September 30, 2008
D&D updates:
We played a D&D session on the 20th of September, and this blog posting represents a series of updates from and since that meeting. We've got some new journal entries, some new monsters, and a few other updates. Our meeting on the 20th of September consisted of the party's trip home. A journey which takes them away from Firestorm Peak, out of the valley, and back to Whillip. Will this journey be any less dangerous than their previous forays into the accursed mountain? Stay tuned for danger, stay tuned for mystery, stay tuned for adventure!
3rd Edition Campaign:
I updated the next game date (04 Oct 2008) on the campaign page. This is the first stop for information on the campaign that I'm currently running. Here you'll find information regarding our next meeting, some notes, and an index of web pages and documents that are important to our campaign.
The Adventurers journal:
The tale of our adventurers. A series of journal entries from various party members. This document contains details of their encounters and adventures. Victory, defeat, desire and glory. Here is the tale of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S., a group of adventurers who set forth from Whillip, seeking fame, fortune and the defeat of evil in these lands. This update adds entries from Dynnera and Solmar to our online journal. Be sure to read about the party's journey back to Whillip.
Monsters encountered:
As a result of the meeting on the 20th of Sep, I added two new monsters to this page. On the trail home (back to Whillip), the party has encountered its fair share of monsters. This meeting had the party encountering the non-hostile Hybsil, and an avian threat in the form of flying creatures called Peryton. The monsters page is a listing of monsters that the party has encountered, read about or heard of.
D&D books:
Thanks to some feedback from a fan of "Rob's World!" I was able to identify an error in my D&D books page. I had incorrectly identified one of the product numbers associated with a specific book. My D&D books page is an online resource for others who play the game.
The campaign is rapidly approaching the end of a paragraph in the saga of our heroes. The current adventure is rapidly approaching an end, and the party is ready to lick it's wounds, rest, recuperate and train for the next adventure. In the meantime, you can keep up to date by continuing to visit "Rob's World!" for all the latest campaign info. If you're enjoying the story of our adventurers, I encourage you to write me and let us know. Perhaps you've got an idea you'd like to share, some criticism or praise. Either way, it'll be earnestly appreciated.
One last musical blast for September:
Here's one last piece of music I acquired during the month of September. Just a small sampling of the many songs I accumulate each month. Where do I get all my music? I find a lot of free (Like free beer) music by visiting several of the new music web sites out there. Artists want you to hear their music - If you like it, you'll buy it. The major labels want you to pay for their product - letting you hear it for free is contrary to their business model. Well, guess what? I won't buy it unless I can listen to it first. The major labels are killing themselves with their restrictive distribution and dissemination policies. If you like new music, you can do a google search to find your favorite artists web site, a new music web site, or an archive of free music. Free music is available - Legally! Don't believe the major labels propaganda - Not all free music is illegal. You can legally download music for free. I download music from websites, newsgroups (when I already own rights to the music), and a couple of commercial sources. Here's a listing of some of the music I legally downloaded.
Starbucks gives away free iTunes Tracks:
Kim and I occasionally visit Starbucks to pick up some java juice. While we're there, we grab the most recent Starbucks Pick of the Week card. Starbucks and iTunes have teamed up to reward loyal customers with these handpicked downloads. Just visit your local Starbucks every Tuesday to pick up the latest free Pick of the Week card.
* Hare Krisna - Thievery Corporation: (Single) It's an odd title, but the instrumentals are excellent. With a 'World Music' beat, this song blends a wide range of genres in an upbeat 'I Zimba' flavored party favor. Everybody clap your hands, everybody say 'Hare Krisna!'. I've added the album to my eMusic download queue.
These are just some of the items I added to my music collection during the month of September. Since returning from Japan in 2001, I've been rediscovering my appreciation for music. I really picked it up again in September of 2005. Since then, I've been adding, revising and updating my music collection. With these acquisitions, I've updated my online music listing. If you have a comment or a question regarding my music collection, please don't hesitate to send me an email. 
Software favorites:
I recently updated three of my software favorites. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. Two more steps towards perfection. Another product that's always getting better. It's another free upgrade for those who own a license. In addition to the GC update, I also updated two apps that are indispensable in today's era of digital media. DVDPedia and CDPedia - by are used to catalog my growing media collection. These two apps produce web formatted output, so I can share my collections with others.
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) released another new beta (6.2.1b0) for one of the greatest shareware apps available (for the Mac). GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price ($35.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.
DVDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your movie collection, and I'm running version 4.3.2. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the movie or you can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off the movie box (it then searches the internet, and displays choices). It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, the ability to play movie in full screen mode, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my movies. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.
CDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your music collection, and I'm running version 4.3.2. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the artist, album, or track. You can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off a jewel case (it then searches the internet, and displays choices), or you can import lists of music from iTunes. It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my music. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.
With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful.
Autumn arrives:
Huzzah! - Here comes Autumn! Arriving with the autumnal equinox on the 22nd of September, Autumn arrives amidst a lack of fanfare or applause. All the kids are sorry to see the summer go, for they know, that with it's end, comes school again. This summer was just like any other - Hot and dry. Colorado doesn't get a lot of precipitation, and this summer was no exception. Thankfully, we didn't suffer through a drought, and it certainly seemed a little cooler than last year's scorcher. I for one am a fan of fall. I like the colors, the smell, the crisp edge to the air, the flannel sheets and the cool evenings of summer's end. If only we could stave of winter with an extra long autumn...
September 21, 2008
Mac OS 10.5.5 update:
Apple is hard at work, making sure that Leopard is running on all cylinders. Finding security flaws, patching annoying bugs, improving the user experience. This particular update includes recent security updates, as well as updates and bug fixes to the following applications and services: ATS (Apple Type Services), BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), ClamAV, Directory Services, Finder, Image IO, Kernel, libresolv, Login Window, mDNSResponder, OpenSSH, QuickDraw Manager, Ruby, SearchKit, System Configuration, System Preferences, Time Machine, VideoConference, and Wiki Server. You can read all about these upgrades, bug fixes, security updates, and more by following the links I've provided below. I upgraded to Leopard during Oct of 2007, and I have to say, it's been the best version of Mac OS yet.
As a result of this recent OS update, the following pages have been updated. myfavs.html, feedback.html and mycomputer.html.
