April 30, 2011

Shredding Our Credit CardsShredding our Credit Cards:
It's a day of celebration - Today (28 Apr, 2011) Kim and I managed to shred one of our credit cards. Those little plastic cards are a sign of our times. An indication of everything that's wrong with the American Economy. A deadly, devious and poisonous necessity in today's world. When you get the opportunity to shred one, it's cause for celebration, a liberating experience, a joyous occasion, freedom from financial slavery! I'm not a financial advisor, and my experience with credit is likely different than yours, so please don't presume that I'm handing out advice or sage knowledge. I just thought I'd pass on a bit of good news.

Back in February of 2010, Kim and I bought some new furniture. We took our time, did our research before we made our decision. We shopped around online, and visited five different show rooms in the local area. Only one store had what we were looking for. We wanted all leather, heavy duty construction, a great warranty and customized color and texture. We also wanted a recliner with heat and massage. Our list of requirements was quite stringent, and in the end, only one company fit the bill. La-Z-Boy. We handed over our down payment and La-Z-Boy started working on our order. Our order consisted of three pieces (click here for a photo).

<rave>It was supposed to take three months, but La-Z-Boy completed our order ahead of time. Completing the order ahead of time surprised us a bit, but we didn't have any problems selling our old furniture. It was still in good shape, and I quickly found some buyers for the living room set. Since retiring from the military, Kim and I have replaced much of our 'enlisted grade' furniture. Upgrading to the good stuff. Over the years, we've learned a few lessons regarding living room furniture, and our purchase of La-Z-Boy put that knowledge to use. No modular pieces, no pull-outs, sleeper sofas or futons. Heavy duty wood frames, firm cushions, no plastic feet, and a good warranty (four years - in home repair or replacement).

When the furniture arrived, the workers were careful not to ding any walls, doors, or furniture. They didn't drop anything and they didn't wreck the carpet. We checked the furniture thoroughly, and only after we were satisfied did they leave. Customer service - Before, during and after the delivery was great. No problems. Financing the balance on a store credit card wasn't my idea, but we couldn't afford to pay for the entire set up front. One year with no interest shouldn't cause any problems. After testing the recliner and couches, I can honestly say that Kim and I love our new furniture. I'm sure we'll get several years of good use out of our American made furniture.</rave>

That financing came in the form of a consumer credit card. Two cards actually; one for me, one for Kim. You can't decline the credit cards. If you want the financing, you have to accept the credit cards. Even if you don't want them. You know, just in case you need to charge something. The terms were quite appalling. Miss a payment, pay a penalty. A stiff penalty. Something like 29%. Late on a payment? Same penalty. Even if your ahead in your payments, you better not be late in those monthly payments. They don't care that you're three months ahead, you need to make the minimum payments in accordance with the schedule. Yup, we were ahead in payments, and one of the payments came in a day late. The results? A huge late fee, and it probably affected our credit rating to boot. Bastards! We were ahead in the payments, and the banks processing made it late. Don't believe the banks when they say that your 'automated' scheduled payment will be made on a certain date. They're liars! Always schedule your payments to occur three or more days ahead of time. Not your fault? Do you think the Credit Card company wants to hear that? Do you think they'll believe you? Do you think they'll cut you some slack because your months ahead in your payments? Hell No!

Anyway, that was many months ago... In January, we finished our payments. We closed that account as soon as we got confirmation that our financing was completed, that our account was closed. Kim and I gleefully marched into the office. With credit cards in hand, we fired up our shredder. We stood there gravelly silent, contemplating their demise. Our plan was working perfectly; little did they surmise, their fate was was in our hands. Gleefully we fed that pestilent plastic into the gnashing blades of our mechanical contraption. Hooray! The peasants cheered - Hoorah! cried the serfs! - No more credit fear exclaimed the indebted pair! A brief celebration dance ensued, and Robert and Kim spent the rest of the day with smiles upon their face. :-)

Human BarometerAches & Pains again - Another report from a Human Barometer:
Recently, I've had some trouble sleeping, and my joints have been killing me. The winter season, is always the wettest season in Colorado, and that means pain for me. As the barometric pressure rises, then falls, my joints act up. On this particular occasion (last week (23 - 27) of April, 2011), I found my back and joints aching. This particular stretch of pain lasted four days. What a doozy! Our area experienced some strong low pressure fronts; from the 23rd through the 27th of April. Those low pressure fronts moved through our area, dropped a bit of snow and a lot of rain. The days were gloomy, cold and overcast. My bones and joints were aching almost non-stop. I found myself taking way more pain killers than I care too, but the pain wasn't making me happy, so I found myself tapping those over the counter caplets every 8 to 12 hours.

My joints have a tendency to ache whenever there's a low pressure front moving through the area, so that's something I've been coping with for many years. Thankfully the pain is manageable. I take a few over the counter pain meds, and do my best to stay occupied. Lately, I've noticed a correlation with back pain as well. Now that I think about it, back pain is often present when my joints are aching, and that's something I've definitely linked to barometric pain. We (here in the Denver basin) lucked out. Despite the low pressure fronts that moved through our area, we really didn't get much in the way of sever weather. The mountains saw several days of sub zero temps, and the slopes accumulated a good amount of snow. Down here, we saw a small amount of snow, and a good amount of rain - As a matter of fact we even had a few days where it rained for more than six hours - A truly unusual occurrence in the downslope. The fronts that moved through here sure had a lot of moisture, and a lot of energy. As these low pressure fronts moved eastward, they wreaked havoc on the rest of the nation. Tornadoes! Floods! and massive damage from winds. Surely you know what I'm talking about! Does the weather affect you in a similar way? Do your joints ache when that low pressure front rolls through town?

Software favorites:
More updates to one of my favorite software applications. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. As usual, developer has been busy updating this application. Here's two more updates for the product that's always getting better. All the updates are free for those who own a license (for the most recent version). If you need a powerhouse converter, editor and browser for your graphics, grab a copy of GraphicConverter - You won't be disappointed. In addition to the usual GC updates, I also updated a new version of the X Window System that powers the unix apps on my Mac.

Graphic ConverterGraphicConverter:
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) completed work on at least three additional updates over the past week. I recently saw/downloaded the following updates: 7.2 (b195, b197). GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price (~$40.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.

X11/XQuartzX11 /XQuartz:
One of the best things about OSX? - it's really Unix!
I'm running X11/XQuartz 2.6.2, available from MacOS Forge

I've been using Unix longer than I've been using Mac's, so I knew about the power potential when I found out that OSX was going to be based on Unix. Some of the most powerful Unix applications (see The GIMP above) run on any OSX equipped Mac. In order to run all these fantastic applications you need nothing more than Apple's version of X11 (which comes free with OSX, or you can download and install other versions). If you want to get a bit more advanced, you can use Fink or Macports with your OSX equipped Mac. Once you get your X Windows environment running, you'll find thousands of Unix applications that have been a well kept secret for all this time.

What's the difference between X11 and XQuartz? - They're both 'X' (as in uniX) Window Systems. Computer software and network protocol that provides a graphical user interface for a networked computer running a flavor of the unix operating system. X11 was originally developed by MIT. It appeared in Sep of 1987, and it's maintained and distributed by the X.Org foundation, the free and open software is distributed (under license) by Apple with it' Mac OS X operating system. XQuartz is also an 'X' windowing system. Developed and maintained by Apple; XQuartz is designed specifically for the Mac OS X operating system. It's a more refined version of an 'X' windowing system than the X11 version shipped/distributed by Apple during major software updates. XQuartz is developed as an open-source project, and it's updated more frequently than the X11 version shipped/distributed with official Apple software updates. So, in brief X11 is the official build distributed with major software updates/upgrades, and XQuartz is an open-source, more refined version, distributed outside standard update channels.

While X11/XQuartz forms the basis of running Unix applications on your Mac (you really need an X Windows System), getting Unix apps up and running on your Mac isn't always as easy as downloading and double clicking. (see note above), but the following links should help you get started.

With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful. It's a listing of applications that I find useful in publishing my web pages.

