[notime] Seth

marsden matthew mattmars at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Feb 18 05:16:38 MST 2016

Hi All

it looks like you are having an interesting discussion, but its filling up my
inbox, im getting copies of every exchange, could you please take me off this


(if you are interested in my angle on the matter of time v timelessness please
check out

Does Time exist? What is Time? +What does Einstein's Relativity Prove?


Timeless Time-Travel answers to Prof Cox's“Science of Dr WHO”.



matthew marsden

auth  A Brief History of Time-lessness <http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I09XHMQ>

> On 17 February 2016 at 21:03 "Susan S." <sdsup at yahoo.com> wrote:
>     I definitely do believe in God.  Science can be done either way, with or
> without God.  It doesn't interfere. 
>     I picture "no time" as a completed universe wherein all the possible
> futures exist.  I don't think we create a future as we go along.  I think we
> are travelling one path as opposed to all other probable/possible paths.  Just
> as I don't "create" Chicago if I travel there, I don't think I "create" a
> future as I age.
>     Anyway, that is what I hope is true.  And that is what I hope someday to
> hear expressed by someone other than me.  That's why I am here, although
> perhaps my desire is a long shot. (And I enjoy all of your articles whether I
> "get" them or not).
>     Susan
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     From: Daniel Schroder <dan.schroder at hotmail.com>
>     To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
> <akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:46 PM
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     Yes, you understand my point quite well.  
>     I certainly defer to Rob on exactly what his theory means, but personally
> I read it to be by no means bound only to our three dimensional, regular
> physical universe.  
>     I have no idea if the majority of people here believe in God as I do, but
> it shouldn't be a problem as long as us believers are trying our best to
> approach things from an intellectual/scientific perspective and stay
> respectful and non-preachy.  
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     From: acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com
>     To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:15:23 +0000
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     Ok
>     I think I get a point... I will reiterate.
>     No time, No motion is not necessarily a statement directed towards and
> within our dimension (as you put “locally”).
>     The precepts proposed here are that of a higher level of consideration. In
> these higher levels the concept of Time & Motion are meaningless and therefore
> do not exist...  And it is only in our 3 dimensional universe (through being a
> derivative) does time and motion show up...
>     Hmm. Ok I will consider this thought and therefore consider what a
> Timeless & Motionless higher dimension might look like while being able to
> yield as a derivative a dimension with time & motion.
>     Has any thought been given to the our world as the Integral to the higher
> dimension?
>     So in effort to not just blabber on & on the for the sake of talking , I
> will sit back a moment and hope to read more from other contributors...
>     On another thought or curiosity are you or are the majority of email
> thread populous proponents of God or a device being ? It’s ok if that is a
> conclusion that one wants to make or not. I just want to be clear and I do not
> read between the lines as I though t I picked up an inference to an all being.
> I do not have any particular conviction either way. I believe faith is
> personal and it should remain that way. IMO there is no reason science and
> faith can exist at the same time.
>     Thanks & regards
>     From: akinetochronism [mailto:akinetochronism-bounces at robsworld.org] On
> Behalf Of Daniel Schroder
>     Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:19 PM
>     To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     I am surely more open to the spiritual angles than you are, Allen, but I
> don't think either of us has to feel like an outsider for any reason.  Plenty
> of bandwidth, as Rob likes to say.
>     Let's forget "puppeteering," as that's just my casual way (because who
> knows to what extent our universe was designed intelligently) of saying
> derivative.  I think of the word derivative in the calculus
> (integral/derivative) way, I also think of it as a synonym for byproduct, and
> I agree with your definition of derivative.  That's what I'm proposing...that
> everything in this dimension is the direct result something happening at a
> higher dimension.  I think that if we were having this conversation in that
> higher dimension with all of the secrets already revealed, we would agree that
> there is no such thing as time or motion - there only is at a local (three
> dimensional universe we inhabit) level.  That's my big picture belief - the
> way that Rob's theory best fits full reality.
>     On the big bang/expansion point, I think it's relevant to
> no-time/no-motion, because some of us are sitting here believing that there's
> no such thing as motion while those of you who believe in motion cite piles of
> evidence on a physically expanding/moving universe.  The way that it's easiest
> IMO to square these two things is that something above us (dimensionally) is
> making this happen from the big bang on.  It may have been two
> already-fine-tuned dimensions/branes above us that collided/merged and caused
> the big bang. 
>     I wrote about this topic much more extensively seven months ago, but I
> hesitate to post any more of my casual/layman's style South Beach writings for
> a while...
