1999 13:51

Well, I finally did it, I completed a new site wide index. It should allow you to find just about anything among the web pages of my site.

Sun, May 30, 1999 10:24

I finally completed the 'Karate Joe' comics series. The final issue of the series, 'Crime Fighter Joe' has been posted to my web site.
In addition to the completion of the series, I went through and made a lot of changes to the other issues. Adding Navigation link for use with iCab, correcting incorrect HTML, and updating the image tags.

I also updated the profile used to define the non-standard meta information used on my web site.

A lot of changes have happened this month. I got a new job working straight days, and a promotion to Technical sergeant. As a result I've had to put the PBeM campaign on hold until I adjust to these changes.

Sat, May 29, 1999 15:16

I've completely removed my UHF/VHF scanner page. Don't bother asking why. It's a long story, and has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Thu, May 13, 1999 16:16

Updated my schedule. I finally got that day job!

Sat, May 8, 1999 10:10

Still updating pages so that they comply with the W3C's HTML 4.0 (Transitional) standard. You may notice that some of my pages now parse as W3C validated HTML.

Sun, May 2, 1999 19:20

I've been updating pages so that they comply with the W3C's HTML 4.0 (Transitional) standard. You may notice that some of my pages now parse as W3C validated HTML. Had to replace numerous nested lists with tables. nested lists are not valid under the HTML 4.0 standard.
Also updated the Schedule.

Tue, Apr 27, 1999 11:35

HTML standards, and more standards. I recently discovered numerous errors in my web pages. Thanks to BBEdit, iCab, and W3C's HTML validator. I've been updating pages so that they comply with the W3C's HTML 4.0 (Transitional) standard. You may notice that some of my pages now parse as W3C validated HTML. In order to comply with some of the recommendations I've created a 'PROFILE'. It lists and defines some non-standard LINK elements I've started using.

Wed, Apr 21, 1999 00:01

I've been working on the next game turn in my PBeM campaign. It's been taking quite some time. And I thought that DM'ing a f2f campaign was difficult. Aside from that I've also been working on the 3rd issue of Karate Joe, and Whillip. I hope to start putting parts of Whillip on line. I've already got the Maps scanned. The next step is to start defining the maps using HTML area tags.
Another chunk of my time has been taken up by HTML standards. I recently discovered numerous errors in my web pages. Thanks to BBEdit and iCab. I've been updating pages so that they comply with the W3C's HTML 4.0 (Transitional) standard. You may notice that some of my pages now parse as W3C validated HTML.
As a result of updating my web pages I noticed that my animated 'eStamp' graphic was corrupt. I had to reconstruct and repost it.

Wed, Apr 7, 1999 14:04

I spent considerable time updating and revising my Legislated Morality pages. I've already had a considerable number of visitors (for my site), in the short amount of time the pages have been up. Hopefully you'll find them interesting as well.

Sat, Apr 3, 1999 13:56

I finally added some pages that have a deep personal meaning to me. They deal with the 'Military Honor and Decency act of 1996. A law that outlawed the sales of adult reading materials on military bases. If you care about the constitution, and the rights of military members, be sure to check out my Legislated Morality pages.

Thu, Apr 1, 1999 06:53

Updated the Front door to my web site. Seems that it got corrupted somehow. I believe that the BBedit Table builder was part of the problem. Have to watch out for that in the future; apparently it doesn't like my JavaScript. Also updated the Schedule. That's all for now.

Sun, Mar 21, 1999 09:56

It's been some time since I did any significant updates. Aside from the usual site maintenance, I added two new pages to the web site. I've also started updating pages with BBedit 5.0. The Syntax checker has proven to be a wonderful tool. I'm learning a lot of new things about HTML thanks to that syntax checker. I'm also very happy with the spell checker.

There are two new pages. Both of them are related to AD&D® proficiencies.

The first is an in depth explanation, review, and discussion on how spend Proficiencies skills and styles. How to spend your character points.