Robert VaessenSelf Update / New Job:
Recently (April of 2011), I gave my 'Self' an update. A recent change in my employment status (I left Northrop Grumman for a new employer) gave me pause to reconsider the amount of information I've made available to the general public. As some would argue, agree, and point out - That information was private, sensitive, and some might argue - Way more sensitive than anyone should share. After Facebook made my employment status public, I realized they (and I) were right. The entire world already knows way more about me than it needs to. As a result, I made some changes to my 'Bio' page. Gone are all the details about my past, my employment, my personal details. I removed all that personal information. Stuff that one really shouldn't publish on the internet (The internet has changed a lot since 1996!). Most of the visitors to my web site have no ill intent, but there's always the exception to the rule, and identity theft is no joke. The 'Self' page used to be something of an autobiography page, now it's a very brief intro. It hasn't needed any updates for some time now, but my recent change in employment status made me reconsider it's content.

Regarding my employment status - Yeah, I left my Job with NG. It was voluntary, no bridges burned. No acrimonious accusations or bad feelings at all. And yes, I got a new job, I'm not unemployed. The new job comes with better pay (much better!), better hours (no more shift work!), better benefits, more responsibility and plenty of possibility for advancement. No further details regarding the new job will be posted here (or elsewhere). One really needs to be careful with their personal information. The scammers, spammers and thieves are destroying the lives and identities of hundreds of people every day, and I don't want to be their next victim. The world already knows way more about me than it needs to.

iPad 2iPad 2 - I finally got mine!:
Back in March, I wrote about the iPad 2. I told you about this newest Geek Gadget with a glint in my eye - Surely you could see that! I told you how the device had a spot on my 'Want' list. How I even had a use case for it. My D&D game would likely benefit from the portability of this platform, and I could see it easily becoming a favorite in front of the TV, or becoming a stand in for computing when we're away from home for a short period of time. I moved the iPad up on my 'want' list. iPad 2 became available on March 11th, 2011.

I've kept telling myself, and others that I was going to get one. I was just waiting for the 2nd generation; waiting for the iPad with a camera. Waiting for the thinner, lighter, faster iPad. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the more you rationalize, the more excuses you make. If you're not careful, you end up never getting that awesome new gadget, software, or geek toy. Well, with the new year came some changes to my paycheck (the positive sort). My income and my budget both agreed. It was finally time to get that Geek Gadget I've been ogling for the past year or so. I started shopping around and found that there were no retail stores with an iPad in stock. Five Apple stores in the area, and not a single iPad to be had.

Off to the web I go. First stop is a discount site. One good thing about my employer; they get some good corporate discounts. Armed with my 10% discount, I'm shuffled off to Apple's online store. It takes a while to decide on all the goodies (accessories), but eventually I place my order and find myself anticipating the arrival of my brand new iPad 2. Apple's been having a hard time keeping the iPad 2 in stock, and the online sales are no exception. A two week wait is to be expected, and I satisfy myself with the slow trickle of accessories and iPad application plans. When two of my D&D players showed up at sessions with their copies, I could barely contain myself. It's as if the whole world had a shiny new iPad 2.

Well the wait is over. On the 25th of April, 2011, my new brand new iPad 2 arrived. FedEx came calling and Kim was home - Thankfully, that meant I didn't have to sign a delivery waiver or go down town to pick it up. When I got home, I found my shiny new toy waiting for me to unbox it, plug it in and start loving that amazing piece of geek goodness that is the iPad 2. After nearly a week of use, I find it's satisfying my every craving for instantaneous web access, portable productivity, and leisurely media consumption. I'm loving the iPad 2. - I bought the black 32GB, wi-fi only model, and find that the lack of 3G hasn't been an issue yet. I even wrote much of this entry while waiting to get my hair cut at the salon. I hooked up to their wi-fi, remotely connected to my computer (using a VNC app), and coded part of this article using the Dreamweaver on my desktop. Couldn't manage that with my iPhone, the display was just way too small. iPad 2 - Awesome!

April 23, 2011

Software favorites:
Yet another beta release for one of my software favorites. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. Another free upgrade for those who own a license. If you need a powerhouse converter, editor and browser for your graphics, grab a copy of GraphicConverter - You won't be disappointed. In addition to the GC update, there was also a one-up increment to my favorite cataloguing applications.

Graphic ConverterGraphicConverter:
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) completed work on a few more updates over the past few days. This week I saw/downloaded the following update: 7.2.1 (b194). GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price (~$40.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.

DVDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your movie collection, and I'm running version 4.6.5. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the movie or you can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off the movie box (it then searches the internet, and displays choices). It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, the ability to play movie in full screen mode, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my movies and movie reviews. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.

CDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your music collection, and I'm running version 4.6.5. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the artist, album, or track. You can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off a jewel case (it then searches the internet, and displays choices), or you can import lists of music from iTunes. It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my music. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.

Bookpedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your book collection(s), and I'm running version 4.6.5. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the author, book, or isbn number. You can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off the book cover (the application searches the internet, and displays choices). It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate an HTML listing of my favorite books.

With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful. It's a listing of applications that I find useful in publishing my web pages and cataloguing my collections.

D&D iconD&D updates:
Our meeting on the 2nd of April was missing a couple players. Lee was away on vacation with his family, and Micheal was home on vacation with his family. The meeting was also quite remarkable because two characters died! That's right - you read that correctly - Two are Dead! The party was engaged in combat with a Bodak, and they can kill with a mere glance. A deadly gaze attack that some characters took precautions against. Others threw caution to the wind, and recklessly trusted upon Tymora's will to protect them. Our meeting on the 16th of April passed without much excitement. While Lee and Todd occupied themselves by playing wights, Micheal surprised us with an in-person appearance. Here are updates from our meetings on the 2nd and 16th of April. Since then, I've had some time to work on the campaign's house rules.

With the conclusion of our 8 August, 2009 meeting, the players have moved into an entirely new phase of the game. Gone are the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. - Existing now as a group of non-player characters. The player characters are now members of an entirely new group. The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. This new group of adventurers have struck out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint; this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms.

3rd Edition Campaign:
I added a new link to our 'Campaign' page. I added a link to a 'Product Key', an 'official' listing of abbreviations for products in the 3.5 D&D line. I also updated the paragraph regarding 'Errata'. This page (The "3eCampaign" page) is the first stop for information on the campaign that I'm currently running. Here you'll find information regarding our next meeting, some notes, and an index of web pages and documents that are important to our campaign. You can also check out the latest group photo.

House Rules:
Like any other D&D campaign (outside of tournament play), the campaign that I manage makes use of various house rules. You can pick up a new copy of these House Rules online. The House Rules are published in pdf format, and they define the 'flavor' of our campaign. Every good DM has his own list of House Rules. Recently, I've updated one of the house rules documents used in our campaign. Here are the new/updated house rules:

(From any game play supplement) Multiclass characters: Players may run Multiclass characters in the "Rob's World!" campaign. In general, the 'Multiclass' rules outlined in PHB (pages 59-60) are followed. With the following notable exceptions. Experience point requirements differ from those laid out in PHB (page 60). See House Rules regarding "Going Up A Level - As a Muti-Class Character". Regarding the 'stacking' of Class Features (see PHB page 59). When a Multiclass character gains multiple instances of a Class Feature (from the combining of classes), those multiple instances are combined into a single instance of the Class Feature; unless they are considered a 'Special Case' as noted in PHB (page 59) or elsewhere. The Class Feature must specifically call out a special result (a special case) when the Class Feature is duplicated. There is no assumption of any 'Stacking' or other alternate effect(s) unless it is specifically described in the rules for that Class Feature. In addition gaining a Class Feature multiple-times (through Multi-classing) does not create 'multiple instances' of a Class Feature, which might be used to satisfy an 'Alternative Class Feature' replacement requirement. When substituting Class Features, one must 'Sacrifice' a given Class Feature in order to obtain the substitute Class Feature. See PH2 (page 31/pages 31-68) and other rule books containing 'Alternative Class Features'.

