Trade bars are mainly used by merchants and banks throughout the realms. These bars are minted by Nations, and or powerful merchant houses. Each such trade bar is stamped with a mint marking so that it's origin can be traced. The mint markings are usually of a highly intricate, and ornate design. So as to deter forgeries. All trade bars bearing authentic mint markings are guaranteed by the minter to contain less than 5% impurities. These trade bars are rarely seen outside very strong vaults. And are usually safeguarded in the most ingeneious manners.

   Pure Metal     %/decimal purity per coin    value of 1 pound trade bar
     copper               100% / 1                    10  cp /
     bronze                20% / .2                   50  bp /
     silver                10% / .1                   100 sp / 5 gp
     electrum               1% / .01                 1000 ep / 500 gp
     gold                  .5% / .005                2000 gp /
     platinum              .1% / .001               10000 pp / 50000 gp
     mithral              .05% / .0005              20000 mp / 200000 gp
     adamanite           .025% / .00025             40000 ap / 800000 gp

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Author: Robert L. Vaessene-mail: robert robsworld org

Last Updated: Thu, Jul 30, 1998 18:25

This page has been accessed times since 29 Jul 1998.