The second is a table containing Combat skills. The table lists costs, pre-requisites, and references for all the various combat skills available to an AD&D® character.

Wed, Mar 3, 1999 01:08

Did some document updates. Improved the 'eStamp' image at the front entrance; as well as the associated mail comment, and the No web rings page.

I had been meaning to update the eStamp for some time now. I wanted to improve the background of the stamp. The background was supposed to be of a circuit board, but as you can see, the background on the old image didn't really look too much like a circuit board.

Mon, Mar 1, 1999 12:40

More PBeM web page updates. I've fallen a bit behind on the current game turn, but am continuing to work on it. My players must be getting a bit antsy. My last break was cut short by mandatory appointments/training, as was this one. Here are some of the files I've recently posted/updated.

The new HTML editor seems to be working fine. I particularly like the built in 'HTML smart' spell checker, the HTML syntax checker, (even though it insists that I change /rvaessen to some absurd encoded string) and the built in FTP tools. It's working so well I decided to change the HTML editor info on my front page. The HTML Table Builder works really well.

Fri, Feb 19, 1999 09:15

More PBeM web page updates. While working on the current game turn I found that I needed to update and add some more documents.

The new HTML editor seems to be working fine. I particularly like the built in 'HTML smart' spell checker, the HTML syntax checker, (even though it insists that I change /rvaessen to some absurd encoded string) and the built in FTP tools. It's working so well I decided to change the HTML editor info on my front page.

Thu, Feb 18, 1999

Now that my PBeM campaign is back on track, I've been busy updating web related pages. As a result of email from one of the players, I've made a bunch of corrections and re-posted the following documents.

In addition to the PBeM updates, I've decided to remove the 'answering machine' from my Feedback page. As a result I've changed it and the header on the same page. I also added some more email addresses.

I've also started using a new software package to edit/create my HTM pages. BBedit 5.0. It'll take me a while to get used to it, but it seems to offer a great deal of features, while still permitting me to actually manually code the documents myself.

Mon, Feb 8, 1999

I've been busy getting my PBeM campaign back on track. We had a bit of a protracted game turn, but I've finally released Game turn #0028. With the release of the most recent game turn I've updated some related pages.

- There is now a posted copy of the Shopping list that the party has been working on.
- I updated the Who's who page. Adding more info about the coachman, and the characters.
- A newly updated Character equipment list has also been posted.

I've been using the AppleWorks 5.0v3 spreadsheet capabilities to create HTML tables. With the ability to hide selected columns (Height/Width zero) I've been able to create well layed out tables, which can be easily updated using AppleWorks. I recently purchased a copy of BBedit 5.0 and hope that it's HTML capabilities will help in my web site work.

Mon, Feb 1, 1999

Haven't done much work on the web site lately. Just updated the schedule, and a link/note at the main entrance. I'm working on a web page devoted to my opposition of the "Military Honor and Decency act of 1996". I should post it sometime this month. Also posted some new equipment and corrected the link to the Quick Draw skill.

Wed, Jan 13, 1999

I added a new proficiency/skill to my web site. The Quick Draw skill allows a character to draw and use a weapon/item in the same combat phase. Along with this addition I updated the Proficiencies page, and the Site Index.

Fri, Jan 08, 1999

I've updated my Disclaimer. The Anti-Webring web page, and a few other minor details.

Sat, Jan 02, 1999

First entry of the new year. If you want to see the old 'whatsnew' entries check the links at the bottom of the page.

I completed/posted a major overhaul of the Complete Equipment Listing. All the equipment tables have been revised, corrected and updated. I'd like to thank all my players for help in expanding the equipment list. This update was made as part of a project to create an interactive on-line equipment listing for the players in my PBeM campaign.

I also updated my schedule, and moved the 1998 'whatsnew' entries to archive status.

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
Last Updated: Sun, Dec 31, 2000 8:45 AM