Free iTunes tracks for September:
Here's a list of some of the music I recently acquired. Where do I get all this stuff? I find a lot of free (actually free) music by visiting several of the new music web sites out there. Artists want you to hear their music - If you like it, you'll buy it. The major labels want you to pay for their product - letting you hear it for free is contrary to their business model. Well, guess what? I won't buy it unless I can listen to it first. The major labels are killing themselves with their restrictive distribution and dissemination policies. If you like new music, you can do a google search to find your favorite artists web site, a new music web site, or an archive of free music. Free music is available - Legally! Don't believe the major labels propaganda - Not all free music is illegal. You can legally download music for free. I download music from websites, newsgroups (when I already own rights to the music), and a couple of commercial sources. Here's a listing of some of the music I legally downloaded.
Free eMusic sampler downloads:
Here's some more free music I downloaded recently. eMusic provides plenty of free tracks (to it's members) throughout the year, and I certainly take advantage of the free stuff:
* White Whale Records Sampler Volume 1 - Various Artists: (7 songs) A label sampler. Various artists, Alternative/Punk - Indie Rock. I may not keep all of them, but I'm sure that some of them will lead me to download (and pay) some new band I wouldn't have heard of otherwise.
* eMusic Compilation 2008 - The Real Tuesday Weld: (10 songs) A compilation of songs by a specific artist. An eMusic exclusive. I've seen this artists name cropping up in the margins (through emusic associations), but I've never heard his music before. Here's an opportunity to really sample an artist's work. If I find it to my liking I may download (and pay for) his other offerings.
* Simulacra Records Label Sampler - Various Artists: (11 songs) A compilation of various artists. Another eMusic exclusive. Alternative/Punk - Indie Rock/Electronic Experimental. I may not keep all of them, but I'm sure that some of them will lead me to download (and pay) some new band I wouldn't have heard of otherwise.
* Global Symphonic Sound - Various Artists: (6 songs) Another compilation of various artists. Another eMusic exclusive. Alternative/Punk - Indie Rock. I may not keep all of them, but I'm sure that some of them will lead me to download (and pay) some new band I wouldn't have heard of otherwise.
* Sampler - Shawn David McMillen: (4 songs) A sampler from a solo artist. Country/Folk. Entirely instrumental. I've already had a chance to listen to this one. It's a completely rambling collection of steel string (whatever that means) acoustic noodling. There's a lot of imagination, but it lacks focus and the depth of some good lyrics.
Starbucks gives away free iTunes Tracks:
Kim and I occasionally visit Starbucks to pick up some java juice. While we're there, we grab the most recent Starbucks Pick of the Week card. Starbucks and iTunes have teamed up to reward loyal customers with these handpicked downloads. Just visit your local Starbucks every Tuesday to pick up the latest free Pick of the Week card.
* Was I on your mind - Jessie Baylin: (Single) The instrumentals are extremely well matched to this artists voice. The lyrics are a thoughtful, soulful mix of folk, country and pop.
iTunes purchase:
Sometimes I purchase music from iTunes, and sometimes I take advantage of their free downloads (check it out on Tuesdays). iTunes is the King of the Hill when it comes to the bigger names, so sometimes I find that I have to pay the higher prices. Here's one of those free downloads from the iTunes store. Thanks Apple!:
* The Republic Tigers - Buildings & Mountains: (Single) A dreamy journey into an elaborate yet cohesive acoustic soundscape. I truly wish that eMusic carried this band.
These are just some of the items I added to my music collection during the month of September. Since returning from Japan in 2001, I've been rediscovering my appreciation for music. I really picked it up again in September of 2005. Since then, I've been adding, revising and updating my music collection. With these acquisitions, I've updated my online music listing. If you have a comment or a question regarding my music collection, please don't hesitate to send me an email. 
Software favorites:
Just one software update of late. With Apple's recent OS update, I had to reinstall the latest build of X11 from MacOS Forge. Every time the Mac OS gets updated, it breaks the XQuartz version of X11 on my machine. So, I paid a visit to the MacOS Forge, and downloaded the most recent release of X11. The folks who keep X11 running smoothly are continuously releasing new builds. By the time you read this, they've probably moved on to a new build. It's a process of continuous improvement.
X11 is a Unix Windowing System. I use it in order to run Unix applications that haven't been ported over the Apple's Cocoa/Aqua environment. It opens up a huge arena of possibilities when it comes to applications for your Mac. I'm running the XQuartz 2.3.1 version, available from MacOS Forge. I've been using Unix longer than I've been using Mac's, so I knew about the power potential when I found out that OSX was going to be based on Unix. Some of the most powerful Unix applications run on any OSX equipped Mac. In order to run all these fantastic applications you need nothing more than Apple's version of X11 (which comes free with OSX, or you can download and install other versions). If you want to get a bit more advanced, you can use Fink or Macports with your OSX equipped Mac. Once you get your X Windows environment running, you'll find thousands of Unix applications that have been a well kept secret for all this time.
Getting Unix apps up and running on your Mac isn't always as easy as downloading and double clicking, but the following links should help you get started.
With this software update, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful.
The Volvo is paid off!
It's a happy day! As of 10 September, 2008 it's official. We've paid off our loan on the Volvo. We bought the XC90 on the 14th of October, 2004, with a loan of $49,518.72, and now it's ours free and clear. Chase issued a new title showing the lien paid off. When we get a chance we'll take it to the DMV to get the official state of Colorado version. This happy day marks the end of a big debt. That car payment was kind of high.
The XC90 is an awesome vehicle. If we're in need of another SUV, we will definitely choose another Volvo. The XC90 gets great mileage (for an SUV), it's loaded with luxury and the road handling - in all conditions - is outstanding. I think the styling is top notch. We're very happy with our choice, and based on it's performance so far (the only 'problem' was a cracked plastic shroud on the rear window wiper), it should last us a very long time. Now we can save some money!
Republican blogger 'disses' D&D players:
I try not to delve into politics too often, but someone has decided to drag me into that arena by insulting my choice of recreational activity. What's up with that?! On more than one occasion, a John McCain staffer (campaign spokesman/deputy director of communications) has cast aspersions on all D&D players, implying that they might disparage those who've fought for America in the military. From Michael Goldfarb's post to the 'John McCain blog' (18 Aug 2008):
"It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others."
