[notime] Test

dan.schroder dan.schroder at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 2 16:32:47 MST 2015

Testing 1 2 3

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------
From: Robert Vaessen <robert at robsworld.org>
Date:08/02/2015  6:44 PM  (GMT-05:00)
To: No such thing as time or motion discussions <akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
Subject: Re: [notime] Test

Correction needed -

I see that the ‘Reply-To:’ wasn’t set properly. It was replying to the poster rather than the list. This should correct that problem. I’ve also updated the ‘footer’ to include the email address one would use to post to the mailing list as well as the unsubscribe address.

- Robert

> On Aug 2, 2015, at 16:41, Robert Vaessen <robert at robsworld.org> wrote:
> Correction needed -
> I see that the footer on each message doesn’t contain the ‘unsubscribe’ instructions…  This should fix it.
> - Robert
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