While players are not required to prepare wills for their characters, a player who wishes to have his/her character's final wishes considered must follow these guidelines. Any 'last wishes' or instructions must be written out. The 'Character' doesn't have to prepare or have a will in game, but a player prepared copy of any will/last wishes must be provided to the DM prior to the characters death. In order for characters (other party members) to consider a characters will/last wishes, some sort of in-game preparations must be made. The character may prepare a will and store it in a bank, or discuss his desires with other characters. This preparation must be performed prior to the characters death, and the wishes must be communicated (in some form/manner) to other in-game characters. If a will/the character's wishes are not written out (by the player) prior to the character's death, there is no guarantee that a DM (or other characters) need comply with the characters last wishes.

That's it for house rule updates. As a player, you are under no obligation to download or print this information. You can make notes during the game, you can print out these documents, you can memorize the info, request to review it, or have it repeated to you each time you come across specific situations. These house rule changes and additions primarily represent flavor updates, and do not have a significant impact on our campaign or the framework of 'official' rules.

Rules Errata:
What are Errata? Errata are collections of corrections for printed material. In this case, Wizards of the Coast publishes Errata for the official D&D game material at the Wizards.com website. Under most circumstances, errata are considered to be official rules. The only exceptions to this general rule are instances where errata contradicts an established house rule. When that happens, the DM will have to determine whether to retain, modify or reject the affected rule(s). This week, I had time to update our 'House Rules' version of the errata published by WotC. This document lists errata rulings implemented in our campaign. Players (and the DM) should do their best to remember these rulings, and implement them accordingly. I added an errata ruling concerning the 'Height and Weight' table found in the Una (Unapproachable East) rules supplement.

These updates follow our meetings on the 2nd and 16th of April, 2011. This is the eighth adventure for our group of heroes. In search of glory, fame, and justice, the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms. The campaign is approaching the end of another paragraph in the saga of our heroes, and the party is ready to lick it's wounds, rest, recuperate and train for their next adventure. In the meantime, you can keep up to date by continuing to visit "Rob's World!" for all the latest campaign info. If you're enjoying the story of our adventurers, I encourage you to write me and let us know. Perhaps you've got an idea you'd like to share, some criticism or praise. Either way, it'll be earnestly appreciated.

April 21, 2011

My MoviesMovie Acquisitions:
So far I haven't purchased many movie during 2011. Back in February of 2011, I purchased one movie at the check out aisle. During April of 2011, I happened to stop by the local post office - and they had some movies for sale, really? Yup, the post office was selling some second hand/used DVDs. At a price of $2.00 each, I couldn't resist. I bought two movies. They weren't on my 'Must Buy' list, but I've seen them before, and they rated high enough to warrant a purchase.

New movies:
* Blow out: (1981 - Thriller, Mystery) With John Travolta, John Lithgow and Nancy Allen, this movie was a well cast murder mystery , conspiracy thriller. B-Movie sound man (Travolta) records the sounds of a gunshot as a presidential candidate is murdered. As he starts to peel back the layers, things start to get a bit dicey. This is a great conspiracy movie where the pacing keeps you glued to the screen. I give it a 4 out of 5.
* The Limey: (1999 - Drama, Crime Dramas, Crime Thrillers, Action Thrillers, Indie Dramas) Directed by Steven Soderbergh, Starring Terrance Stamp - I know I've seen this movie before, and I enjoyed it. I can't find my review (that's odd), so I guess I'll have to watch it again before I can give you a good review.

With these new purchases, I updated my main movies page, the listings in my movie collection, and an alphabetical index that I'm working on. Hopefully my next movie purchase won't be an impulse buy at from a used movies shelf at the post office. The movies on my 'Must Buy' list are much better choices, but they can't always be found in the discount bin of a grocery store.

D&D iconD&D updates:
Our meeting on the 2nd of April was missing a couple players. Lee was away on vacation with his family, and Micheal was home on vacation with his family. The meeting was also quite remarkable because two characters died! That's right - you read that correctly - Two are Dead! The party was engaged in combat with a Bodak, and they can kill with a mere glance. A deadly gaze attack that some characters took precautions against. Others threw caution to the wind, and recklessly trusted upon Tymora's will to protect them. Our meeting on the 16th of April passed without much excitement. While Lee and Todd occupied themselves by playing wights, Micheal surprised us with an in-person appearance. Here are updates from our meetings on the 2nd and 16th of April.

With the conclusion of our 8 August, 2009 meeting, the players have moved into an entirely new phase of the game. Gone are the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. - Existing now as a group of non-player characters. The player characters are now members of an entirely new group. The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. This new group of adventurers have struck out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint; this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms.

3rd Edition Campaign:
I updated the date of our next meeting - Our next meeting is 30 Apr, 2011. This page (The "3eCampaign" page) is the first stop for information on the campaign that I'm currently running. Here you'll find information regarding our next meeting, some notes, and an index of web pages and documents that are important to our campaign. You can also check out the latest group photo.

The Adventurers journal:
The tale of our adventurers. A series of journal entries from various party members. This document contains details of their encounters. Victory, defeat, desire and glory. Here is the tale of The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, a group of adventurers who set forth from Whillip, seeking fame, fortune and the defeat of evil in these lands. Here is the latest journal entry penned by Todd. Wearing three different hats, Todd does an excellent job narrating this deadly day of destiny. Writing as Mutteran (Lee's character), Crucifer (Todd's character) and finally Azura (Micheal's character), Todd tackled a daunting task with aplomb. The results are a unique and interesting journal entry. Switching focal points as characters die all about, Todd manages to convey the party's dread, conviction and ultimate victory. Thanks go out to Todd for picking up the slack while Lee was away on vacation.

In addition to the journal entry by Todd, we also have my first journal entry - The first journal entry by me (aka Robert of "Rob's World!" - Maybe you've heard of him?!). My first journal entry as Solmar. I wrote this entry quite hesitantly. I don't want to change the flavor or established tone of Solmar. I've been playing Solmar for nearly two years now and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've tried my best to keep my style of play consistent with that established by Mark (it is his character), but their are bound to be some differences in our style of play, and those differences may come out in this journal entry. I hope you enjoy my first effort.

Despite the fact that the party defeated the deadly Bodak and an ambush by a group of life draining wight, the quest still isn't over, and evil lays nestled deeper within this hillside tomb. Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons!

Monsters encountered:
From subterranean aqueduct to a hillside lair and hidden tomb - As the party enter new environs they will surely encounter some new creatures. Some of those creatures will attempt to eat or injure the party - These creatures we call 'Monsters'! During our most recent gaming sessions, the party fought and killed the deadly Bodak, and Kyrin summoned a Fire Elemental to fight on the party's behalf. Later, Kyrin became a Dire Lion in order to attack a group of undead wight. As a result of these encounters, I updated the party's "Monster's Known" listing. The monsters page is a listing of monsters that the party has encountered, read about, or heard of.

Character Updates:
With the recent demise of Mutteran and Crucifer, I had to make some necessary changes to the "Who's Who?" page. I moved Mutteran (aka Kassera) and Crucifer's short references to the 'Former' category, and removed the full character entries. I created memorial pages for Mutteran and Crucifer (That's where links to Mutteran and Crucifer will point from now on). In addition to the changes necessitated by Mutteran and Crucifer's death, I also updated the listing of former player characters; adding strikethrough styling to their listings. The strikethrough indicates former PCs who are deceased. Updating links and pages for Lee's character was quite a chore. Mutteran (aka Kassera) had numerous aliases. She/he went by at least six different names (Kassera, Dynnera, Mutteran, Clydeera, Barrera and Ortega Blanc). While I was updating the links associated with these characters (updated 666 links associated with Kassera and 56 links associated with Crucifer), I also noticed and corrected some link errors for Solindria and Emrikol-Oz. While Lee and Todd have rolled up their new characters, these new characters haven't entered the game yet. When they do, I'll update the "Who's Who?" page to indicate the campaign's newest characters. The "Who's Who?" page is a listing of characters, both player characters and non-player characters.

