[notime] South Beach Science postings - Part 3

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Sat Aug 8 16:09:41 MST 2015

All -

A recent email message from Dan Schroder inspired me to finally set up the ‘Akinetochronism’ mailing list.  Dan sent me a very long email on the 8th of August. It took me days to read and respond to his email, but it was the catalyst that finally pushed me over the edge (I’m o.k. now!) and convinced me that a forum was needed in order to get more people together to discuss this curious belief in the non-existence of time. I plan to post his entire message in a series here. I’ll break it up into slightly smaller pieces in order to make for a more easily digested meal.  If you’d like to comment on Dan’s article/writing, please feel free to chime in after I’ve posted the message(s). Please make sure you include the ‘Part’ number so we can figure out which email you’re commenting on.

- Robert

Hello Robert,

Just wanted to share a piece I wrote about your no-time theory.  It fits really well with my own less formulated suspicious on the true nature of our reality, especially the subject of dreams.  My visualization of how your no motion aspect is true might also be interesting to you.

Dan Schroder

From: Daniel Schroder <dan.schroder at hotmail.com <mailto:dan.schroder at hotmail.com>> 
Date:07/24/2015 5:03 PM (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: South Beach Science 7.24.15 - Interstellar, Vol. 3 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBfk37Fa3H0 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBfk37Fa3H0>
Hans Zimmer - Interstellar Soundtrack Medley
No Motion

Here's where things start to get really freaky-deaky Dutch: since there's no such thing as time, there's also no such thing as motion.  

A critical component of this 'No Time theory' is the non-existence of motion. Several definitions of time express it as 'measurement of change'. The measurable change of matter or energy. Change is motion. Without change there is no motion. Without change there is no time. My/the theory of a static and non changing multidimensional universe, removes change from the equation.

Think about it...motion means that something is in one location, and "then" it is in another location.  It "was" at point A, and "now" it's at point B.  But if there's no such thing as "then" or "was," and everything is truly happening instantaneously in the "now," then there's no way for there to be motion!  

This and the following are extremely difficult to visualize, but we can at least try to conceptualize.  As you read the next excerpt:

--Think about the "slightly offset" eleventh-dimension membrane universe from physicists' latest and greatest M-theory.  
--Think about "wave-particle duality" and how an electron can seemingly be in two places at the same time.
--Think about what lies beyond the narrow radio frequency of a universe we're tuned into here in the second and third dimensions.
--Think of how Seth was trying to explain something very similar to this through Jane Roberts, and it just didn't make as much sense until a human rather than a ghost explained it.
--And then just stop thinking, and try to believe, as if this is the most "real" thing you'll ever read:

All possible positions of a physical body/object simultaneously exist in a dimension/universe that is slightly offset from the physical universe/reality which 'we' currently inhabit. There is no physical movement of objects/bodies in this universe. All things/states of mater/energy simultaneously coexist. The beginning and the end are static unmoving/unchanging events. It is the processing (in a linear, continuous, contiguous fashion) of these differing static nodes that creates the illusion of motion, and thus the illusion of 'time' as changes appear to occur. In my model of 'no time', there are no physical changes, thus 'No motion'.

Let that sink in for a moment.  In my opinion, it's effing brilliant.  It's a concept we've been dancing and dabbling around for years, without ever being close to formulating.  

How could the above be true if in our physical universe we have these vast amounts of space, and stars and planets zooming through it, getting farther away from each-other and the center-point of the "big bang?"  How could there be so much mass, and so much motion, and now we're contemplating the fact there is actually no motion at all?  

The following is probably the hardest thing I've ever tried to explain here at South Beach, but that's par for the course during secret-to-everything awareness breakthroughs.  Some of you are going to understand it and think I'm a quack.  Some of you are going to understand it to the point that in makes you feel uncomfortable and enlightened at the same time, because you weren't buying any of this until now.  Perhaps some of you will even "really get it" more than I do and then point out some part of this where I've steered us wrong.  

Just know that if you find yourself getting the chills and thinking shut...the...front...door!, you're not alone.

