Title: The Red and the White / Csillagosok, katonák
Genre: Drama, War |
Year: 1968 |
Country: Hungary, Soviet Union |
Rating:  |
Starring: József Madaras, Tibor Molnár, András Kozák, Jácint Juhász, Anatoli Yabbarov
Director: Miklós Jancsó
My Review: An extremely chaotic film mirrors the chaos of war in this black and white Hungarian film. Produced in 1967, the film was initially banned in Soviet Russia. The story is set along the Volga river in 1919. Hungarians communists are helping the Bolsheviks' (Red) in their struggle against Czarists (White). This small strip of land is the setting for a series of back and forth battles between the Reds and the Whites. One side takes an abandoned military fort, then it's retaken by the other side. Prisoners escape into the woods, they're captured near a hospital, then plot to retake the hospital. Captives are executed against walls, or stripped naked and forced to flee on foot into the woods. Nurses are abducted, forced to dance to a marching band's waltzes, then allowed to leave unmolested. Other nurses are ordered to strip, then swim in the Volga, or threatened with rape by unscrupulous soldiers. If you're trying to figure out what the hell was going on, or who was winning, you'll be lost in short order. I don't know what the point of this movie was. Perhaps it was simply saying that war is chaos. If that's the case, then it made it's case quite effectively. There is no 'main' character, and you're never quite sure which side is winning. The movie does a good job depicting war as violent, absurd, and morally confused. The direction and acting in this woefully scripted movie are lacking, and I could barely stand to watch it. The locations were great, but the camera work sub-par. I give it a 2 out of 5.
Summary: In 1919, Hungarian Communists aid the Bolsheviks' defeat of Czarists, the Whites. Near the Volga, a monastery and a field hospital are held by one side then the other. Captives are executed or sent running naked into the woods. Neither side has a plan, and characters the camera picks out soon die. A White Cossack officer kills a Hungarian and is executed by his own superiors when he tries to rape a milkmaid. At the hospital, White officers order nurses into the woods, dressed in finery, to waltz. A nurse aids the Reds, then they accuse her of treason for following White orders. Red soldiers walk willingly, singing, into an overwhelming force. War seems chaotic and arbitrary.