Personally, I find these comments insulting to me and thousands of other D&D players (see demographics for roleplayers). Not only did I serve in the military, I served 20 years in the Air Force, and Mr. Goldfarb seems to think that my choice of game means that I would disparage a fellow veteran's service from my "mom's basement". Has Michael Goldfarb served in the military? Has he played D&D? I can find no evidence (after numerous web searches) for either. Mr. Goldfarb needs to wake up and stop perpetuating foul stereotypes. I think I deserve an apology. As a matter of fact, Hasbro (Maker/Owner of the D&D game) wasn't very happy with his comments either. Here's what they had to say:
Many players have written us about recent disparaging D&D references by a John McCain staffer, Michael Goldfarb. I want you to know that everyone at Wizards is offended and baffled by the ignorance. Obviously, this person harbors some retro prejudices and has no idea what D&D is about or who the fans really are. I thought you should know that my colleagues at Hasbro also take offense and sent a letter to Michael Goldfarb (copied below). Wizards will continue to promote D&D as the great heroic fantasy game that it is and we thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
Greg Leeds
Wizards of the Coast
Michael Goldfarb
1235 S. Clark St, Suite M
Arlington, VA 22202
Dear Mr. Goldfarb,
I was disappointed to read the disparaging intent of your comments regarding Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fans, both in your response to New York Times editors, and on the John McCain campaign website.
Dungeons & Dragons is a global game with millions of consumers in the U.S. and abroad. The brand is owned by Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
For fans, the game is essentially about heroism and therefore it is not surprising to us that thousands of military personnel play and enjoy the game. Hasbro, in turn, supports the U.S. Armed Forces by sending multiple crates of game products, including Dungeons & Dragons, to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Recently a soldier who saw your comments online said, "Wizards of the Coast (the makers of D&D) has sent care packages to the troops on many occasions, providing free gaming supplies in support of our men and women serving the country overseas to help them decompress after hours. McCain's people should really check their facts before they spout off. Does John McCain have no idea how many GIs play D&D?"
We would very much appreciate you not making any more condescending comments about D&D -- as it is a great game enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Thank you.
Wayne Charness
Senior Vice President
Hasbro, Inc.
While the McCain campaign (Michael Goldfarb) publiclyapologized (Or did it? I can't find the original posting of any 'apology'. I was only able to find someone's quote of that apology), the response was flippant and insincere; making a joke at the expense of those they insulted in their previous comments.
"If my comments caused any harm or hurt to the hard working Americans who play Dungeons & Dragons, I apologize. This campaign is committed to increasing the strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores of every American."
–Michael Goldfarb
This apology reflects an inside knowledge of the game that outsiders are unlikely to grasp. If Mr. Goldfarb did indeed write this (mentioning the 'ability scores') apology, it may indicate that he has played the game at some point. Which brings up another question. If he has played the game, he must surely know that his comments were disparaging to thousands of gamers, veterans, and himself? This supposed apology came (emailed to pro-D&D, anti-Obama blogger Ace of Spades?) just before (01 Aug 2008/1035AM) his earlier insult to D&D players. Goldfarb's first jab at D&D players came in an earlier posting (01 Aug 2008/1135AM) to the McCain campaign blog, where he attacked the editors of the New York Times:
"But in their new role as bloggers, the paper's editors seem to have all the intelligence and reason of the average Daily Kos diarist sitting at home in his mother's basement and ranting into the ether between games of dungeons and dragons."
Apparently, Mr. Goldfarb doesn't realize that D&D players vote (more than 50% are over 19). I guess it's o.k. to make fun of Americans, as long as they play D&D. I'm really tired of this sort of stereotyping and hate mongering. I thought this sort of thing ended in the 80s! Apparently not. Apparently D&D remains the scapegoat of the far right. They're still convinced that D&D players are somehow less 'moral' than 'them'. That's why they consider it o.k. to attack D&D players. These ignorant attacks (aimed at D&D players as representatives of some segment despised by the writer and like minded groups) remind me of the bullies in high school who persecuted D&D players for being 'geeks' and 'nerds'. We all know how that ended up... Twenty years later - Earning more than the bullies, capable of reading, writing, reasoning, thinking, voting - Who's laughing now? (Disclaimer: I am not advocating any particular candidate or political party on my website(s), and I'm not trying to tell you who to vote for. I'll leave that up to you. That choice is far more important than D&D, and I wouldn't take Mr. Goldfarb's comments as pretext to vote for or against any specific candidate. Please exercise your best judgment in casting your vote.)
18 August posting: <>
01 August posting: <>
01 August apology: <>
28 August posting: <> |
September 19, 2008
D&D updates:
We played a D&D session on the 6th of September, and this blog posting represents a series of updates posted since that meeting. We've got some new journal entries, a couple of changes to the house rules, a new group photos and some additional campaign updates. Our meeting on the 6th of September consisted of a short trip back into the mountain; where the party delivered their promised 'Fertile Earth' to the Myconid King. Shortly afterwards, they set out on a new journey which takes them away from Firestorm Peak, out of the valley, and back to Whillip. Will this journey be any less dangerous than their previous forays into the accursed mountain? Stay tuned for danger, stay tuned for mystery, stay tuned for adventure!
3rd Edition Campaign:
I updated the next game date (20 Sep 2008) on the campaign page, updated the text describing our house rules, updated the players photo and annotation information (under the photo in the upper left hand corner). This is the first stop for information on the campaign that I'm currently running. Here you'll find information regarding our next meeting, some notes, and an index of web pages and documents that are important to our campaign.
Character update:
Now that Lars is back, Lee has relinquished control of Belt back into Lars' hands. I updated the player character listing to reflect this change. I also updated the information regarding Nigel Stormcloud, Tanar's father. The "Who's Who?" page is a listing of characters, both player characters and non-player characters.
The Adventurers journal:
The tale of our adventurers. A series of journal entries from various party members. This document contains details of their encounters and adventures. Victory, defeat, desire and glory. Here is the tale of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S., a group of adventurers who set forth from Whillip, seeking fame, fortune and the defeat of evil in these lands. This update adds entries from Dynnera and Solmar to our online journal. Be sure to read about the party's departure from Firestorm Peak and its environs. This update also included a brief note regarding a recent mix-up with the in-game dates.
