Wisconsin Vacation - 2008

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Kim in the Kitchen
Kim in the Kitchen
The new garden
The new garden
Always working
Always working
Cats saw something needed sawing
Cats saw something needed sawing
Eileen and Kevin
Eileen and Kevin
Couple of Krazy Kuchtas
Couple of Krazy Kuchtas

In May/June of 2008, Kim and I took a vacation - Back to Wisconsin to visit with friends and family

Day 6/28 May - continued: Leaving the motel, we head over to my parent's place for our goodbye. It's been a great vacation, but a bit slow for our tastes. Next time we come up, we'll have some sort of itinerary prepared. There's plenty to see and do up north, but we always end up sitting around the campfire - drinking beer and playing dominos. We're planning rafting on the Peshtigo and some sight seeing for our next trip.

After we left my parent's place, we drove over to see Kim's aunt Judy in Crivitz. She's living in the old Kuchta homestead. Grandma and Grandpa Kuchta are both gone now, but Judy is still there. We spent an hour or so visiting with Judy.

Afterwards we headed back to De Pere to see Kim's parents and the rest of her family.

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