Here there be Heroes:
With the recent demise of Mutteran and Crucifer, I took the time to update the "Hero's Gallery". I created/updated gallery entries for Mutteran and Crucifer. Adding/updating links and pages for Lee's character was quite a chore. Mutteran (aka Kassera) had numerous aliases. She/he went by at least six different names (Kassera, Dynnera, Mutteran, Clydeera, Barrera and Ortega Blanc). The Hero's Gallery is a list of characters from my campaign. Past and present, the characters listed represent a fraction of those who have called Rob's World! home. Some of the players are long forgotten, but many of the characters live long in our memory. Who can forget their heroic feats, the daring deeds, and tragic endings? Let's heft our mugs, sing their praises, and salute those hero's of lore!

These updates follow our meetings on the 2nd and 16th of April, 2011. This is the eighth adventure for our group of heroes. In search of glory, fame, and justice, the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms. Departing on the 1st of Mavis, the party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. After picking up supplies, horses, and some information in Westgate, the party took to the open road. The road was dangerous and long - Very Long! The party fought many foes along the way, lost three of their own (Gregor, Mutteran and Jusarian), said goodbye to one longtime companion (Belt resigned as a member of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, and hastily departed after learning of some urgent church business), and recruited three new companions (Pyrceval, - Departed after differences with the party, Azura - The Dragon Shaman, and the mysterious Crucifer - Who died in combat against a deadly tomb guardian) to strengthen their numbers. All united in their quest to vanquish Deepwood of it's Dragon problem, the adventurers continued their quest in the region of Deepwood. They discovered the Dragon and slew it twice! The Dragon's corpse was animated by some evil force, and the party continues their quest - Now they seek the source of that evil corrupting influence. They quest to seek out and destroy something more powerful. Something more powerful than a young Blue Dragon; something more powerful than a Proto-Dracolich. An ancient and powerful evil, hidden deep within the hillside outside of Deepwood. Gone is the dusty long road, passé is the dark forest, subdued is the subterranean aqueduct, deadly was the dragon's lair. Beyond that is the terrible tomb. The lair of something sinister, something as evil as the night is dark. Here the adventure begins again. Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons!

You can keep up to date with our adventures by continuing to visit "Rob's World!" for all the latest campaign info. If you're enjoying the story of our adventurers, I encourage you to write me and let us know. Perhaps you've got an idea you'd like to share, some criticism or praise. Either way, it'll be earnestly appreciated.

iOS 4.2Security update 2011-002 / Apple iOS 4.3.2:
If you've got an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you may already know - Apple released iOS 4.3.2 on the 14th of April, 2011. This latest release (of the 'i' device operating system) comes along with Security Update 2011-002 and a new version of Safari. Aside from some webkit updates in the new version of Safari, and a few other security patches in iOS 4.3.2, the main reason for all these updates (including the iOS update) are an update to Apple's Certificates Trust Policy (CTP). The CTP update is the most important aspect of these updates. Recently, there have been several reports of fraudulent SSL certificates being issued by a Comodo (a certification authority present in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store). These fraudulent certificates enabled the initiation of man-in-the-middle attacks. The fraudulent certificates put user credentials and other sensitive material at risk. This/these security updates revoked the fraudulent certificates, but serious questions remain regarding the security of SSL certificate authorities system/process.

Neighborhood WatchSoutheast Aurora Neighborhood Watch website:
My odd-ball schedule actually works in my favor for some things. A couple of those things are the community support activities which I enjoy - Volunteering with our local neighborhood watch, maintaining the Southeast Aurora Neighborhood Watch website and mailing lists. Here are some of the changes I made at our Neighborhood Watch website over the last couple of weeks:

* Current: A web page dedicated to the most recent news, announcements and information. I added a banner for the upcoming 3rd Annual South East Aurora Neighborhood Watch Picnic - May 14th. The date of our picnic is approaching quickly, and we still need volunteers to help with the event and sponsors to help pay for the picnic. If you're interested in volunteering your help, or promoting your business, please contact our HAC (see below for email address). I also removed a paragraph announcing our new PAR (Police Area Representative).
* Events: A listing of upcoming and recurring events in you Southeast Aurora Neighborhood. Events sponsored by or relevant to our Neighborhood Watch. I updated the event listing for upcoming NW meetings. During the remainder of this year/into 2012, we will have meetings in Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr and May. So far the specific dates haven't been determined. I'll update this info as soon as our NW leadership schedules the remaining meetings. I also updated an event listing for this year's Annual Picnic. The South East Aurora Neighborhood Watch has a picnic each year. It's open to the public, there's free food, games, prizes, music, police representatives, and information from the NW. A good time for all. This years picnic will be held on May 14th. The picnic is currently in the planning stages, and we need all the help we can get. If you're interested in helping us out please contact the Head Area Coordinator: Judy Van Meter

If you are a resident of Southeast Aurora, you might want to check out our Southeast Aurora Neighborhood Watch website (Serving the following communities: Tollgate Crossing, Sorrel Ranch, Wheatlands, Beacon Point, Southshore, Tallyn’s Reach, Saddle Rock - North, Serenity Ridge, Black Stone and Heritage Eagle Bend). If you're concerned about the safety and security of our community, you might want to join our group, or subscribe to one of our mailing lists to receive periodic alerts, updates and information.

Software favorites:
More updates for some of my favorite software applications. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. As usual, developer has been busy updating this application. Here's a couple more updates for the product that's always getting better. All the updates are free for those who own a license (for the most recent version). If you need a powerhouse converter, editor and browser for your graphics, grab a copy of GraphicConverter - You won't be disappointed. In addition to the GC update, Apple released a new version of Safari along with a recent security update.

Graphic ConverterGraphicConverter:
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) completed work on a few more updates over the past few days. This week I saw/downloaded the following updates: 7.2.1 (b189, b192) This was the final beta release/full release for version 7.2. GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price (~$40.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.

Apple's default web browser for OS X (also available for Windows!), is way ahead of the pack. Apple's browser contains a plethora of incredibly powerful features (over 150 features), and this release moves the browser forward for everyone (there's even a Windows version! - Microsoft stops developing IE for Mac, and Apple makes a Windows version of Safari?). I'm currently running Safari Version 5.0.5 (6533.21.1).

Battle of the browsers. Internet Explorer vs FireFox. Those are your choices right? Wrong! Think different! Think Mac! Choose Safari, the new kid on the block. A fast (The fastest available for Mac/4 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and 2 times faster than Firefox) but full featured browser, which performs like a pro. The full release version is a powerful workhorse - Featuring tabbed browsing, URL snap-back, a powerful but elegant bookmark implementation (with built-in import capability), Google, Yahoo and Bing search integration, built-in pop-up blocker, multiple standards (HTML 4.01, HTML 5, XML, XPath, XSLT, XHTML, DOM, CSS, RSS, ECMA Script, Proxy Support, SSL, TLS, JavaScript, Java, plus QuickTime, Flash and Shockwave plug-ins), and a host of other features. The beta boast a bevy of new features that will certainly enhance future versions of the browser. New features: Top sites - A visual representation of your top visited sites. Cover Flow - A fantastic new way to visualize your bookmarks. Safari Reader mode - banish all those annoying sidebars and adds. Expanded support for HTML 5. Nitro Engine - Makes Safari the fastest in the pack. That's just a small taste of Safari's features. Check out the website for more info. Safari is just one more reason to Switch! It's won a place as my default browser, give it a chance and it'll soon be yours.

This recent update (v5.0.5) contains a few webkit security patches, and an update to the Certificates Trust Policy (CTP). The CTP update is the most important aspect of this update. Recently, there have been several reports of fraudulent SSL certificates being issued by a Comodo (a certification authority present in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store). These fraudulent certificates enabled the initiation of man-in-the-middle attacks. The fraudulent certificates put user credentials and other sensitive material at risk. This/these security updates revoked the fraudulent certificates, but serious questions remain regarding the security of SSL certificate authorities system/process.