House Rules:
Like any other D&D campaign (outside of tournament play), the campaign that I manage makes use of various house rules. You can pick up a new copy of these House Rules online. The House Rules are published in pdf format, and they define the 'flavor' of our campaign. Every good DM has his own list of House Rules. Recently, I've updated one of the house rules documents used in our campaign. Here are the new/updated house rules:
* No purchasing magic items: It's a rule I've enforced for many years - Dating back to the 80s! Oddly, I've never formalized it in writing until now. Characters in our campaign are not be allowed to purchase magic items. In some circumstances, the DM may permit the purchase of potions, scrolls or other minor magic items.
* Heroic Luck revision: The largest revision to this player favorite since I adopted it from the campaign of another DM. This revision changes the way heroic luck points are awarded/calculated, introduces the term 'Fate Roll', and formalizes the term 'Luck Stone'. These changes (to Heroic Luck) will not become effective until we have a meeting that begins in Whillip. I'd like to thank all the players in our campaign for helping in this revision. I believe it represents a more balanced approach to this player favorite rule.
That's it for house rule updates. As a player, you are under no obligation to download or print this information. You can make notes during the game, you can print out these documents, you can memorize the info, request to review it, or have it repeated to you each time you come across specific situations. These house rule changes and additions primarily represent flavor updates, and do not have a significant impact on our campaign or the framework of 'official' rules.
Players in our campaign:
Players update. With the return of one player (Lars), and the loss of another (Dino) I had to make some changes to the "players" page. I was finally able to take a new group photo, and that new photo is updated with this posting. I also updated some info regarding Lars, and removed some info regarding Dino. A group of crazy characters constitute the players in our campaign. Many players have graced my gaming table over the years, some are old friends, some are new, but in the end - friends are what I call them. The players page contains a photo of our group and a short listing of who we are.
Monsters encountered:
As a result of the meeting on the 6th of Sep, I added two new monsters to this page. An ephemeral swarm of undead rats attempted to overrun the party while they were inside Firestorm Peak, but they were no match for our heroes. On the trail home (back to Whillip), the party encountered a pack of burrowing bluespawn ambushers. The monsters page is a listing of monsters that the party has encountered, read about or heard of.
The campaign is rapidly approaching the end of a paragraph in the saga of our heroes. The current adventure is rapidly approaching an end, and the party is ready to lick it's wounds, rest, recuperate and train for the next adventure. In the meantime, you can keep up to date by continuing to visit "Rob's World!" for all the latest campaign info. If you're enjoying the story of our adventurers, I encourage you to write me and let us know. Perhaps you've got an idea you'd like to share, some criticism or praise. Either way, it'll be earnestly appreciated.
September Showers during the day:
An unusual time of day to see rain showers.
Something we don't see very often in these parts. The 11th and 12th of September, 2008 saw daytime rain showers. Fairly heavy rainfall gave us a good soaking during the middle of the day. Our rain showers usually come in the late afternoon (after 4PM), but these storms crossed our community from 9AM through the day, ending sometime in the early afternoon (approximately 2PM). Summer is approaching its end, and the weather is getting wonky.
Microsoft software on my Mac:
It's not something I enjoy (having Microsoft software on my computer*), but my employer made it a bit less painful. Microsoft offers volume discounts to certain large corporations, and Northrop Grumman (my employer) is one of those partners. With this 'Home Use' program, employees are able to purchase the Microsoft Office suite for their home computer. For the low price of $19.99, I was able to purchase a copy of Microsoft's Office 2008 for Mac (Home and Student Edition). It took some time (four weeks), but I received a DVD in the mail, and the installation took a long time (nearly an hour), but now I've got a copy of Microsoft's Office suite on my home computer. I'll use it to compose, edit, revise, read and work on various documents for my employer. In addition, I'm permitted to use it for personal use. Oh yeah, as another jab at Mac users, the Microsoft registration website will not work with Safari. Not at all. I tried using various different 'user agents', but the website refused to work with Safari. Switching to Firefox allowed me to register this software. Why do I dislike Microsoft software? Well, I've been using it at work for the last 20 years or so, and I've always found it to be buggy, non-intuitive, and difficult to use. Simple simply isn't a word I'd ever associate with Microsoft software. The HMI experience is abysmal. Why would I put it on my computer if I despise it so? Necessity. Given it's share of the desktop productivity market, and my employers exclusive use of it, I find that I must have it; despite my displeasure at it's functionality - or lack thereof.
Revisiting our visit to the emergency room:
Back on the 11th of Sep (see below) I raved about TriCare. I mentioned a trip to the emergency room that would have cost us $491.00. Well, I got it wrong. As it turns out, we hadn't seen all the statements yet. After another week went by, more of the bills rolled in. So far the bills stack up as follows:
Urgent Care part 1 (20 Aug 08): Billed $491.00, TriCare paid $140.21, we paid $0.00
Urgent Care part 2 (20 Aug 08): Billed $229.00, TriCare paid $95.76, we pay $81.16
Emergency room part 1 (20/21 Aug 08): Billed $5,195.80, TriCare paid $2380.99, we pay $40.19
Next day follow up (22 Aug 08): Billed $235.00, TriCare paid $89.54, we paid $0.00
Total billed $6,150.80, TriCare paid $2,706.50, We pay $121.35
<rave>I have to admit that the best benefit I receive as a military retiree is health care. I consider this medical coverage more valuable than the monthly pension I receive. Not everyone has access to this level of health care, and I consider myself lucky. I recently paid our annual enrollment fee. $460.00 is the fee I pay for an entire year's worth of full coverage health care. That fee covers both of us. Yes, full medical coverage for $460.00 a year! That's right - full medical coverage. It's government health care at it's best. I've never had any serious medical problems, but I can definitely tell you that this medical coverage accounts for a huge portion of my 'Peace of Mind'. I've never been refused care. Never had a claim denied. Never been told that a procedure wasn't covered. Never had to pay huge fees out of my own pocket. As a matter of fact, Kim recently had to visit the emergency room (she's fine thank you). The total bill - If we didn't have TriCare? $6,150.80! TriCare paid $2,706.50, and we paid $121.35 - That's approximately 2% of the total cost.