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     From: mailto:acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com
>     To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 14:35:51 +0000
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     Dan, the only thing you owe is to reply/respond in an honest and
> thoughtful manner, for which you have imo, however thank you for the
> consideration.  I do not (and no one should) take any seemingly disparaging
> post personally,,,
>     I may have come across critical of the little bit I read in the Seth
> writings. Perhaps I owe it to this forum (or myself) to read more. However
> when it comes to dreams I believe that discussion can become philosophical
> fairly quickly. I am not into philosophical talk when it comes to the subject
> of physics (matter & energy). I am more fixated in the physical-ness of our
> being.  My understanding is that our mind is a resultant kluge of our brain
> which is composed of billions of electrical connections. These connections are
> made and established though our senses and interactions. Dreams are just
> random firings of these connections while we sleep (read: at rest, zen state)
> spurred on as a result of recent, old , happenstance and familiar interactions
> and sensations. At 53 I have had many dreams and as I consider now and of old
> they could all be explained by things I have experienced in one way or
> another. No astral plane going on over here.   
>     So back to my pov, I do not believe I am as familiar / knowledgeable and
> passionate when it comes to “higher powers” or “puppeteering” of our dimension
> that we are familiar with (aka our universe) from other dimensions. In as much
> as I may have disparaged movie analogies in my previous post, I do believe the
> writers and story tellers of some movies are in of themselves similar to
> historical philosophers  presenting to the public a plethora of concepts,
> ideas and possibilities. So to your post below, it sounds like you are
> inferring “we” (human consciousness?) might be part of a “Matrix”?
>     I could be totally off or partially off, I would appreciate clarification
> on “puppeteering”. Or did you mean... We are perhaps a derivative (derivative
> being a specific result of a specific action) of another dimension of
> happenings? That would mean all matter would have to be a derivative and
> henceforth our universe would be a derivative?. Idk,,, Sounds like a little
> bit of an Animal House scene to me (no insult intended).  Btw, I am a super
> fan of the movies Inception and Interstellar; check out “Lucy” for a few
> interesting thoughts.  
>     Furthermore, your below post , imo, confuses two totally different
> concepts. Physics (physical matter, energy) and consciousness (a human trait
> or perhaps any living being trait). Read below that you acknowledge the
> possibility of the constituents of matter (down to the “strings”) yet you are
> denying their physical validity because they might be just a projection or
> derivative of a higher dimension.    Or   do you mean derivative as I defined
> above? Iow, (String theory, M theory) the ”other” dimensions affect our
> dimension in such a manner that our actions and the actions of the stars &
> galaxies are derivatives (or even responsible for resultant derivatives in
> other dimensions)? Hmm. I guess, but wait, I’m lost on how that interplays
> with No time, No motion. Is there a straw man argument here? Are we denying
> matter & energy just because ”anything “ is possible?
>     You wrote:
>     “ The delicate rate at which the universe had to be expanding in order for
> us to ever wind up here required astronomically-high levels of precise
> expansion-rate calibration. Everything might be tethered to higher dimensions,
> from the big bang-type event (inflation theory) on.”
>     Again I am lost as to how this interplays with No time, No motion. As I
> consider what I am writing I am wondering if I am an outsider here so please
> do not take my words as an affront to your pov. My intent is just to nail down
> some concepts to consider. Again I stated that I am more convinced of a
> physical-ness to our world (universe) rather than a metaphysical aspect. I buy
> into matter & energy, randomness, the singularity and multi-dimensions. How
> these concepts interact and our construct (view) of them is quite the
> conundrum, imo and fun to consider.  
>     I will continue to read
>     Allen
>     From: akinetochronism [mailto:akinetochronism-bounces at robsworld.org] On
> Behalf Of dan.schroder
>     Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 10:12 PM
>     To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     Allen, I figure I owe you a short, sweet and on topic response after your
> clear and concise post :).  Some of us think that time is definitely fake, and
> for those of us in that camp, Rob's most notable breakthrough IMO is that even
> though we are so very far away from being able to prove that motion is also
> fake, in the grand scheme of things it makes more sense that motion is also
> fake if time truly fake.  The puzzle fits together more cleanly if he's right,
> even though it means we have even more puzzle pieces missing than we'd
> thought.
>     It's possible that the strings are "vibrating" here in our dimension, and
> your fingers are "moving" down towards the "stationary" keys, but that all of
> that (what we think of as) motion is only a projection/derivative from a
> higher dimension and maybe even caused by the 5th-6th-plus forces that you
> mentioned.  Like our whole existence is being puppeteered from a higher
> dimension, all for the shared purpose of being able to interact in a physical
> environment at all (a beautiful thing we can all agree) which necessitates
> "dumbing down" our full awareness with the fake and agreed upon concepts of
> time and motion.  
>     The delicate rate at which the universe had to be expanding in order for
> us to ever wind up here required astronomically-high levels of precise
> expansion-rate calibration.  Everything might be tethered to higher
> dimensions, from the big bang-type event (inflation theory) on.
