Rob's World! is under construction

Welcome to my most humble Home Page. I've been working on it on and off for almost two years now. I've learned a lot. And am eager to learn more. I'm really excited by Javascript. But haven't had much time to read/learn more about it. It seems capable of performing many amazing things without requiring a high level of programming expertise. If you've found something amongst my web pages that has helped or entertained you in some way then I've done what I've set out to do. I'll keep plugging away at the site. Hoping to improve and expand it until it's complete. Yeah Right!

Robert L. Vaessen

This listing is an archive of the What's New entries from 1997.

Sun, Dec 7, 1997

- I changed more of the stuff at the entrance to my Home pages. I updated the graphic banner, and got rid of the work in progress animation. I know it was just too cool. It's not completely gone. Check out the top of this page. I figure what the heck; every personal web page is constantly under construction anyway so what's the use of a graphic?
- I've also added some more room descriptions to the Refuge pages. This work conitues slowly but surely.

Sat, Dec 6, 1997

- I've changed some of the stuff at the entrance to my Home pages. I got rid of a couple of promised links that have never materialized. I doubt that they will be appearing any time in the future either. They were regionally oriented and my life has not been able to afford such a characterization. Especially since I'll be moving to Japan in the near future. Rest assured that my Home Pages will remain though. I'll probabally move them to some other server. When the time comes I'll be sure to let everyone know.
- I have added one of those boring autobiographical links. On that page you can find out a little bit more about me and Kim if you've an interest to.
- I've also added some more room descriptions to the Refuge pages. The work conitues.

Mon, Nov 10, 1997

- Made some changes invloving the AD&D© Web Ring banner and links. Basically I moved them to a separate page.

Sun, Oct 26, 1997

- I did some more work on the Refuge. An Adventure/Scenario for use in any FRP campaign. I've been working on the Maps and that's taking some time. This entire project will probabaly take a while to complete. Keep checking back every now and then. I'll keep working on it.
- Of course there have been a few minor changes as well. I corrected a lot of text alignment problems on the calendar and calender pages. I even made some minor change to the main campaign page. - I corrected, and added some minor rules on the coins and equipment page. - I've added a bunch of test files to the Test Page. These files are for use in my PBeM campaign. - I added a graphic banner to my collection of music titles. - I tried using HTML.edit version 1.8b but it was a bit too bugy so I'm back to using version 1.7.3, Still an excellent product that meets virtually all my web design needs.

Sat, Oct 11, 1997

- I completed a pretty good amount of work during the last couple of days. Most of it you won't get to see for a while though. What you can see is the Music page. That's right I finally finished that link. I got a few complaints that the link wasn't completed so I completed it. The other thing I've been working on is the Refuge. An Adventure/Scenario for use in any FRP campaign. I've been working on the Maps and that's taking some time. This entire project will probabaly take a while to complete. Keep checking back every now and then. I'll keep working on it.
- Of course there have been a few minor changes as well. I updated the front page a bit, and did some image and text alignment/rearrangement to the introductory campaign page. - I would also like to say 'Thanks' to those folks who have visited my Home Page. I've received plenty of praise, and some great feedback. Keep those comments coming!

Mon, Oct 6, 1997

- The only update completed this day was to the Front Page of my web site. I changed the colors of the links becuase one of the people in my PBeM campaign has a Browser that does not support the bgcolor BODY attribute. Hopefully he can change the default background color of his browser, allowing me to change the link attribute back to white. White looks much better against that background color.

WoW! A large amount of updating has just been completed. As a result of my eye related injury I found myself with quite a bit of spare time lately. And rather than just sitting around doing mothing I sort of gravitated toward the computer. Yeah I played a lot of computer games. Mostly "Realmz" for the MAC. But mostly I worked on my web pages. I added a lot of AD&D® related material. Thanks in part to the recent change in TSR's on-line/internet policy. The new policy is very user/gamer friendly, but in my opinion it is a bit too vague. If I were a copyright attorney I'd be appaled. I find it hard to believe that an attorney wrote it. Perhaps it will change some more before the year ends.