TriCare rules! If you're afraid of government health care, I have to say 'why?' it's awesome. My twenty plus years of experience with government health care has made me a believer. It's too bad we can't offer this health care to everyone. If we did that, the insurance industry wouldn't be able to rake in those huge profits that they deserve? </rave>
September 11, 2008
D&D books:
I recently purchased six (Epic Level Handbook is mentioned in my September "What's New?" blog entries) rule books for my favorite game. This game is rule heavy, book heavy, but thankfully, the players don't have to buy all the books. That joy usually rests on the DM's shoulders. I purchase those books which I think enhance the game play within the context of our campaign. With the recent game revision (Moving from 3.5 to 4.0) several rule books have become available in the used book market. As a result of this development, I've taken advantage of the low prices and ordered a plethora of books:
* Forgotten Realms - Champions of Ruin: (Campaign supplement) Due to the nature of this books content (intended for evil play), players should not bring a copy of this book to the game, and should only consult this book if directed to do so by the DM. Here are chapters/materials that may be of interest to players in our campaign: Chapter 1 (Races - Krinth), Chapter 2 (Feats (only those that do not require evil alignment, worship of an evil deity, or node magic)), Spells (only those that do not require evil alignment or worship of an evil deity), Magic items (Note: In our campaign, distribution of magic items is at the purview of the DM. You can’t ‘buy’ magic items.) Other portions of this book are confined to use by the DM.
* Forgotten Realms - Shining South: (Campaign supplement) Players may bring a copy to the game, but should request permission before consulting this book during game play.
Here are chapters/materials that may be of interest to players in our campaign: Chapter 1 (Races - Human (sub races), Loxo, Thri-Kreen), New feats (only those that do not require evil alignment, worship of an evil deity, or node magic)), Chapter 2 (Prestige classes), Chapter 3 (New spells all types except those relying on Shadow Weave or Rune Magic), Chapter 4 (Magic items (Only the Dungeonmaster may distribute magic items in our campaign. You can’t ‘buy’ these items.) Other portions of this book are confined to use by the DM.
Forgotten Realms - City of Splendors, Waterdeep: (Campaign supplement) Players may bring a copy to the game, but should request permission before consulting this book during game play. Here are chapters/materials that may be of interest to players in our campaign: Chapter 7 (Feats, Magic items (Only the Dungeonmaster may distribute magic items in our campaign. You can’t ‘buy’ these items.)), Poison (With DM’s permission), Spells (not including those that require evil alignment). Other portions of this book are confined to use by the DM.
* Epic Level Handbook: (Player’s guide/supplement) Player’s may bring a copy to the game and consult it freely. Note that there are numerous ’alternate’ or ‘optional’ rules in this book. Unless otherwise noted (in the house rules below), we are not using any of these ‘alternate’ rules. We are however using all the other rules - Character Classes (above 20th level), Skills, Feats, Epic Spells, Monsters, Magic Items (Note: In our campaign, distribution of magic items is at the purview of the DM. You can’t ‘buy’ magic items.) While this book introduces several Epic Prestige Classes; as with all other Prestige Classes, players should get the DM’s approval before taking a Prestige class, and each case will be decided on an individual basis. The character must also meet all of the listed requirements prior to adding a Prestige class.
* Heroes of Battle: (Player’s guide/supplement) Player’s may bring a copy to the game and consult it freely. Since our campaign is not a ‘War Campaign’ some items from this book do not apply to our campaign. The following chapters may be used in our campaign: Chapter 4 (Siege engines, Aerial bombardment, Volley of arrows), Chapter 5 (Military Characters Skills, Feats, Prestige classes, teamwork benefits), Chapter 6 (New spells, Magic items (Note: In our campaign, distribution of magic items is at the purview of the DM. You can’t ‘buy’ magic items.), Magic siege engines).
* Miniatures Handbook: (Player’s guide/supplement) Player’s may bring a copy to the game and consult it freely. Since our campaign is not a ‘Miniatures’ campaign, portions of this book are not applicable to our campaign. Use of the Miniatures Handbook is restricted to the following chapters: Chapter 1 - Characters (new classes, prestige classes, feats), Chapter 2 (magic, magic items (Note: In our campaign, distribution of magic items is at the purview of the DM. You can’t ‘buy’ magic items.)), Chapter 3 (monsters (for DM use)).
As a result of these purchases, I updated my D&D books page. I also updated the listing of permitted rules in our House Rules document in order to incorporate the rules and new material introduced in these books.
Neighborhood Watch:
My odd-ball schedule actually works in my favor for some things. One of those is a community support activity which I enjoy - I'm a volunteer with our local neighborhood watch. Like many of the people in my community. I own some nice things, and I want to keep it that way. Volunteering for the neighborhood watch doesn't require a lot of dedication, but it does require some attention to detail and a keen sense of your surroundings.
I just completed some updates to the Neighborhood Watch website. I updated the event banners on the Welcome and Events pages. I also posted (and emailed) my notes from our most recent meeting - Held 4 Sep, 08 at the Buffalo Trails elementary school. It took me quite some time to type up the notes, but I hope everyone finds them useful. Our recent Neighborhood Watch meeting was significant in one regard. We've decided to invite and include residents from other communities. Our Neighborhood Watch now includes the following communities: Tollgate Crossing, Sorrel Ranch, Southlands, Wheatlands, Beacon Point and Southshore. With the addition of these communities to our Neighborhood Watch, we need additional block captains to step forward and help us with various community related activities.
If you are a resident of 'Tollgate Crossing' (or one of the other communities listed above) in Aurora, Colorado, you might want to check out the new website. If you're a fan of "Rob's World!" you'll want to check out the web page, just to see what can be done with Apple's iWeb software. The web page turned out very nicely, and I hope it serves our community well. If you're a resident of Tollgate Crossing, and you're concerned about the safety and security of our community, you might want to join or mailing list to receive periodic alerts, updates and information. For additional information see the Neighborhood Watch web page.
Software favorites:
I recently updated three of my software favorites. GraphicConverter moves ever forward. Two more steps towards perfection. Another product that's always getting better. It's another free upgrade for those who own a license. In addition to the GC update, I also updated two apps that are indispensable in today's era of digital media. DVDPedia and CDPedia - by are used to catalog my growing media collection. These two apps produce web formatted output, so I can share my collections with others.