>     Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>     -------- Original message --------
>     From: Allen Cavalluzzi < acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com
> <mailto:acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com> >
>     Date:02/16/2016 9:27 PM (GMT-05:00)
>     To: No such thing as time or motion discussions <
> akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     Cc:
>     Subject: Re: [notime] Seth
>     Sorry,,,,
>     I don’t buy this “Seth dissertation” – especially as I believe it is not
> relative to this email thread “No such thing as time or motion”.
>     A few fine facts contained therein are lost within an enormous amount of
> subjectivity and pontification. It makes for a hard read imo.
>     Some previous posters have written some point specific comments,
> suggestions, hypothesis and questions. Imo, these type of email replies bode
> better for the thread. Short and sweet is easier to digest than long and
> convoluted.
>     Guys,,, I think we are talking physics here not movies and dreams.
>     Every email I have read, I have considered and mated it up with what I
> believe I know.
>     So I will offer my thoughts so far. To start:
>     Who really cares if there IS or IS NOT any time or motion. I think the
> author took a position and like a true scientist he wants to vet it out fully,
> welcoming everyone’s ideas .
>     I for one have a feeling that the definition of time is not the same for
> all of us.  
>     Mostly everyone buys into “time” as a measurement tool. But how deep they
> consider the tool is I guess what this email thread is about.
>     To me, “time” is a unit-less measure of movement for any and all objects.
> So in my theory if there is no movement then there is no time.  And I mean
> down to the string theory level (if that is a valid theory) If the strings
> vibrate, then there is time.
>     That is as far as I get with my concept,,, I’d be more than happy to
> consider counterpoints.
>     As far as No motion. Well, If one is considering motion as a relativistic
> unit on every minute scale then why not. In other words tell me that my
> fingers typing on this keyboard are not moving because the keys are actually
> jumping up towards my fingers, so relatively I / we (the keyboard & I ) have
> not really moved Or when I get up to go to the bathroom, the bathroom is
> actually coming to me and so on... then perhaps yes, relativistic-ally maybe
> there has not been any movement. Boy this requires then in my definition that
> to every action there is an equal and totally equal reaction (down to the
> string level – again if that theory holds true). Is that the idea of “no
> motion”?  
>     Otherwise what’s wrong with movement and the measure of movement (time in
> my definition).  I believe in the big bang or at least in the expansion of our
> universe. Movement. So I am curious as to why “no motion”. The “no time” thing
> I like albeit my definition might not be the one being promulgated here.
>     I’m deftly curious about how the universe works, and what other
> possibilities lie out there and the consideration of what other universes
> might look like, especially considering that they may have difference constant
> atomic constituent values and or lacking constituent elements or perhaps they
> have even more fundamental constituent elements. Maybe not 4 forces of nature
> but 5 or 6 or so on.
>     I read about the possibility of denser or less dense universes. Cool
> concepts come to mind, Different forms of life or life like entities. Perhaps
> Rocks or Crystalline structures that are alive within more massive Crystalline
> structure worlds.
>     I may have gone off on a tangent but some previous posters have alluded to
> similar strange considerations that have sparked my mind.
>     So, if not obvious, I enjoy reading these emails. I might agree to a small
> degree with Andy’s frustration over Daniel’s posts, but temperance and
> patience is definitely needed imo, on and in any web / email forum...
>     Good work Rob.
>     Allen
>     From: akinetochronism [mailto:akinetochronism-bounces at robsworld.org] On
> Behalf Of Andy W
>     Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 3:47 AM
>     To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     Subject: [notime] Seth
>     Hi,
>     [Paradisenow.net: Seth excerpts: The Seth Material, Dreams and Projection
> of Consciousness & More]
>     Welcome <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/index.html> · Seth Excerpts
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts.html> · Seth & Jane Roberts
> Books <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_books.html> · Seth Links
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/consciousrealitycreation-links.html>
>     Welcome to the 3rd Seth Excerpts page
>     of Seth Quotes.ParadiseNow.net!
>     page 1 <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_part_i.html> ·
> page 2 <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_part_ii.html> · page 4
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_iv.html>
>     For you who already know or are curious about the amazing teachings of
> Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts), here are carefully handtyped (by me)
> excerpts from The Seth Material
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_part_iii.html#The%20Seth%20Material>
> , Seth, Dreams and Projection of Consciousness
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_part_iii.html> and more Seth
> extracts
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts_part_iii.html#More%20Seth%20Extracts>
> gleaned from various sources.
>     (the text has been repeatedly checked for typos and is, as far as I can
> humanly tell, fully identical with the original).