Any way, I'm doing better. I'm recovering from my white water rafting injuries, but still have some nasty facial numbness. I hope and pray that I fully recover in the near future.

Fri, Oct 3, 1997

  1. Let's start with the additions to the campaign page. I've added a lot of new material.
    1. First of I did some restructuring of the page. I centered the banner, (Finally figured out how to do that!) and changed some colors. (Finally getting the hang of that!)
    2. Then I reworded/reworked the blurb concerning trademarks and copyrights, and how it affects my web pages. I am no longer afraid to openly state that I am playing AD&D®. Thanks to TSR's new internet policy. Yes indeed my web page now contains materials that are obviously designed to be used in an AD&D® campaign. That does not mean that I will now start posting copyrighted materials. And it doesn't mean I will not post materials suitable for use in any FRP campaign. It simply means that I am less worried about TSR/WoTC suing me for promoting their product line.
    3. I added four new items to the campaign page. Except for the Adventure, these are general house rules.
      1. A set of monetary conversion house rules which can be used to convert teeth & claws to silver & gold.
      2. A set of house rules to calculate the deterioration of armor due to critical hits.
      3. Even more rules. Rules governing the selection of weapons and armor, and penalties for their illegal use.
      4. An original Adventure/Scenario. For use in your Fantasy Role-Playing campaign. (It's started, but not complete yet.)
  2. I also restructered and corrected some of the other pages. I corrected the rules regarding standardized trade bars used by merchants. For some reason you could not get to those rules from the campaign page. So I made a separate page for them.
  3. I also added some more definition/rules to the rules regarding spell casting. I added some rules regarding the use of armor by spell casters.
  4. I also included an area where you can access the files used in my Play by e-mail AD&D® campaign. Thes are the house rules used in my AD&D® PBeM Camapign. Sorry, but it's full up right now. If you'd like to be included as a lurker, and/or placed on a waiting list please let me know.
  5. And finally, I did some extensive updating to all those equipment tables.

That's a lot of stuff. Not to mention the usual tweaking and tuning I've done to keep improving the pages. I even submitted my web pages to a bunch of listing services. So far a couple have sent me back banners and links, saying put this on your web page, or add this to get more hits. Sorry but I'm not going to do that. If you are looking for lot's of advertisements and links to other peoples pages go somewhere else. So far I only have one link of that sort. And I think it's an eyesore with negative impact, and poor asthetics. Why am I keeping it there?

O.k. A lot has happened to me personally since I last updated this web page. I've been the unfortunate recipient of some pretty nasty face/eye related injuries. I'll be going in for surgery to repair a fractured bone in my skull soon. I hope everything comes out o.k.

Sat, Sep 6, 1997

- The only update completed this day was to the AD&D Web Ring Banner. I moved it from the 'mycmpgn.html' page to the 'cmpgnpg.html' page. So that it is the on the page that I submitted as the link for the AD&D Web Ring Page.

Another 4 day break has come and gone. My wife continues to insist that I spend too much time on the computer. But at least we got out to see a movie, and I got the lawn and my hair cut. I even managed to update my web site. Imagine that!

Mon, Aug 25, 1997

- Let's see where to start. Well, remember me saying I was going to update the work in progress image? Well I did. Now he bends his back a bit while digging up all that dirt. I also tinkered a bit with the timing.
- I also completed my Games link. It's a list of some of my favorite games. Some of the ones I still have.
- I even added some more AD&D Playing Aids. Five to be exact. These items have increased the organization of my campaign. Perhaps they'll do the same in yours.
- I did something I've been putting off for a long time. I added my name to the AD&D Web Ring. I added the web ring banner to the bottom of my campaign page. I wish it was a bit smaller.
- I made some minor changes to some other pages but nothing major.
- I created a lot of new graphics for the new pages I added.
- I finally figured out what's going on with the background images. The body tag has to be the very first item in the html body. any other lines before the body tag will cause the body tags to be ignored. Seems odd but that looks like the the way to work it. As a result I was able to do some more background imaging.
- Oh yeah. The test link is still there. It's just for testing html stuff. The link actual link is at the bottom of the "what's new" page. That's where you are now. Just in case you didn't know. The test I was working on didn't seem to work the way I thought it would. Oh well, back to the blackboard.

