[notime] Test

Robert Vaessen robert at robsworld.org
Sun Aug 2 16:42:01 MST 2015

Dan -

Your reply was posted to the mailing list.  For some reason, a ‘Mail Attachment.txt’ was included in the post.  That’s a little odd, but it shouldn’t cause any problems.
FYI: The mailing list postings are being archived at: <http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/ <http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/>>  This will ensure that google and other search engines/spiders  index any discussions posted to the mailing list.

Now I need to ingest and parse my previous ‘No Time’ correspondence in order to create a list of possible mailing list members.

Thanks for your help testing the mailing list. Feel free to post to the list or invite others. I’ll eventually get around to publishing a webpage regarding the mailing list. I’ll most likely add it to my existing ‘No Time’ page: <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>. I haven’t updated that page in a while, maybe I’ll update the header and some of the other design elements...

- Robert

> On Aug 2, 2015, at 17:32, dan.schroder <dan.schroder at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Testing 1 2 3
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