>     Intro & complete list of Seth excerpts & articles
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_excerpts.html>
>     Incidentally, if you buy any of these books or other items via a click
> from my US, UK and CA Amazon links
> <http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net/seth_books.html#Amazon%20links> , you
> contribute to defraying the costs of this website.
>     Seth on the Vibratory Nature of Existence
>     "Now the behavior of atoms and molecules is involved here, for again
>     these are only present within your universe during certain stages.
>     Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular
>     vibratory rhythms.
>     When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the
>     nature, say, of an atom.
>     They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows
>     itself within your
>     system.
>     Its greater reality completely escapes them.
>     You understand that there are spectrums of light.
>     So are there spectrums of matter.
>     Your system of physical reality is not dense in comparison with some
>     others.
>     The dimensions that you give to physical matter barely begin to hint at
>     the varieties of dimensions possible.
>     Some systems are far heavier or lighter than your own, though this may
>     not involve weight in the terms with which you are familiar.
>     Probable actions emerge, then, into matter systems quite as valid as
>     your own, and quite as consistent.
>     You are used to thinking in single line thoughts, so you think of events
>     that you know as complete things or actions, not realizing that what you
>     perceive is but a
>     fraction of their entire multidimensional existence.
>     In greater terms, it is impossible to separate one physical event from
>     the probable events, for these are all dimensions of one action.
>     It is basically impossible to separate the "you" that you know from the
>     probable you's of which you are unaware, for the same reasons.
>     There are always inner pathways, however, leading between probable
>     events;
>     since all of them are manifestations of an act in its becoming, then the
>     dimensions between these are illusions.
>     The physical brain alone cannot pick up these connections with any great
>     success.
>     The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times
>     perceive the far greater dimensions of any given event
>     through a burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be
>     adequately described on a verbal level.
>     As I have said frequently, time as you think of it does not exist, yet
>     in your terms, time's true nature could be understood if the basic
>     nature of the atom was ever made known to you.
>     In one way, an atom could be compared to a microsecond.
>     It seems as if an atom "exists" steadily for a certain amount of time.
>     Instead it phases in and out, so to speak.
>     It fluctuates in a highly predictable pattern and rhythm.
>     It can be perceived within your system only at certain points in this
>     fluctuation, so it seems to scientists that the atom is steadily
>     present.
>     They are not aware of any gaps of absence as far as the atom is
>     concerned.
>     In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of
>     fluctuation, the atoms "appear" in another system of reality.
>     In that system they are perceived in what are "on" points of
>     fluctuation, and in that system also then the atoms (seem to) appear
>     steadily.
>     There are many such points of fluctuation, but your system of course is
>     not aware of them, nor of the ultimate actions, universes, and systems
>     that exist within them.
>     Now the same sort of behavior occurs on a deep, basic, secret, and
>     unexplored psychological level.
>     The physically oriented consciousness, responding to one phase of the
>     atom's activity, comes alive and awake to its particular existence, but
>     in between are other fluctuations in which consciousness is focused upon
>     entirely different systems of reality; each of these coming awake and
>     responding, and each one having no sense of absence, and memory only
>     of those particular fluctuations to which they respond."
>     Seth, session 567
>     > From: akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > Subject: akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 4
>     > To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 18:31:56 -0600
>     >
>     > Send akinetochronism mailing list submissions to
>     > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     >
>     > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>     > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
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>     > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>     > akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
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>     >
>     > You can reach the person managing the list at
>     > akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org
>     > <mailto:akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org>
>     >
>     > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>     > than "Re: Contents of akinetochronism digest..."
>     >
>     >
>     > Today's Topics:
>     >
>     > 1. What is the 'Seth Speaks Material'? (Robert Vaessen)
>     > 2. Re: Hi Sue (dan.schroder)
>     >
>     >
>     > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     >
>     > Message: 1
>     > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 15:14:17 -0700
>     > From: Robert Vaessen < notime at robsworld.org
>     > <mailto:notime at robsworld.org> >
>     > To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     > < akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > Subject: [notime] What is the 'Seth Speaks Material'?
>     > Message-ID: < 110DD5E8-9C91-4C06-9CA1-D831B8687144 at robsworld.org
>     > <mailto:110DD5E8-9C91-4C06-9CA1-D831B8687144 at robsworld.org> >
>     > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     >
>     > Andy -
>     >
>     > There are no ?rules? regarding ?how this forum works?. You?re free to
>     > discuss any ?No Such Thing as Time? topic. In the absence of other
>     > contributions, I?ve been replaying/relaying some correspondence I?ve had
>     > over the years. Email conversations on the topic of ?No Such Thing as
>     > Time?. Any subscriber is free to contribute their ideas, questions,
>     > ideas on the relevant topics.
>     >
>     > Could you provide some more information about ?Seth Speaks?? I haven?t
>     > read any of it, but I am interested to know how it relates to this
>     > topic. Everything I know about the topic is based upon writings ?about?