Mon, Jul 7, 1997

- Well, It's hasn't been too long. And I do have plenty of material and ideas left to keep my home page work queued up for some time. Recently a friend of mine said he would like to see my Books link completed so I did. Complete the books page that is. It's not the greatest. But I do like the graphic banner. I think I'll change the "in work" graphic again. I think the little guy should bend over a bit when he's digging that hole. He just doesn't look right standing straight up like that.
- Oh yeah. Almost forgot. I added a test page link. Just for testing html stuff. The link actual link is at the bottom of the "what's new" page. That's where you are now. Just in case you didn't know.

Sat, Jun 14, 1997

- Well, It's been quite a while since I've updated my home pages. And I've taken some heat for it. I've been busy organizing and starting up an AD&D Play By E-Mail Campaign. It's not quite started yet, but it's well on it's way. It's taken up a lot of my time. As have other 'work' related issues. But I must admit I have somewhat neglected my home pages lately. Sorry for that. I'll try to keep them more current in the future.
As for what's new. Well I've got some new stuff. I'm not likely to run out of server space as I had previously thought. That was a miscalculation. But I must say. I sure am glad I've got ten megs to work with. I finally added some non AD&D related stuff. Here's a list of the most recent updates.

You may notice that the Graphics banner on the Trees page is one of those new fangled images which load in an interlaced manner. So that you can tell what it's an image of before it's finished. I thought you'd like it. I plan to use that sort of image from now on. If I get real ambitious I might actually change all my current images to this new type. That's all for now. I hope I'll have more time to work on my home pages now that I've stopped working on my face-to-face AD&D campaign newsletter. And pretty much gotten my PBeM AD&D campaign situated.

Sat, Jan 25, 1997

- Zoowie! I sure added a lot of stuff to my home page. So much stuff that I may have to get some extra hard drive space from my ISP. I've been a very busy boy. I added a bunch of stuff I had been putting off for quite some time. (No it's not the non-AD&D related stuff.) I added spells, magic items, and skills/talents. Heres the low down.

As usual, I have included graphics banners, and in the case of the magic items. Actual illustrations, with all my new offerings. I especially like the Banner on the Magic items page. What do you think?

Of course I also cleaned up a few items here and there. One particularly troubling link was given some attention. I extended it out to include the full URL. For some reason one of the named links on the main Campaign page wasn't working.

I tried writing a Java Applet, but couldn't get it to work correctly. I'll be spending some more time on that project.

Sun, Jan 19, 1997

- It's been quite a while since I had time to work on my home page. I've been spending quite a bit of time upgrading my computer. I recently added 32megs of RAM. I also added a refurbished 1gig external hard drive. But there was something wrong with it's power supply, so I had to return it. O.k. Now for What's New. Only two things really. First is a letter from a character to his clone. It was an idea inspired by one of the players in my campaign. I hope you enjoy it. The other thing I did was add a lengthy Disclaimer to my home pages. It's rather lengthy and wordy, but I think it will suffice. I linked to it at various points throughout the home pages. It will even be used by other people for their home pages. More on that later. Aside from those two additions, the rest of the changes were just minor corrections & tweaking. Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I added a Scrolling message to my campaign page using JavaScript. Hope you like it. I still seem to be having problems with bgcolor.

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
Last Updated: Sun, Dec 31, 2000 8:45 AM