Making Safari more secure, keeping your computer secure. Available for Mac or Windows, Safari is fully compliant (it was the first Browser to meet that bench mark) with the advanced Acid 3.0 test. So, if you're concerned about standards and compliance, you've nothing to worry about. Develop your web site using the Safari webkit and you won't have to worry about rendering problems or sticky browser compatibility issues.

With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful. It's a listing of applications that I find useful in publishing my web pages.

Tollgate CrossingUpdates to the Tollgate Crossing Website:
My odd-ball schedule actually works in my favor for some things. A couple of those activities are the community support activities which I enjoy - Volunteering with our local neighborhood watch, and supporting our community by maintaining the Tollgate Crossing website and mailing lists. The Tollgate Crossing website is focused on the Tollgate Crossing community, with a few links to the Neighborhood Watch website. Over the last couple of weeks, I made several updates to the community website:

* Welcome: The website's opener. A page containing an introduction to our community website. Here you'll find all the latest news and announcements. I rearranged the banners a bit - It's something I do to indicate a change in the content. I updated/then removed banners and badges for the 3rd annual Tollgate Crossing Egg Hunt. The event was scheduled for 16 or 17 April, but no one volunteered to help with the event, and our Social Committee chairperson had to work over the weekend. Hopefully, we'll get some volunteers for next years Egg Hunt. I updated banners for our next Metro District (Apr 26th) and HOA (May 10th) meetings. I updated a badge calling for MD board member volunteers. The deadline to submit your application (to become a member of the MD board) has been extended to 20 Apr. The MD board will meet on the 26th to consider candidates. Finally, I added a new badge and banner for a big change - Effective May 1st, Tollgate Crossing's HOA management will change. The new management company will be JSN Property LLC. Watch your mailbox for an introduction letter.
* Events: A detailed listing of upcoming and recurring events in and around Tollgate Crossing. Here is more detailed information regarding some of the events you may have read about on the 'Welcome' page. It's also a place to look for long term/recurring events. I updated the event entries for our next MD (Apr 26) and HOA (May 10) meetings. I updated the date of the next meeting and added a line regarding a special election (for a new Board Member). I also added a new paragraph for the upcoming 3rd annual Egg Hunt (16 or 17 Apr). I also updated the event listing/information for our 3rd annual Egg Hunt (which had to be cancelled).
* Volunteer: The volunteer page is a place where our community solicits help with various non-profit community projects. I updated a paragraph soliciting candidates to serve on our Metro District Board of Directors. We need a resident to volunteer to serve on the board. The new deadline for submitting your 'Letter of Interest' is now 20 April. The new board member will be elected during the Metro District meeting on the 26th of April.
* Info: A page of links, phone numbers, email addresses and other information pertinent to the residents/community of Tollgate Crossing. I posted an announcement / some details regarding our HOA management transition. The new management company will assume responsibility on the 1st of May, 2011.

If you are a resident of 'Tollgate Crossing' (in Aurora, Colorado), you might want to check out the website. It's loaded with information about our community and you can even sign up for some of the email mailing lists that serve our community.

Rob's World!Big changes coming "Rob's World!":
Recently (9 Apr, 2011), I received an important email from my hosting provider. Dale Marshall (a good friend from our days on the East Coast (Kim and I were stationed at Fort George G. Meade, MD, from '92-'95)) has been hosting my domains, websites, mailing lists, and email services since 1996. This month, Dale announced that he's shutting down his web hosting business (Internet Marketing Services). Dale has never had a huge client base, and he always ran the business as something of a hobby. Dale provided low cost web services to friends and clients with interests similar to his own. Dale's email announced that Internet Marketing Services, as a web design and hosting service will come to an end at the end of 2011. This change will have a huge impact on "Rob's World!". When I first started out with Dale (I was one of his first customers), "Rob's World" consisted of a single web-site, with barely 50 pages. Things have certainly changed since then. Currently, Dale is hosting five of my domains, three web sites (one with more than 7,000 pages), twelve mailing lists (with nearly 2,000 subscribers), and a huge amount of my email services.

I've got until the end of the year to locate a new hosting provider. Hopefully one hosting provider who can handle all my requirements, for a price that won't break the bank ($100.00 or less / year). I don't know whether I'll be able to find anyone who can replace Dale's service, but I've already started investigating my options. Dale has offered to help me locate a new host, and I'll take any help I can get. If you know of a hosting provider that might be able to meet my needs please let me know. Hopefully this change won't have a detrimental effect on "Rob's World!" visitors, subscribers and fans.

I'd like to thank Dale for all the help, education and outstanding service he's provided over the years. I can only hope that I'll find someone who approaches the level of service I received from Dale over the years.

April 09, 2011

Software favorites:
More updates for one of my favorite software applications. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. As usual, developer has been busy updating this application. Here's one more update for the product that's always getting better. All the updates are free for those who own a license (for the most recent version). If you need a powerhouse converter, editor and browser for your graphics, grab a copy of GraphicConverter - You won't be disappointed.

Graphic ConverterGraphicConverter:
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) completed work on several update over the past few days. This week I saw/downloaded the following update: 7.2 (b187) This was the final beta release/full release for version 7.2. GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price (~$40.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.

With this software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful. It's a listing of applications that I find useful in publishing my web pages.

Wells Fargo - Class Action settlementWells Fargo overcharges veterans - settles lawsuit:
(For full disclosure. I have a VA loan. It was originally negotiated (in 2005) with DHI (my home builders loan servicing mortgage company). They sold the loan to Wells Fargo. In 2010 I refinanced (VA Streamline refinance (IRRRL)) my VA loan with Wells Fargo). Originally reported by Fox11 Atlanta television station. According to court documents, Wells Fargo allegedly overcharged veterans who refinanced their VA loans with Wells Fargo. They allegedly hid attorney fees by combining them with other expenses such as title searches. According to VA rules, lenders may not charge veterans any attorney fees during a VA refinance option. According to the class-action lawsuit (filed in Georgia on Jan 20, 2009) settlement agreement, veterans who refinanced their VA loans with Wells Fargo (including Wachovia and SouthTrust) between Jan 20, 2004 and Oct 7, 2010 are eligible for settlement payments. Wells Fargo opted to settle the class-action lawsuit, and compensate veterans with payments of $175.00 (or more). Veterans affected by this settlement must submit a 'Proof of Claim' form (no later than June 9th, 2011) in order to receive compensation.

I received (during the first or second week of April, 2011), scanned, and mailed my 'Proof of Claim' earlier this month. If you're a veteran who's refinanced a VA loan through Wells Fargo (approximately 60,000 military members/veterans are eligible), you may be eligible for compensation/a settlement payment. Don't let the deadline pass without filing the necessary paperwork. The court did not find in favor of the plaintiff (in the class-action lawsuit) or defendant. Both parties agreed to this settlement. Presumably, the settlement was agreed to as a way to avoid a trial and related court costs.

<rant>Personally, I think it's disgraceful that any bank would try to rip off veterans, but we're talking about greedy corporations here. They don't really care about you or me. All they care about is the almighty $. If they have to lie, steal or cheat to get it, they will!. I remember my 'refinance negotiations'. I had such a hard time with the first loan officer that I had to switch to a different one. The first one seemed utterly convinced that veterans (and VA refinancing) should be treated the same as every other citizen/every other refinance loan. The loan officer kept trying to charge me for all kinds of things that aren't permitted under VA rules (which I had read up on before going into this process). They even wanted to 'reassess' the property value, even though they were already servicing my loan. With a nearly perfect (~850) credit score and a VA refinanced loan, I only managed to get a rate of 5.125% on my loan. Consider the fact that banks have been making record profits and paying out obscenely large bonuses for the last five years. Oh yeah, and our government bailed them out! These banks (and Wells Fargo isn't alone in this regard) don't give a damn about Americans, veterans, you, or me. Has your bank ripped you off lately?</rant>

Regarding the 'Proof of Claim' and settlement paperwork. I'm making those documents available (with some redaction to protect my privacy) to anyone who may be curious; including veterans who may have lost, discarded, or not received the paperwork. I searched the internet for other copies, but couldn't find them anywhere. I also found it curious that there hasn't been better coverage of this matter on the web. I couldn't find any comprehensive or detailed coverage of the allegations and settlement. Remember, you only have until June 9th, 2011 to file your 'Proof of Claim'.