>     > the material. Is there anything in the material which supports a ?no
>     > such thing as time? concept?
>     >
>     > Perhaps you (or some other subscriber) could contribute to this forum by
>     > providing an overview of what the ?Seth Speaks? material is, and how it
>     > relates to the topic of ?No Such Thing as Time??
>     >
>     > - Robert
>     >
>     > > On Feb 14, 2016, at 13:13, Andy W <
>     > > mailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com%20%3cmailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com>>
>     > > wrote:
>     > >
>     > > Hi
>     > >
>     > > Not really sure how this forum works but I would definitely recommend
>     > > Reading Seth speaks the validity of the soul which in my opinion is
>     > > the definitive work on this subject & many others..
>     > >
>     > >
>     >
>     > -------------- next part --------------
>     > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>     > URL: <
>     > http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/attachments/20160214/4c6e0600/attachment-0001.html>
>     >
>     > ------------------------------
>     >
>     > Message: 2
>     > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 19:31:42 -0500
>     > From: dan.schroder < dan.schroder at hotmail.com
>     > <mailto:dan.schroder at hotmail.com> >
>     > To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     > < akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > Subject: Re: [notime] Hi Sue
>     > Message-ID: < BLU405-EAS29612C334B9F6224F88FA399CAC0 at phx.gbl
>     > <mailto:BLU405-EAS29612C334B9F6224F88FA399CAC0 at phx.gbl> >
>     > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     >
>     > Hey everyone, I'm the guy that revived Rob's public awesomeness...will
>     > forward some good summaries in the next couple of days including my five
>     > part series on Seth and dreams from 2010 and how it all ties into the
>     > ultimate truths we are so close to comprehending...Seth could not be
>     > more relevant.
>     >
>     >
>     > Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>     >
>     >
>     > -------- Original message --------
>     > From: Andy W < accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com
>     > <mailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com> >
>     > Date:02/14/2016 4:58 PM (GMT-05:00)
>     > To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > Cc:
>     > Subject: Re: [notime] Hi Sue
>     >
>     > Hi Sue,
>     >
>     > Yep sounds like something from the Seth material channelling (Jane
>     > Roerts) but I've read most of the books & don't remember that analogy.
>     > Seth talks of Multi dimensional universe & probabilities & says that
>     > time is a human construct that fits into this camouflaged physical
>     > reality..Think the fact that Seth is a entity no longer focused in
>     > physial life & also the channeling nature of the material puts alot of
>     > people off "maybe" from reading it, but personally although some of the
>     > concepts are difficult to understand It's a book that's changed my life
>     > & confirms what I all ready new from personal experience ie OBE's etc.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > > From: akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > > Subject: akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 2
>     > > To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 15:13:38 -0600
>     > >
>     > > Send akinetochronism mailing list submissions to
>     > > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > >
>     > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>     > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>     > > akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > >
>     > > You can reach the person managing the list at
>     > > akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org>
>     > >
>     > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>     > > than "Re: Contents of akinetochronism digest..."
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > Today's Topics:
>     > >
>     > > 1. Re: akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1 (Andy W)
>     > > 2. Re: reply to Andy W about Seth Speaks (Susan S.)
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > >
>     > > Message: 1
>     > > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 20:13:53 +0000
>     > > From: Andy W < accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com
>     > > <mailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com> >
>     > > To: " akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> " <
>     > > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > > Subject: Re: [notime] akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > > Message-ID: < DUB116-W1674E51780E29EE5B3F57D98AB0 at phx.gbl
>     > > <mailto:DUB116-W1674E51780E29EE5B3F57D98AB0 at phx.gbl> >
>     > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>     > >
>     > > Hi
>     > >
>     > > Not really sure how this forum works but I would definitely recommend
>     > > Reading Seth speaks the validity of the soul which in my opinion is
>     > > the definitive work on this subject & many others..
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > > From: akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > > > Subject: akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > > > To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 12:00:02 -0600
>     > > >
>     > > > Send akinetochronism mailing list submissions to
>     > > > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>     > > > akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > You can reach the person managing the list at
>     > > > akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>     > > > than "Re: Contents of akinetochronism digest..."
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > Today's Topics:
>     > > >
>     > > > 1. Time, like gravity is an unseen force acting upon the
>     > > > physical world (Robert Vaessen)
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > Message: 1
>     > > > Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 16:19:24 -0700
>     > > > From: Robert Vaessen < notime at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:notime at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     > > > < akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > Subject: [notime] Time, like gravity is an unseen force acting upon
>     > > > the physical world
>     > > > Message-ID: < 07849408-73D9-4849-8735-C65F46499527 at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:07849408-73D9-4849-8735-C65F46499527 at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     > > >
>     > > > All -
>     > > >
>     > > > As mentioned in previous posts to this list - I?m planning/am
>     > > > re-posting some of my previous ?No Time? conversations.
