Movie Reviews: 11/2011
Movies seen this month: 11
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  Title: Our Idiot Brother
Genre: Comedy, Drama  Year: 2011  Country: USA  Rating: Starring: Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, Nick Sullivan, Zooey Deschanel, Francesca Papalia  Director: Jesse Peretz

My Review: Paul Rudd plays Ned, a happy go lucky organic farmer. Ned is living a carefree life with his girlfriend and a dog named Willie Nelson on a collective farm. During an unlucky day at the farmer's market, Ned makes the mistake of selling marijuana to a uniformed officer. After eight months in prison, Ned returns to the collective farm to find his girlfriend shacked up with a good friend. Ned is told to 'get lost' and he doesn't even get to take his dog with him. With nowhere to go, Ned heads home to stay with mom. Shortly afterwards, he ends up ruining the lives, marriages and jobs of all three sisters. It's a dark comedy with some great writing and perfect casting. The pacing is perfect and the comedy great. A smart, cliched, feel-good, comedy. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Summary: Ned lived a happy life growing organic vegetables on a farm with his hippie girlfriend and his dog named Willie Nelson, but an unadvised incident with marijuana at a farmer's market lands him in jail. When he gets out of jail, he is off to live with his sisters. While Ned is still happy, his sisters are much less so after he manages to screw up one marriage, one job opportunity, one budding relationship and one domestic partnership. He sees those problems as breakdowns in communication, but his sisters see him as an idiot.


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