Music CollectionAdditional Tunes for April:
Here's a list of some of the music I recently acquired. Where do I get all this stuff? Well, I used to find/discover a lot of free (actually free) music by visiting several of the new music web sites (MOG.com, 3hive.com, musicalfamilytree.org) and several other music blogs (Analog Giant, Brooklyn Vegan, Fluxblog, Gorilla vs. Bear, etc) out there, and listening to a few different music podcasts. Used to... Now? Now (As of Oct of 2010) I subscribe to a service called MOG. MOG is an online music service, a blog network, and a social networking website where users can listen to, read about, and discover music. Music + Blog = MOG. It's been around since 2005, in September of 2009 it started offering streaming music subscriptions. With full-play access to more than 9 million tracks, at only $4.99 a month, it's a fantastic way to discover music. I still use a few of the other methods, but MOG has become my primary music discovery source.

Artists want you to hear their music - If you like it, you'll buy it, or maybe you'll buy some concert tickets. The major labels want you to pay for their product - letting you hear it for free is contrary to their business model. Well, guess what? I won't buy it unless I can listen to it first. The major labels are killing themselves with their restrictive distribution and dissemination policies. If you like new music, you can do a web search to find your favorite artists web site, a new music web site, or an archive of free music. Free music is available - Legally! Don't believe the major labels propaganda - Not all free music is illegal. You can legally download music for free. I download music from websites, newsgroups (when I already own rights to the music), and a couple of commercial sources (eMusic and iTunes). Here's a listing of some of the music I legally downloaded - and in most cases - paid for!

iTunes New Music Tuesday download:
Sometimes I purchase music from iTunes, and sometimes I take advantage of their free downloads (check it out on Tuesdays). iTunes is the King of the Hill when it comes to the bigger names, so sometimes I find that I have to pay the higher prices. Here's a few of those free downloads from the iTunes store.
* Say My Name - Holy Ghost!: (single) From the new album 'Holy Ghost!'. I first heard this band back in March of 2011, thanks to a free Electronic Music Sampler from iTunes. I like the sound, this band compares favorably next to 'Cut Copy'. Thanks for the free track.
* Future Starts Slow - The Kills: (single) From the new album 'Blood Pressures'. A favorite band since 2008. This duo does it right. Blues, punk, and rock, wrapped up in an electronic overcoat of pulsing, minimalist, post-punk power-pop. Excellent composition, vocals, timing and production. This release is slightly darker than their previous efforts, but the production is even better. Unfortunately, the Kills are not available on eMusic.
* Surprise Surprise - Brett Dennen: (single) From the new album 'Loverboy'. I've been listening to Brett Dennen's stuff since February of 2009. I was introduced to his work by listening to picks in an eMusic newsletter. Here you'll find a talented voice with folk sensibilities and pop instrumentals. This single is just another reason for me to look for Brett Dennen in the eMusic collection.

iTunes purchases:
Sometimes I purchase music from iTunes, and sometimes I take advantage of their free downloads (check it out on Tuesdays). iTunes is the King of the Hill when it comes to the bigger names, so sometimes I find that I have to pay the higher prices.
* Blood Pressures: (10+1 songs) A favorite band puts out a new album. Unfortunately, eMusic doesn't carry this artist, so off to iTunes it is. Fortunately, this time around the album was a bit cheaper than the usual price. 10 tracks (I already owned one) for $0.86 cents each (factoring in the tax (which I don't have to pay with eMusic)). The tracks are still cheaper at eMusic, but sometimes you have to settle for iTunes.

Web site downloads:
I download music from plenty of websites (not counting commercial websites). The websites of the artists, the artists label, music festival websites, music review sites, etc, etc. Their are gobs of places where you can find free music. We're in a whole new era now. Gone are the monopolistic controls of the music industry. Music is becoming free - Free to anyone who takes the time to look for it. If you can't find free, legal, music - you're not looking very hard.
* No Romance - Mind Spiders: (single) From the debut album, "Mind Spiders". I liked this Punk band so much, I added their album to my eMusic downloads list. Lo-Fi tunes with plenty of Fuzz and a kickin' beat. Beats a kick in the head, and sounds oh so sweet.

These are some of the items I added to my music collection during this month. Since revamping my music collection back in September of 2005, I've been slowly adding, revising and updating the collection. If you have a comment, question or correction regarding my music collection, please don't hesitate to send me an email. Please keep in mind that my collection isn't for sale, and I'm not interested in giving you any copyrighted materials. I'd rather not go to jail for music piracy. :-)

NetflixNetflix signs another exclusive deal:
More good news for Netflix fans: Lionsgate and Netflix announced a new exclusive multi-year distribution deal on the 5th of April. According to the Netflix announcement, the new deal is an exclusive syndication arrangement to stream up to seven seasons of the "Mad Men" series to Netflix members. The first four seasons of "Mad Men" will be available beginning 27 July, 2011. Additional seasons will be added annually after they've aired on the AMC network. Lionsgate recently announced (last week of Mar, 2011) that it had entered into a new three-year agreement with "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner. The show will return to AMC for seasons 5, 6 and possibly 7.

When "Mad Men" debuted in July 2007 it quickly became one of the most talked about series on television. Set in 1960s New York, "Mad Men" is a sexy and provocative original drama that follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising. Produced, distributed and owned by Lionsgate, "Mad Men" has made television history as the only cable series to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama and the Golden Globe for Best Television Series-Drama for three consecutive years.

<rave>This is good news for everyone - well everyone who watches Netflix! Exclusive distribution deals with Netflix will certainly keep the competition on their toes. Right now, Cable's trump card is first run dramas and exclusive content. Some cable-only studios have exclusive distribution deals. There's only one place you can get these outstanding shows (like "Mad Men"), and that's one reason why consumers are forced to stick with the expensive cable companies. They deliver exclusive and original content. Adding exclusive distribution deals to their 'Watch Instantly' service will certainly shake the boat in the sea of entertainment distribution. Netflix is committed to constant expansion of selection, and this exclusive deal is just another example of how Netflix keeps improving it's service to make it better. Netflix is awesome!</rave>

No SpamSpammers, Scammers and Identity Thieves!
Recently (6 Apr, 2011), I took some measures to help fight spam, scammers and identity thieves. Sometimes I get the feeling that it's my own personal battle, but I know that's not true. It's the scourge of the internet. Something that most of us have to deal with in one way or another.

What happened? As some of you may have heard - On the 30th of March, 2011, a company called Epsilon (An email/newsletter/advertising firm) experienced a data breach. Unauthorized user(s) broke into their database(s) and obtained a large amount of personally identifiable information (PII). Epsilon is a company that manages mailing lists, email advertisement and customer contact databases for a large number of businesses. These 'Hackers' accessed Epsilon's servers/database(s) without authorization and obtained* the PII. According to Epsilon, the data exposed was limited to names and email addresses. Some have speculated whether this is a factual statement. Could additional data have been compromised? What data did Epsilon actually hold? Why don't these companies disclose the fact that your PII is going to be handed over to a third party?. According to a statement on the Epsilon website (as of 18 Apr, 2011), "A full investigation is currently underway." If the investigation is still underway, why/how can they make the claim that "The information that was obtained was limited to email addresses and/or customer names only."?

According to SecurityWeek.com: "Epsilon sends over 40 billion emails annually and counts over 2,500 clients, including 7 of the Fortune 10 to build and host their customer databases." That's a huge number of email addresses. A partial list of the affected clients/business can be found at a SecurityWeek.com webpage. I'm a customer of many of these companies (JPMorgan Chase, Citi, BestBuy, 1-800-Flowers, King Soopers), but only one of them notified me about this security breach. Chase notified me by email, and they posted a notification message on their website. Why wasn't I notified by the others? According to Epsilon: "The affected clients are approximately 2 percent of total clients and are a subset of clients for which Epsilon provides email services." So, either my PII for the other clients wasn't compromised; or, those clients didn't bother to notify me. This is what happens when businesses fails to notify you that they're handing over your personal information to a third party.