Thorsten Lemke (of Lemkesoft) released a new beta (6.2b6), followed soon afterwards by a new full release (6.2). GraphicConverter is an image converter and editor. A fantastic piece of shareware that is well worth the price ($35.00). I use it to convert image formats into web standard formats, to create and edit image maps and other graphics. I've been singing GC's praises for many years now, and I'm not sure I would do without it. The best part about GC is it's author. Thorsten Lemke is completely committed to his customer base. Constantly and Continuously responding to customer recommendations and bug reports. GC is a dynamic, evolving, application. Always on the cutting edge, an absolute must in any web developers tool box. At a fraction of PhotoShop's cost, this photo editor puts a huge wrench in your toolbox.
DVDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your movie collection, and I'm running version 4.3.1. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the movie or you can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off the movie box (it then searches the internet, and displays choices). It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, the ability to play movie in full screen mode, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my movies. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.
CDPedia is a great little application for cataloging and displaying your music collection, and I'm running version 4.3.1. It's list of features is impressive, and it keeps getting better with every update. The database is capable of generating statistics, you can keep track of multiple collections, you can easily add titles by typing the name of the artist, album, or track. You can scan the barcode (using your iSight camera or a barcode reader) right off a jewel case (it then searches the internet, and displays choices), or you can import lists of music from iTunes. It has customizable HTML export capabilities, a borrowed feature with address book integration, and many more features which make an awesome addition to your software library. I use it to generate HTML listings of my music. Below are links to some of the pages I created using this software.
With these software updates, I've updated my Software Favorites page. It's primarily dedicated to web publishing for the Mac user. Not meant for the professional, It's my hope that home users and hobbyists will find it useful.
Cold weather in Colorado:
The weather in these parts has begun to change. The change of seasons is approaching, and as a result, our usually sedate and clear skies are becoming increasingly cloudy. On the 5th of Sep, 2008, we saw some cooler temps. The sky was cloudy and dark all day. We had rain throughout the day, and fog hung in the air. The temps were in the 60's all day long. It won't be long before we start to see temps dropping into the low 50s, 40, and even the 30s. From the 8th - 11th we experienced an extended period of low temps and rainy weather. On the 8th the temps were down into the 40s and 50s. It rained on the 10th and 11th, and the skies have been cloudy for most of the day. It looks like winter is on its way.
TriCare is Awesome:
<rave>I have to admit that the best benefit I receive as a military retiree is health care. I consider this medical coverage more valuable than the monthly pension I receive. Not everyone has access to this level of health care, and I consider myself lucky. I recently paid our annual enrollment fee. $460.00 is the fee I pay for an entire year's worth of full coverage health care. That fee covers both of us. Yes, full medical coverage for $460.00 a year! That's right - full medical coverage. It's government health care at it's best. I've never had any serious medical problems, but I can definitely tell you that this medical coverage accounts for a huge portion of my 'Peace of Mind'. I've never been refused care. Never had a claim denied. Never been told that a procedure wasn't covered. Never had to pay huge fees out of my own pocket. As a matter of fact, Kim recently had to visit the emergency room (she's fine thank you). The total bill - If we didn't have TriCare? $491.00! TriCare paid $160.21, and we paid $0.00! That's right $0.00. TriCare rules! If you're afraid of government health care, I have to say 'why?' it's awesome. My twenty plus years of experience with government health care has made me a believer. It's too bad we can't offer this health care to everyone. If we did that, the insurance industry wouldn't be able to rake in those huge profits that they deserve? </rave>
Let's conserve energy by jacking up your bill!
<rant>The other day (8 Sep 2008), I received a flyer from Xcel energy. They wrote to inform me that they're raising prices - Again! It's really no surprise. Xcel is a 'for profit' corporation. They're bottom line is stockholder profits and increased profitability. So why are they raising prices this time? You're gonna love this one. They're raising prices in order to save me money! Right - Yes, you read that correctly. They're raising the rates as part of a 'Conservation' effort. It's simple; by raising prices, they force you to use less electricity. When the rates go high enough, you cut back in order to conserve. They have to be careful though. If they raise the rates to high, you might conserve too much. If you cut back too much they might not make enough money, then they'd have to raise the rates some more in order to make up for the difference caused by your conservation (Just like the water utility does). No I'm not making any of this up. Their idea of conservation is raising rates. Not mandating energy saving devices, offering CFLs at reduced rates, implementing new energy saving standards. All of those measures might be more efficient from a consumers point of view, but they cost Xcel money, and that's contrary to good business. Instead, they raise prices. Hey did you know that raising your rates is 'two to five times less expensive than meeting your future energy needs in other ways'? Less expensive for them, more expensive for us. I guess privatizing the energy companies was a good idea. A good idea for those who hold stock in Xcel. Wouldn't it be nice if you were in that 1% tier?
Thanks for conserving electricity, we appreciate the extra money you're paying us for less electricity! There's definitely something wrong with this country. Why does Xcel stop there? I'll bet they could conserve a lot more electricity by doubling or tripling there rates! I mean come on, if they raise their rates high enough, they could single-handedly solve this country's energy crisis!<rant>
September 3, 2008 Roku Rules!
<rave>I have to tell you about a new set top box that really rocks!. In late August of 2008, I ordered a Roku player. What's a Roku player? Well, I'm glad you asked. If you like movies, if you're a NetFlix freak like me, it's the ultimate movie delivery system. It's a movie watcher's Nirvana. A Roku player is a little black box (5" x 5" x 2") with cables and a remote, for $99.00. I ordered it directly from the manufacturer, and it arrived at the end of Aug, 2008.
After a bit of difficulty (not the Roku's fault - you can read about that in a bit), I got the player up and running. It requires it's own connection to the internet - which I have (a high-speed Comcast cable connection). I had to buy a wired router (we'll talke more about that later), so it could share the internet connection with my computer, and finally, it requiresa NetFlix (unlimited online viewing) account - Which I have.
Once I'd assembled all the proper pieces, I activated the device. Not counting some cabling problems (again, you'll read about that in a bit), I was able to get the Roku up and running in about an hour. That includes connecting it to my router, the ethernet connections to the media center, and the device activation.