>     > > > Conversations with correspondents who wrote (over the years) in
>     > > > regards to the ?No Time? treatise/ideas I wrote/posted at: <
>     > > > http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html%20%3chttp:/www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>.
>     > > > I will be re-posting, dissecting, discussing that correspondence
>     > > > here; on the ?Akinetochronism? forum/mailing list. Here (see below)
>     > > > is another early discussion I engaged in with a correspondent.
>     > > > Please feel free to agree, disagree, or discuss these ?No Time / No
>     > > > Motion? ideas. In order to post/respond to the list all you have to
>     > > > do is draft and email and address it to: <
>     > > > mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org%20%3cmailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>>
>     > > >
>     > > > In this particular discussion/conversation I received an email from
>     > > > ?Jason K? - In that email he commented on something (gravity) that
>     > > > people sometimes use when they try to refute the non-existence of
>     > > > time.
>     > > >
>     > > > Note that some ?redaction? has been applied to protect Hedley's
>     > > > identity and occasionally for brevity?s sake. In the case of email
>     > > > addresses or full names, I simply omit the full email address or
>     > > > name.
>     > > >
>     > > > - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > > In this reposting, I have added my responses to the original post
>     > > > from Jason K. Jason's original email arrived on the 17th of Nov,
>     > > > 2004. My reply was sent on the 5th of Dec, 2004. Hedley's comments
>     > > > are in dark blue (with a single indent/quotation level). My comments
>     > > > are in light blue (with a double indent/quotation level).
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > > On Nov 17, 2004, at 11:09, Jason K wrote:
>     > > > >
>     > > > > I would like to congratulate you on the completion of such an eye
>     > > > > opening web page AND theory, or should I say truth. ?Time? is
>     > > > > taken for granted, or should I state the concept of time is taken
>     > > > > for granted, or perhaps I shouldn?t even refer to time, period, J
>     > > > > because how can we refer to something that doesn?t exist, right?
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> Thanks for visiting Rob's World! I'm glad you liked my page about
>     > > > >> the non-existence of time (and motion). Perhaps you'll come back
>     > > > >> and check out some of the other material.
>     > > > >
>     > > > > I wonder if some people might challenge you that time is a force
>     > > > > similar to that of ?gravity?, a force we cannot see, truly feel,
>     > > > > touch, taste, etc. Although, I have to admit that gravities
>     > > > > existence can probably be proven in the sense that in our
>     > > > > world/dimension, everything that goes up must come down (you know
>     > > > > what I mean). I guess I may have even answered my own question
>     > > > > since times? existence cannot be proven in such a manner. Your
>     > > > > thoughts, though, would be appreciated.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> People have suggested that time is a force in the sense of
>     > > > >> Gravity. I usually counter with the question 'What force does
>     > > > >> time effect?' How does it act on things? Then they fumble for an
>     > > > >> answer. Then I challenge them to define time without using time
>     > > > >> as part of the definition. Check out this link for an extended
>     > > > >> conversation regarding the nature of time:
>     > > > >> http://www.robsworld.org/mhonarcfiles/maillist.html <
>     > > > >> http://www.robsworld.org/mhonarcfiles/maillist.html>
>     > > > >
>     > > > > Thanks in advance for answering my question.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> I hope I've stimulated your thought buds.
>     > > > >
>     > > > > Jason K, Salt Lake City, Utah
>     > > > >
>     > > > > This whole time thing has made me question further the ?existence?
>     > > > > of things we take for granted, such as ?math?. We can?t physically
>     > > > > touch ?math? except in a book or what we see on paper, which kind
>     > > > > of gives it an artificial form, do you follow? Perhaps like time,
>     > > > > math is a concept given ?existence? like the ?framework? thought
>     > > > > of as time. My mind is blown if you can?t tell.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> Oh, you're right on the money. There is no such 'thing' as math.
>     > > > >> Math is a language. It's an artificial construct, just like time.
>     > > > >> It's something that we've created in our minds. Time exists
>     > > > >> solely to help us understand our existence. Math is a way of
>     > > > >> communicating ideas.
>     > > > >>
>     > > > >> Thanks for the email.
>     > > > >>
>     > > > >> - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > Time, like math is a construct that created in order to describe or
>     > > > comprehend or describe the things we don?t understand. While math is
>     > > > a artificial (we created it) linguistic construct, time is a natural
>     > > > (our mind creates it) mental construct. We gave that construct a
>     > > > name (time) and further refined it using various logical constructs
>     > > > such as years, days, minutes, seconds, etc.