What's the danger here? Well, if we assume that our names and email addresses were compromised, then we may see an increase in targeted spam (phishing). These attempts to scam you will be more sophisticated than the typical spam. It'll be addressed to a specific email address. One that the spammer can associate with a particular business. In my case, I use specific email addresses for specific businesses. For example, I might use an email address such as <bestbuycontact@example.org> as an email address that I only use when conducting business with Best Buy. If a spammer can associate my email address with a specific business, then the odds of tricking me just went way up. Being able to send targeted messages to bank customers, and addressing them by name, is far more dangerous than the typical spammers blind broadcast attempts. Scams perpetrated with this data will achieve a much higher rate of success. The potential for fraud and monetary loss is huge.

What did I do to protect myself? After receiving the notification from Chase, I immediately logged in to my account and changed my email address. I changed the email address that I use in order to do business with Chase. It's a specific, unique address that I don't use for anything other than business with Chase. If I receive a message at the old address, I'll know that the spammers are using my PII to target me. Either that or, Epsilon got hacked again!

*One must keep in mind that simply viewing a web page is the exact same as 'Downloading' or 'Obtaining' data. By the time you see something using a web browser, you've already downloaded it. The data is downloaded to your computer in order to display it. A web browser must download or fetch the data in order to display it. Sometimes your browser gets the data directly from the source, sometimes it gets it from a cached copy stored by your ISP or some other intermediary. So, if you're viewing something in your web browser; lawyers and law enforcement officials can honestly and legally say that you've 'Downloaded' the material in question. If you don't clear your browser cache/history files, you are also 'guilty' of 'storing' the material on your computer. Isn't technology great!?

If you ever need any help hunting down a spammer, don't hesitate to ask for my help. I'm willing and eager to help. Just drop me an email. I'd put the email address here, but this email message is also posted online, where spammers could scrape the email off the web page. Damn those spammers!

Coat of ArmsVaessen Family Genealogy:
During April of 2011, a distant relative (a second cousin) discovered my web page, and emailed me with some additional family information. This information from Connie Gibson (Vaessen) is much appreciated, and I used it to update my family genealogy pages. Thanks Connie. This information allowed me to update some information regarding Sylvester Vaessen, one of my Grandfather's brothers - and his family. I also took the time to remove several detached persons (entries that had no familial connections). I'm not sure how the family links got broken, but the detached entries are gone now.

Thanks to some considerable assistance from some Dutch Vaessen's, I've been able to trace my family history back to 1580 (or earlier). If you're interested in the history of the Vaessen name, check out my Vaessen family genealogy pages. The information was compiled and posted using 'MacFamilyTree' software. The software is capable of importing or exporting genealogy data in various different formats, including HTML and GEDCOM standard .ged files.

If you are a member of the Vaessen family, or you're interested in the Vaessen family history, I welcome any corrections, additions or elaborations. Please feel free to write me with any relevant information.

April 4, 2011

Hot & ColdHot & Cold - Crazy Colorado Weather:
You can tell it's springtime in Colorado, because the temps are swinging wildly. On Saturday (the 2nd of April, 2011), the weather was beautiful. The temperature was high. In our neighborhood (Southeast Aurora) the temperature actually made it up to 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Some places around the state recorded record highs. The sky was clear, a little windy at times, but hot! I picked that day to start-up our sprinklers (see below), and it was a really nice day. Towards the afternoon and into the evening, the barometric pressure started dropping. My joints started aching. So much so that I had to take some pain killers. By the time I went to bed (0530 on the morning of the 3rd) the temperature had dropped from a high of 81 to 60 degrees.

By the time I got up (appx 1100) on the 3rd of April, the sky was overcast and the temperature had dropped even further. As the day wore on, the barometric pressure started to rise, but by then it was a bit too late. A rain, sleet mix started to fall by noon. By the time I went down for a nap (appx 1400) it was snowing. Steady snow, with accumulation. The temperature was near freezing, and the weather had turned from 80s to freezing in approximately 24 hours. What an amazing turn around. As the afternoon turned into evening, the snow continued. All in all, I think we managed two inches of snow, and the temps made it down into the 20s overnight.

Yup, Colorado weather. Springtime can be quite unpredictable. With wild temperature swings, and sudden snow storms, it's normal for this part of the country. I just hope my sprinkler system survives this sudden cold snap. Maybe I should have waited one more week? The forecast for today? Mostly sunny, with highs near 50. What's the weather like where you live?

Sprinkler HeadSpringtime Sprinkler Start-up:
It'll take a while, but eventually I'll become a handy man. Owning a new home brings all kinds of new responsibilities to the first time home owner, and I'm no exception. As the years go by, I'm learning how to conquer new challenges in the home owner arena. This year it's unclogging a stopped up toilet; but I'd prefer not to talk about that... Let's talk about the sprinkler start-up. I think I may have finally conquered that outdoor plumbing system that lays buried under my lawn. This week (1st week of Apr 2011) I bested the sprinkler system.

It's spring, and it's time to start watering the lawn. Last year I started watering in April, and that worked out o.k. We didn't get much precip over the last few months, so I figured I better get some water on the lawn. This year, I once again bested the sprinkler system. It took a few years (we moved into this house (our first) back in 2005), but I think I've finally figured it out (The mechanical aptitude portion of my ASVAB test was the only portion where I scored below 99).

I was armed with a series of photos and notes on how to turn the sprinklers on. This time, when I turned the water on (in the basement), there weren't any spurting surprises, broken water lines or gushing lawn geysers. I didn't even notice any sprinkler heads that needed replacing. This year's battle goes to me. I've completed the turn-on and an initial inspection. Kim still needs to program the sprinkler zones, and I'll call our 'actual' handyman to check it out and fix some other stuff later this month. This year, I thought I'd post the photos and notes I use. Who knows, maybe they'll prove useful to another new home owner.

Software favorites:
A couple of updates for one of my favorite software applications. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. As usual, developer has been busy updating this application. Here's one more update for the product that's always getting better. All the updates are free for those who own a license (for the most recent version). If you need a powerhouse converter, editor and browser for your graphics, grab a copy of GraphicConverter - You won't be disappointed.

Graphic ConverterGraphicConverter:
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) completed work on several update over the past few days. This week I saw/downloaded the following updates: 7.2 (b184, b185). GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price (~$40.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.

With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful. It's a listing of applications that I find useful in publishing my web pages.

D&D iconD&D updates:
Our meeting on the 19th of March was filled with encounters. Micheal (Currently working at a job site in New Mexico) continued to play via video conference. It didn't work perfectly, but he was able to join us. Maybe we'll try 'FaceTime' next time. As I mentioned there were several encounters during our last meeting - The party encountered a Xorn and tried to charm it. They encountered a group of hostile Wraith's, engaged them in combat, and finally; the party had an encounter with one very dangerous undead creature. The party is still in combat with the Bodak, so our next meeting will surely be quite interesting. Here are updates from our meeting on the 19th of March.

With the conclusion of our 8 August, 2009 meeting, the players have moved into an entirely new phase of the game. Gone are the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. - Existing now as a group of non-player characters. The player characters are now members of an entirely new group. The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. This new group of adventurers have struck out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint; this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms.

3rd Edition Campaign:
I updated the date of our next meeting - Our next meeting (not counting tonight's meeting) will be 16 April. This page (The "3eCampagin" page) is the first stop for information on the campaign that I'm currently running. Here you'll find information regarding our next meeting, some notes, and an index of web pages and documents that are important to our campaign. You can also check out the latest group photo (updated on the 8th of Jan, 2011).

The Adventurers journal:
The tale of our adventurers. A series of journal entries from various party members. This document contains details of their encounters. Victory, defeat, desire and glory. Here is the tale of The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, a group of adventurers who set forth from Whillip, seeking fame, fortune and the defeat of evil in these lands. Here is the latest journal entry penned by Mutteran - Lee's character. Once again, thanks go out to Lee for his continued support. In this journal entry, you can read all about the party's encounters with multiple monsters. Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger looms nigh!