With the Roku up and running, I can watch unlimited NetFlix movies on my televsion! According to NetFlix (last time I checked - Sep 3rd, 2008), there are 12,000+ titles available, but I've got the feeling that they can't keep that number up to date. On the weekend that I set up my device (30 - 31 Aug, '08), they added 8 movies from my DVD queue to the instant watch inventory. So they're busy adding more movies as we speak. 12,000 titles isn't anything to sneeze at, and I anticipate they'll soon have a huge selection.
As soon as I activated the device, it went through my NetFlix DVD queue and added a bunch of movies (69 of them) to my instant watch queue. The instant watch queue is a separate queue under the primary account. I'm not sure how many movies I can add to that queue, but I'm sure it'll get tested in the months to come. Browsing the titles in my instant queue is easy to do with the included remote, but I wish I could use my universal remote (I haven't really investigated that possibility yet). You can access a short synopsis of the movies, set a NetFlix rating, and remove items from the queue using the menu displayed on your TV. Nice! I can only imagine expanded capabilities in the future. How about a search function? How about the ability to browse the entire list of available instant watch titles? This thing is only gonna get better!
Watching movies was a snap as well. A simple click of the remote starts the download, and you're watching the movie in seconds. It only downloads a small portion of the movie - Just enough to get you going, as you watch the movie it downloads and dumps successive portions of the movie, making for a smooth viewing experience with no long wait times. The playback was excellent quality (given the fact that I have a high-speed Comcast connection (standard residential internet option in the Aurora, Colorado area)). I haven't experienced any lag, the audio is perfectly synched, and the quality is awesome (it's not HD) for a streaming video connection. As a matter of fact, it's better quality playback than I get with the Comcast pay-per-view option - Awesome!
With my current NetFlix plan (5 out at a time for $29.99 a month), I'm permitted unlimited streaming/instant view movies. You can even watch more than one movie at a time - If you have more than one Roku player. The best part about this deal? We both make out on the plus side. NetFlix doesn't have to ship me a disc. They don't have to buy as many discs. They don't have to worry about broken, missing, or stolen discs. Once they really get this instant viewing gig up and running, they're really going to increase their profit margins. For me, I'm getting unlimited viewing (to a limited library) with no waiting, and NO EXTRA COST! As a matter of fact, I'm planning to reduce my plan from 5 out at a time, to 4 out at a time ($23.99 a month). And who knows, I might be able to go lower than that! (3 out at a time for $16.99) This 'Watch Instantly' plan is going to save me money, and increase NetFlix profits. It's about time someone realized the promise of streaming video at a reasonable cost for the consumer.</rave>
TekREDI bothched the installation of cat5 cabling in my home:
<rant>My home was wired with the TekREDI 'Standard Home System' sometime in 2004/2005 (I bought the home in early 2005). On Thursday (the 28th of August) I tried to use the pre-wired cat5 connections (installed by TekREDI of Denver, Colorado) to set up a wired ethernet network in my home. It's more than three years later, but the wiring should still work. Unfortunately, the wiring did not work. After spending approximately six hours trying to set up my network (I was connecting a video streaming device in my living room), I was able to determine that the cat5 cabling in my home was not functioning properly.
After removing the face plate from the wall in my computer room (2nd bedroom), I could see a physical break in one of the eight wires connected to the ethernet jack on the back of the face plate. I wasn't sure what was wrong with the other length of wire, but I knew it had a problem too. Testing confirmed this, when a green light on my device (A Roku box) failed to illuminate. As I spent approximately six hours with this installation, I had to quit in order to eat and go to bed.
I worked through the weekend (Fri-Sunday), and finally returned to the project/problem on Monday (the 1st of Sep). On Monday I rewired the connector in the computer room and tested the connection at the distribution panel in the basement. The green light came on, indicating a good connection. I then turned to the other length of wire (The part that led to my entertainment center). I discovered that the wires for this length of cat5 had been connected to the connector (on the back of the face plate) incorrectly. The wires were not attached for proper Cat-5/568B connection. Again, I had to disconnect the wires and reconnect them. After spending seven hours trying to connect my streaming device, I realized that all my problems were caused by faulty wiring job by TekREDI.
Yeah, all this extra work pissed me off. Did I write or contact the company? No. Did I contact the builder? No - Why should I? I'm well out of warranty (1 year home owners warranty) on this cabling, and I'm not in the habit of wasting my time (with a call to the builder), when I already know the answer. My home builder (D.R. Horton) has already made it known (to me and others in my community) that they have a one year warranty, and one year means one year. I don't blame them for this faulty wiring, and I don't expect them to fix some crappy contractor work. I checked the paperwork provided by TekREDI. No mention of a warranty at all. No information regarding their policy in this regard. Nowhere on the paperwork did it say anything resembling "We stand behind our work". After all my work was done, I emailed them to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the wiring work done by their company.
Only two cat5 cables were connected in my home (one to the computer room (bedroom2), and one to the living room (entertainment center)), and both lengths were improperly installed. Had the cables been tested (by someone with the appropriate equipment) after installation, the installer would have easily detected these problems. The fact that I had to discover these problems three years later points to three possible scenarios.
A. The cables weren't tested.
B. The cables were tested, but the faults were ignored.
C. The cables were tested, the faults noted, but tekREDI failed to follow up by correcting the faults.
Regardless of which scenario occurred, this situation is unacceptable. This faulty installation cost me valuable time to correct. I estimate that it took me (not an electrician/network engineer) two hours to trouble shoot the problem, and another hour to affect repairs. Three hours of my time is an expensive commodity. In my email, I asked them "What would you propose as adequate compensation for my frustration, your faulty installation, and my time and effort to correct the faults I discovered?". I really didn't know what to expect, but the results were less than satisfactory. What did they have to say? Well, Joe Berg - The Operations Manager wrote me back. Here's some of what he had to say...
"I apologize for the inconvenience of the data wiring in your home. TekREDI Home Systems stands by all of its work in the past and the present."
They appologized, and said they "stand by" all their work, but did they follow through with any type of corrective action? No. Any type of compensation? No. So they say they "stand by" all their work. That's great, they stand by their faulty installation. Then they make excuses, and pass the buck...
