Rules Lawyer

Rules Lawyer

Rules Lawyer is a discussion of some of the confusing and sometimes contradictory rules which plague the AD&D® game. Rules lawyer is a result of e-mail discussions which have taken place during my AD&D PBeM campaign. With the detachment inherant in a PBeM game, comes great objectivity. It allows me to make informed and balanced decissions, which I typically document, and sometimes debate with the players. To date, this page only contains two topics, but it will probably expand in the future.

As this particular section of my Web Site deals directly with the AD&D® game, and it's rules, let me point out that I am not am employee of TSR or Wizards of The Coast. Nor am I receiving any compensation (monetary or otherwise) in exchange for making these materials available to the gaming public. This is not an 'official' TSR/WOtC web site, and the materials available here are not 'official' AD&D® products. I hope that you find some of the materials presented here to be of use in "your" game. Please see the "Disclaimer"  for more legalize gobledegook.

On with the show.

The Topics of Discontent

Character points vs Proficiency slots:
As you know the second edition game introduced a concept known as proficiency slots. This rule provided a way for characters to learn/earn/purchase weapon and non-weapon proficiencies. Specific classes were given certain amounts of 'Slots' which they would fill with various proficiencies.

This method worked fine on it's own. Then along came the "Players's Option™:" rules, and the introduction of 'Character Points'. The new system was similar, but provided no way to integrate the two systems. Many players and GM's were then faced with the dilema of integration. Provided here is an e-mail discussion of the topic, and my solution to the problem.

Fighting with two weapons
Ever since "Unearthed Arcana" introduced a set of rules for fighting with two weapons, there has been confusion, discontent, and disagreement over how to implement, and aply the rules. Provided here is a disertation on the topic. An in-depth analysis and overview of this complex and confusing topic. The fact that there are numerous different rules governing this subject hasn't made things any easier.

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
Last Updated: Mon, Nov 16, 1998 02:09

This page has been accessed times since 16 Nov 1998.