>     > > >
>     > > > - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > -------------- next part --------------
>     > > > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>     > > > URL: <
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/attachments/20160213/1bce45a1/attachment-0001.html>
>     > > >
>     > > > ------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > Subject: Digest Footer
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     Allen Cavalluzzi
>     Chief Estimating Officer
>     Hellman Electric Corporation
>     855 Brush Avenue
>     Bronx N.Y. 10465
>     Phone: (718) 931-9900 x150
>     Fax: (718) 931-9698
>     acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com <mailto:acavalluzzi at hellmanelectric.com>
>     http://www.hellmanelectric.com/
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>     ---------------------------------------------
>     _______________________________________________
>     > > > akinetochronism mailing list
>     > > > To post message: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > > To unsubscribe: mailto:akinetochronism-unsubscribe at robsworld.org
>     > > > List information:
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > ------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > End of akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > > > *********************************************
>     > >
>     > > -------------- next part --------------
>     > > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>     > > URL: <
>     > > http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/attachments/20160214/70c039d0/attachment-0001.html>
>     > >
>     > > ------------------------------
>     > >
>     > > Message: 2
>     > > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 21:09:49 +0000 (UTC)
>     > > From: "Susan S." < sdsup at yahoo.com <mailto:sdsup at yahoo.com> >
>     > > To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     > > < akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > Subject: Re: [notime] reply to Andy W about Seth Speaks
>     > > Message-ID:
>     > > < 891892175.3311781.1455484189461.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com
>     > > <mailto:891892175.3311781.1455484189461.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com>
>     > > >
>     > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     > >
>     > > Hello, Andy,Thanks for the suggestion (I just ordered it from my
>     > > library after reading your post).Would you by any chance have any idea
>     > > of a book that is bugging me because I just can't find it again?? I
>     > > read it eight years ago and it was what gave me the idea that time is
>     > > not real.I remember it was something like Seth (something channeled)
>     > > and it explained reality as us travelling through something the way a
>     > > worm crawls through fruit.? In other words, the fruit is our universe
>     > > and we choose a path through it but we don't create?a future?we just
>     > > travel through it all.Sue S.? ?
>     > >
>     > > From: Andy W < accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com
>     > > <mailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com> >
>     > > To: " akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> " <
>     > > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > > Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 12:13 PM
>     > > Subject: Re: [notime] akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > >
>     > > <!--#yiv5543870546 .yiv5543870546hmmessage
>     > > P{margin:0px;padding:0px;}#yiv5543870546
>     > > body.yiv5543870546hmmessage{font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri;}-->Hi
>     > >
>     > > Not really sure how this forum works but I would definitely recommend
>     > > Reading Seth speaks the validity of the soul which in my opinion is
>     > > the definitive work on this subject & many others..
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > > From: akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > > > Subject: akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > > > To: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > > Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 12:00:02 -0600
>     > > >
>     > > > Send akinetochronism mailing list submissions to
>     > > > akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>     > > > akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-request at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > You can reach the person managing the list at
>     > > > akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism-owner at robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>     > > > than "Re: Contents of akinetochronism digest..."
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > Today's Topics:
>     > > >
>     > > > 1. Time, like gravity is an unseen force acting upon the
>     > > > physical world (Robert Vaessen)
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > Message: 1
>     > > > Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 16:19:24 -0700
>     > > > From: Robert Vaessen < notime at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:notime at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > To: No such thing as time or motion discussions
>     > > > < akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > Subject: [notime] Time, like gravity is an unseen force acting upon
>     > > > the physical world
>     > > > Message-ID: < 07849408-73D9-4849-8735-C65F46499527 at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:07849408-73D9-4849-8735-C65F46499527 at robsworld.org> >
>     > > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     > > >
>     > > > All -
>     > > >
>     > > > As mentioned in previous posts to this list - I?m planning/am
>     > > > re-posting some of my previous ?No Time? conversations.
>     > > > Conversations with correspondents who wrote (over the years) in
>     > > > regards to the ?No Time? treatise/ideas I wrote/posted at: <
>     > > > http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html%20%3chttp:/www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>.
>     > > > I will be re-posting, dissecting, discussing that correspondence
>     > > > here; on the ?Akinetochronism? forum/mailing list. Here (see below)
>     > > > is another early discussion I engaged in with a correspondent.
>     > > > Please feel free to agree, disagree, or discuss these ?No Time / No
>     > > > Motion? ideas. In order to post/respond to the list all you have to
>     > > > do is draft and email and address it to: <
>     > > > mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org%20%3cmailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>>
>     > > >
>     > > > In this particular discussion/conversation I received an email from
>     > > > ?Jason K? - In that email he commented on something (gravity) that
>     > > > people sometimes use when they try to refute the non-existence of
>     > > > time.