"The fact that the Cat-5e lines may not have been tested is unfortunate, and again, I apologize. From time to time, there will be errors in building a home and the builders have set-up the warranty program to help facilitate the warranty process. As your home was beyond the one year warranty from the builder, they probably did not have a system set up for you to follow."
Of course they won't admit that they didn't test the cables. After all, someone might have come into my house and intentionally broken the wires. Some disgruntled former employee might have broken into my house and rewired that length of cat5. Maybe this disgruntled former employee is trying to make TekREDI look bad! It's a good thing we have a one year builder warranty. That ought to fix everything. Oh, wait a second. It's been more than a year since we bought the house! Oh, sorry about that - Too bad for you... It's a good thing TekREDI stands behind their work - Not! Is that it? No, here's there final word on the subject...
"The paperwork that you had should have had either our TekREDI Office or our Main office phone number to get in touch with us to help you with the wiring.
Please let me know if the paperwork provided did not have proper contact information."
Great. So, it's my fault. I should have called them. After all, I should have known ahead of time that the problem was crappy ethernet wiring. I should have known ahead of time that they installed it improperly. I guess I should have started out by assuming that the wiring was installed incorrectly. That way I would have saved myself all the trouble. I should have called them and everything would have been o.k. Calling them before I did any troubleshooting would have resulted in them notifying me that they had improperly installed my cat5. I'm sure they would have rushed a technician out to my house. Surely they would have fixed all my problems for a small fee.
Like Mr. Berg said "Please let me know if the paperwork provided did not have the proper contact information." I'm sure that's relevant in some alternate universe; if only it applied here in our universe. This company (TekREDI) does NOT stand behind their work. They pass the buck, they make excuses, and they left me holding the loose end of a faulty cat5 cable job. Hopefully someone will read this and save themselves some time. If tekREDI installed your home network, check it now! It's probably installed improperly. If you wait until the builder's warranty expires you'll be sorely disappointed by the manner in which TekREDI responds to their mistakes. All I got were excuses and appologizes.</rant>
September's eMusic Selections:
Here's a list of some of the music I recently acquired. Where do I get all this stuff? I find a lot of free (actually free) music by visiting several of the new music web sites out there. Artists want you to hear their music - If you like it, you'll buy it. The major labels want you to pay for their product - letting you hear it for free is contrary to their business model. Well, guess what? I won't buy it unless I can listen to it first. The major labels are killing themselves with their restrictive distribution and dissemination policies. If you like new music, you can do a google search to find your favorite artists web site, a new music web site, or an archive of free music. Free music is available - Legally! Don't believe the major labels propaganda - Not all free music is illegal. You can legally download music for free. I download music from websites, newsgroups (when I already own rights to the music), and a couple of commercial sources. Here's a listing of some of the music I legally downloaded.
eMusic monthly downloads:
Every month I download 90 tracks from I bought in when the price was right - $19.99 for 90 DRM free songs a month. At less than $.25 a track, that's a awesome value. iTunes eat your heart out. You can't get that deal anymore, but eMusic still offers more music for your money, and the variable bit rate recordings make for exceptionally high quality.
* Until the World is Beautiful - The Prids: (9+1 songs) Originally discovered back in Sep of 2006, it took me two years to rediscover this band. While listening to my music collection, up popped a Prids tune, and up perked my ears. I was pleasantly surprised to find music that was full of emotion. Songs blending melancholy with cutting edge instrumentals. The post punk lyrics are delivered by opposing male and female voices. Originally discovered at This albumn download comes courtesy of
* Thing a Week One - Jonathon Coulton: (12 songs) I first heard this man's music back in 2006 (from a MacAddict disc). I've been downloading an occasional track (from his very generous website). Here's my second album download. Contemporary pop-folk. Brilliant, quirky, funny, lyrics. Creating modern-day fairy tales.
* Fancy Footwork (Deluxe Edition) - Chromeo: (11 & 13 songs) I first discovered this talent through, but I liked it so much I had to go looking for more. I found this double album collection at This band defines Electro-Funk with these devilishly, delicious dance tunes. It's electronic ecstasy with an urban hip-hop ethic.
* Science Fiction Illustrated - Mother and the Addicts: (11 songs) I discovered this band by listening to a free compilation put out by Very remniscent of the English Beat mixed with Franz Ferdinand, Talking Heads and other influences. I'll definitely download the second album soon. Crap - I just found out that the band is no more. Disbanded sometime around July of 2008.
* The Legende of Jeb Minor - The Original Brothers and Sisters of Love: (14 songs) aka TOBASOL, this band became the Great Lakes Myth Society, and that's how I discovered them - By working backwards. Digging for the roots of an amazing folk, acoustic, americana band. Outstanding lyrics and instrumentals mark these mythical ballads with a distinctive American touch. Folk has never popped the way these songs pop. FYI: Despite the vocal similarities to the Waterboys and bands of their ilk, this band does not hail from England, Ireland or Scotland. Here is the debut album from a band that deserves a wider audience and accolades for their amazing efforts.
* Cut - The Slits: (12 songs) Here is a late 70's original. An all girl band that broke through all the stereotypes to produce something no one expected. Fresh, original, lyrical, new and experimental. Fusing reggae with punk, this band carved a niche, expanded a genre, and opened a door for many more bands. An eMusic recommendation that worked out fine for me.
* Bloc Party - Bloc Party: (6 songs) Pop-punk, dance-punk, Electro-hip-hop. Energetic brit-pop, with cascading instrumentals and smart lyrics. Gang of four wound up and turned loose. This begining promises a shining future for this band. I'll definitely look for more.
* The World Was A Mess
But His Hair Was Perfect - The Rakes: (2 song EP) I first discovered this band by listening to the iTunes new music Tuesday podcast. British Beetles inspired post punk alternative band. With a sound that's very reminiscent of Gang of Four or Joy Division. I just can't get enough of this band. Both of these songs are cut from the album 'Ten New Messages'. I should've paid closer attention. Just as good the second time around.
These are just some of the items I added to my music collection during the month of September. Since returning from Japan in 2001, I've been rediscovering my appreciation for music. I really picked it up again in September of 2005. Since then, I've been slowly adding, revising and updating my music collection. With these acquisitions, I've updated my online music listing. If you have a comment or a question regarding my music collection, please don't hesitate to send me an email. 
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