If the excerpt above was the most "real" thing you've ever read, then here is the most "real" thing that you've ever had explained to you in layman's terms.  Don't get hung up on whether every word below is true.  The words are meant to lead your brain to what is true.  Barely fathomable and explainable, but true:

---Visualize all light-emitting stars in our universe as holes between the third and fourth dimensions.  Something is shining the light at us, through these holes we call stars from above us, dimensionally.
---Do your best to remind yourself and truly accept that there is no such thing as time or movement. 
---Consider that physicists have already postulated that (paraphrasing) "if you could roll up time like a scroll...you could get from point A to point B much quicker...but space wouldn't technically have changed."
---Picture our three dimensional universe as an image, and the entire multiverse as the mother of all kaleidoscopes that's creating that image.
---When you think of the dimensions above us, think of a nightlight-mobile that creates beautiful shadows above a baby's crib.  One where the shapes don't move, and a spinning light hits the static mass of shapes, creating a by-product of "moving" shadows.

The main thing to remember here is that there's no time.  There are humans looking through telescopes and seeing movement.  "Oh look!  That pulsar at the edge of our galaxy just had an explosion!"  There are humans walking their animals down the street.  "Oh look!  We're both putting one foot, paw or hoof in front of the other and moving from point A to point B!"  But the energy and mass of the pulsar, just like the energy and mass of you and your animal, already exists in every possible position and state of matter and energy, in a multidimensional universe much more advanced than our own.  

We sense time and change and motion because that's what we have the ability to sense.  If we weren't sensing those things we wouldn't be sensing anything.  And what would be the point of that?  

Our souls can sense everything, but the only way to bridge and share some of that everything is through the fake vessels of awareness and sensation known as time, change and motion.  

It's as if we have a blank canvas down here in what we've always thought of as reality.  And we choose to walk our dogs and go to work and look through telescopes.  We choose to invent televisions and then watch sporting events and Law and Order repetitively on them.  But above us (in dimensions), there's an everything canvas.  Likely the same realm that you direct your wacky dreams from.  

We live down here in the shadows of that everything canvas dimension.  In the derivatives and the by-products.  Our consciousness pulls what we want to use, based on our freewill to choose.  

But it's all just there.  No time, no motion.

We think time is time and movement is movement, because...of course we do.  But at the same time in our time-adjace universe, top physicists think that the secret reality has ten (string theory) or eleven (M-theory) dimensions.  That there is supposed to be a membrane of a universe between your belly and your shirt.  There's a lot of "here's what we think we know," with very little actual detail explained to us in terms that non-physicists can understand. 

Until now.

The Sun is not really moving away from the big bang center-point.  Earth is not really elliptically orbiting the Sun.  Asteroids are not really zooming around the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune and Pluto.  

The Sun is static/still and the Earth is also still.  Space is not really what we think of it as.  Everything we mistake as the motion of mass or the change of energy is due to unfathomably-glorious spiritual puppeteering taking place at higher dimensions.  

If Earth seems to be spinning, that's because there's a nightlight-mobile toy at a higher dimension that's spinning, projecting itself on the static everything canvas layer of a multidimensional universe/reality, and farting out a derivative/by-product that makes us think that the Earth is spinning. 

If the Earth seems to be orbiting, that's just because the kaleidoscope was manipulated in a way that scrolls or unrolls space, creating the orbiting effect to the unenlightened eye.  

If you put one foot in front of the other for an early morning walk with the dog, nothing is actually changing in the everything canvas layer of true reality.  The carbon you are made of isn't sashaying down the sidewalk anymore than it's still plumped down on the bed because you decided to sleep in.  

Our souls are swimming around in a deep end of unimaginable possibility.  There are so many probability nodes to visit, that we got tired of only visiting them beyond the white light at the end of the tunnel.  

It may have taken over fourteen billion "years," but we did it.  We figured out how to make the shadow of a shadow of shadow into a physical universe that we could infiltrate and enjoy.

Either "we" are God, or much more likely had His help.  And from a place of spirituality, we figured out how to calculate and project derivatives of higher dimensions, shine lights, cast shadows, enforce gravity and perhaps most importantly fabricate time.  A measurement that allows lifeforms to have other fake measurements like motion and to understand anything at all. 

Elements and mass are real, but they are static.  Light and gravity are real, and are probably much more powerful and complex than we realize yet.  Things like forces and electromagnetism are real, but are probably derivatives of something and lower on the dimensional rung than light and gravity.

But we'll work the rest of that out later, with additional, powerful words.  I think we've gone as far as any humans could be expected to into the depths of long-mysterious reality.  My head is starting to hurt a little.  Let's begin the trek back up for air.

It's unhealthy to leave your awareness pores this open.  So jump out of the hot tub of enlightenment and into the cold pool to close the pores.  We'll splash around a bit on the topics of decision making, dreams, God and love.  You'll be able to towel off soon enough.



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