>     > > >
>     > > > Note that some ?redaction? has been applied to protect Hedley's
>     > > > identity and occasionally for brevity?s sake. In the case of email
>     > > > addresses or full names, I simply omit the full email address or
>     > > > name.
>     > > >
>     > > > - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > > In this reposting, I have added my responses to the original post
>     > > > from Jason K. Jason's original email arrived on the 17th of Nov,
>     > > > 2004. My reply was sent on the 5th of Dec, 2004. Hedley's comments
>     > > > are in dark blue (with a single indent/quotation level). My comments
>     > > > are in light blue (with a double indent/quotation level).
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > > On Nov 17, 2004, at 11:09, Jason K wrote:
>     > > > >
>     > > > > I would like to congratulate you on the completion of such an eye
>     > > > > opening web page AND theory, or should I say truth. ?Time? is
>     > > > > taken for granted, or should I state the concept of time is taken
>     > > > > for granted, or perhaps I shouldn?t even refer to time, period, J
>     > > > > because how can we refer to something that doesn?t exist, right?
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> Thanks for visiting Rob's World! I'm glad you liked my page about
>     > > > >> the non-existence of time (and motion). Perhaps you'll come back
>     > > > >> and check out some of the other material.
>     > > > >
>     > > > > I wonder if some people might challenge you that time is a force
>     > > > > similar to that of ?gravity?, a force we cannot see, truly feel,
>     > > > > touch, taste, etc. Although, I have to admit that gravities
>     > > > > existence can probably be proven in the sense that in our
>     > > > > world/dimension, everything that goes up must come down (you know
>     > > > > what I mean). I guess I may have even answered my own question
>     > > > > since times? existence cannot be proven in such a manner. Your
>     > > > > thoughts, though, would be appreciated.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> People have suggested that time is a force in the sense of
>     > > > >> Gravity. I usually counter with the question 'What force does
>     > > > >> time effect?' How does it act on things? Then they fumble for an
>     > > > >> answer. Then I challenge them to define time without using time
>     > > > >> as part of the definition. Check out this link for an extended
>     > > > >> conversation regarding the nature of time:
>     > > > >> http://www.robsworld.org/mhonarcfiles/maillist.html <
>     > > > >> http://www.robsworld.org/mhonarcfiles/maillist.html>
>     > > > >
>     > > > > Thanks in advance for answering my question.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> I hope I've stimulated your thought buds.
>     > > > >
>     > > > > Jason K, Salt Lake City, Utah
>     > > > >
>     > > > > This whole time thing has made me question further the ?existence?
>     > > > > of things we take for granted, such as ?math?. We can?t physically
>     > > > > touch ?math? except in a book or what we see on paper, which kind
>     > > > > of gives it an artificial form, do you follow? Perhaps like time,
>     > > > > math is a concept given ?existence? like the ?framework? thought
>     > > > > of as time. My mind is blown if you can?t tell.
>     > > > >
>     > > > >> Oh, you're right on the money. There is no such 'thing' as math.
>     > > > >> Math is a language. It's an artificial construct, just like time.
>     > > > >> It's something that we've created in our minds. Time exists
>     > > > >> solely to help us understand our existence. Math is a way of
>     > > > >> communicating ideas.
>     > > > >>
>     > > > >> Thanks for the email.
>     > > > >>
>     > > > >> - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > Time, like math is a construct that created in order to describe or
>     > > > comprehend or describe the things we don?t understand. While math is
>     > > > a artificial (we created it) linguistic construct, time is a natural
>     > > > (our mind creates it) mental construct. We gave that construct a
>     > > > name (time) and further refined it using various logical constructs
>     > > > such as years, days, minutes, seconds, etc.
>     > > >
>     > > > - Robert
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > -------------- next part --------------
>     > > > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>     > > > URL: <
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/attachments/20160213/1bce45a1/attachment-0001.html>
>     > > >
>     > > > ------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > Subject: Digest Footer
>     > > >
>     > > > _______________________________________________
>     > > > akinetochronism mailing list
>     > > > To post message: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > > To unsubscribe: mailto:akinetochronism-unsubscribe at robsworld.org
>     > > > List information:
>     > > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > > >
>     > > >
>     > > > ------------------------------
>     > > >
>     > > > End of akinetochronism Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>     > > > *********************************************
>     > >
>     > > _______________________________________________
>     > > akinetochronism mailing list
>     > > To post message: akinetochronism at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
>     > > To unsubscribe: akinetochronism-unsubscribe at robsworld.org
>     > > <mailto:akinetochronism-unsubscribe at robsworld.org>
>     > > List information:
>     > > http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org
>     > > <http://robsworld.org/mailman/listinfo/akinetochronism_robsworld.org>
>     > >
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > -------------- next part --------------
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