Monsters encountered:
From the open road to a subterranean aqueduct, a dark forest and now a dusty old crypt - As the party enters new environs they encounter new creatures. Some of those creatures will attempt to eat or injure the party - These creatures we call 'Monsters'! During our most recent gaming session, the party encountered a trio of new monsters, and I updated three creatures on the monsters page. The monsters page is a listing of monsters that the party has encountered, read about, or heard of.

These updates follow our meeting on the 19th of March. This is the eighth adventure for our group of heroes. In search of glory, fame, and justice, the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms. Departing on the 1st of Mavis, the party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. After picking up supplies, horses, and some information in Westgate, the party took to the open road. That road was dangerous and long - Very Long! The party fought many foes along the way, lost two of their own (Gregor and Jusarian), said goodbye to one longtime companion, and recruited several new companions (Pyrceval, Azura and the mysterious Crucifer) to strengthen their numbers. All united in their quest to vanquish Deepwood of it's Dragon problem. After a brief stay in the village, the party set off to investigate a possible lair. They discovered the Dragon, slumbering on it's pile of treasure. They fought and defeated the Dragon - Not once, but twice! After slaying the undead Dragon, the party took a short break to recuperate. Afterwards, they continued their journey. While attempting to recover the Dragon's treasure, they encountered several monsters. An elusive Xorn, the withering attacks of two Wraith, and now the deadly attack of an undead creature called the Bodak. Don't look now, party members are in dire danger. The mere gaze of this creature can kill! Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons!

You can keep up to date with our adventures by continuing to visit "Rob's World!" for all the latest campaign info. If you're enjoying the story of our adventurers, I encourage you to write me and let us know. Perhaps you've got an idea you'd like to share, some criticism or praise. Either way, it'll be earnestly appreciated.

NetflixA Double-Dose of Netflix News:
Good News: Twentieth Century Fox and Netflix announced a new multi-year distribution deal on the 1st of April. According to the Netflix announcement, this new deal will bring more Fox favorites to the Netflix 'television' line-up. Watch Instantly gets a boost from this deal. Adding instant access to more television shows makes it easier for Netflix users to cut their cable tether. This deal adds the first season of 'Glee', two seasons of the cult favorite 'Sons Of Anarchy' as well as others such as 'Ally McBeal' and 'The Wonder Years'. Increasing the 'TV' line-up is a top priority for Netflix, and this deal helps them attract more customers.

Bad News: Sony imposes new restrictions on the use of it's console to stream Netflix movies. Streaming any Netflix movies through a PS3 is now subject to Sony's terms of service. As of 1 April, you must 'sign in' to the PlayStation Network in order to stream a Netflix show. The first time you sign in, you'll have to accept the new 'terms of service'. If you don't 'agree', you won't be able to sign in. Which means... You won't be able to use your PS3 for any online gaming or Netflix movies. Once you accept the new 'terms of service', you'll be able to use the Netflix App (on the PS3) to watch Netflix Watch Instantly titles.

So, what's the point? Well, we can all speculate, and I'm sure there are plenty of people out there speculating. In the end, since this traffic is flowing through the PSN, Sony gets to decide the 'terms of service' for your use of their service and device. If you don't like it, and many don't, you'll have to use a different device to access the Netflix Watch Instantly titles.

Music CollectionMusic downloads for April 2011:
Here's a list of some of the music I recently acquired. Where do I get all this stuff? Well, I used to find/discover a lot of free (actually free) music by visiting several of the new music web sites (Pandora, 3hive.com, musicalfamilytree.org) and several other music blogs (Analog Giant, Brooklyn Vegan, Fluxblog, Gorilla vs. Bear, etc) out there, and listening to a few different music podcasts. Used to... Now? Now (As of Oct of 2010) I subscribe to a service called MOG. MOG is an online music service, a blog network, and a social networking website where users can listen to, read about, and discover music. Music + Blog = MOG. It's been around since 2005, in September of 2009 it started offering streaming music subscriptions. With full-play access to more than 9 million tracks, at only $4.99 a month, it's a fantastic way to discover music. I still use a few of the other methods, but MOG has become my primary music discovery source.

Artists want you to hear their music - If you like it, you'll buy it, or maybe you'll buy some concert tickets. The major labels want you to pay for their product - letting you hear it for free is contrary to their business model. Well, guess what? I won't buy it unless I can listen to it first. The major labels are killing themselves with their restrictive distribution and dissemination policies. If you like new music, you can do a web search to find your favorite artists web site, a new music web site, or an archive of free music. Free music is available - Legally! Don't believe the major labels propaganda - Not all free music is illegal. You can legally download music for free. I download music from websites, newsgroups (when I already own rights to the music), and a couple of commercial sources (eMusic and iTunes). Here's a listing of some of the music I legally downloaded - and in most cases - paid for!

iTunes New Music Tuesday download:
Sometimes I purchase music from iTunes, and sometimes I take advantage of their free downloads (check it out on Tuesdays). iTunes is the King of the Hill when it comes to the bigger names, so sometimes I find that I have to pay the higher prices. Here's one of those free downloads from the iTunes store.
* Take Off Your Shirt - Bibio: (single) From the new album 'Mind Bokeh'. Bibio is Stephen Wilkinson an indie artist who produces electronic beats with dance rhythm and a touch of folk. The sound here is quite reminiscent of 'Chromeo'.

eMusic monthly downloads:
Every month I download ~50 tracks from eMusic.com. This month (April of 2011) I managed to download 49 tracks for $22.76 (and I'm paying a $19.99 monthly fee, so that makes the tracks even cheaper (~$0.46 / track). Unlike some music outlets, eMusic doesn't have any DRM and they don't insert unique track id's into the ID3 tags. Their terms of service are consumer friendly; eMusic allows you to burn as many CDs as you like and copy downloads to an unlimited number of your computers and portable MP3 players. At less than $.50 a track (I'm currently paying $19.99 for $22.99 worth of downloads per month). eMusic offers a really good value for your download dollar. iTunes and Amazon still charge more. eMusic offers more music for your money, and the variable bit rate recordings make for exceptionally high quality recordings.
* Surfing to some F#*ked Up S@!t - Agent Orange: (14 songs) I've been enjoying this Orange County, California band since the 80's. This Surf / Skate Punk band cranked out some amazing tunes before record label disputes ruined their vibe. Here is a compilation of re-recorded tunes (due to rights / royalty disputes). They're not as good as the original recordings, but they'll do in a pinch.
* Come Around Sundown - Kings of Leon: (13 songs) A MOG discovery. A new favorite. Great guitar work, quick pacing, cow-bell, great lyrics and vocals. One can even hear some 'Talking Heads' influences here. This is my first, but their fifth, album. I'm looking forward to the rest of their catalog.
* The National - The National: (12 songs) A favorite band (since 2008). Unfortunately, this debut is less than stellar. If I'd started here, I probably wouldn't be such a fan. Luckily for me, I found Boxer (their fourth and best selling album) first. The foundations are here. The roots rocking, alt-pop, country-flavored tunes. Unfortunately, too many of the tracks sound the same on this album. The lack of variation and range limits this albums appeal.
* Underneath The Colours - INXS: (10 songs) INXS began making music back in the late 70s. A great time for music - Most punk, alternative, new wave and progressive music can chart it's beginnings to this time frame ('77-'87). They started releasing albums in the 80s, and I was there, listening from the beginning. Underneath The Colours is their second album, it reminds me a lot of XTC and The Fixx. With a touch of R&B and dance, this band makes a great listen. The voice of Michael Hutchence drips charisma and I love it.

These are some of the items I added to my music collection during this month. Since revamping my music collection back in September of 2005, I've been slowly adding, revising and updating the collection. If you have a comment, question or correction regarding my music collection, please don't hesitate to send me an email. Please keep in mind that my collection isn't for sale, and I'm not interested in giving you any copyrighted materials. I'd rather not go to jail for music piracy. :-)