[notime] South Beach Science postings - Part 2

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Sat Aug 8 16:09:32 MST 2015

All -

A recent email message from Dan Schroder inspired me to finally set up the ‘Akinetochronism’ mailing list.  Dan sent me a very long email on the 8th of August. It took me days to read and respond to his email, but it was the catalyst that finally pushed me over the edge (I’m o.k. now!) and convinced me that a forum was needed in order to get more people together to discuss this curious belief in the non-existence of time. I plan to post his entire message in a series here. I’ll break it up into slightly smaller pieces in order to make for a more easily digested meal.  If you’d like to comment on Dan’s article/writing, please feel free to chime in after I’ve posted the message(s). Please make sure you include the ‘Part’ number so we can figure out which email you’re commenting on.

- Robert

Hello Robert,

Just wanted to share a piece I wrote about your no-time theory.  It fits really well with my own less formulated suspicious on the true nature of our reality, especially the subject of dreams.  My visualization of how your no motion aspect is true might also be interesting to you.

Dan Schroder

From: Daniel Schroder <dan.schroder at hotmail.com <mailto:dan.schroder at hotmail.com>> 
Date:07/24/2015 5:03 PM (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: South Beach Science 7.24.15 - Interstellar, Vol. 3 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBfk37Fa3H0 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBfk37Fa3H0>
Hans Zimmer - Interstellar Soundtrack Medley
South Beach Science - Interstellar, Vol. 3

Young Murph <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Dad, why did you and mom name me after something that's bad? 
Cooper <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Well, we didn't. 
Young Murph <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Murphy's law? 
Cooper <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Murphy's law doesn't mean that something bad will happen. It means that whatever can happen, will happen. 

We Fabricated Time In Order To Physically Exist

There is no such thing as time.  

Everything we experience as inhabitants of our physical universe, from birth to death, is a unique journey down a "probability path."  But rather than thinking of it as a path that you could take a hike on from one end to the other in a given amount of time, think of it as a timeless path that already contains the opportunity to explore every possible scenario that could be realized or experienced.

You can only experience things within your individually-manipulated path in one direction, which we commonly think of as forwards.  If you give birth to a child, you can't reverse that.  But no one thing is technically happening before or after any other.  There is no forwards or backwards -- no future or past.  Just a beautiful one-way psychic expansion of experiences/realizations.

Every fork in the road, and every possible outcome ("probability node"), is something that has the capacity to exist in the now.  We just may not decide to visit certain probability nodes.  Or know that we have.  This includes everything we used to think of as our "future."  

As you may have guessed, the reality explained above is way too much for our earthly brains to process.

The human mind/consciousness is not capable of processing/experiencing all the nodes in any probability path simultaneously, so it orders them into a linear series. 

Since everything is just there, in the "now," the only way we can understand anything is by only trying to understand and focus on one thing (at a "time").  And the sequential series of those (what we think of as) nanosecond-long "one things" is what we experience as a timed life.

Our timed lives are each one of many, many possible roads of consciousness that we could have traveled, even though our souls/consciousnesses are technically currently traveling, or have access to traveling them all.  We're just doing so spiritually rather than physically.  Likely in a realm that's adjace to what we think of as dreaming.  

Each possible event is an instantaneous Now. A single node within the probability matrix. Now overlap all of these realities/universes in the same space. Now you have those simultaneous, coexisting multidimensional universes I've been talking about. A 'Multiverse'. 

If you flip a coin three times and get heads, heads, heads, that is the only reality our earthly brains will ever know.  But the seven other coin combinations over the course of three flips also happened (even if never experienced by you) in what we can best be described as "multidimensional universes" that we don't have the ability to sense above the third dimension.  We'll call the sum total of these overlapping, multidimensional universes a "multiverse."  The multiverse can be best visualized here in our simple universe as a three-dimensional matrix that includes all possible probability nodes within overlapping four-to-eleven dimensional universes crisscrossing at various angles.

Our physical "uni-verse" (one of many!) and our life experience within this universe is just a sliver/cross-section of the highly-dimensional matrix of possibilities that the multiverse consists of.  It's just the only one that we can sense, know, and (all-importantly) share. 

Since we now know that this is true, let's try our best to understand this highly complex idea.

Higher Dimensions

We can see three dimensional objects and their two dimensional shadows.  Such objects are obviously viewable or knowable in both the second and third dimensions.  It's indisputably cool that a shadow retains part of the shape of the human or object, but flattens that shape down to two dimensions.  Now pretend someone or something could only sense the second dimension...they could see flat shadows of people or things, but had no idea what a third-dimensional person or object would even look like.  It would be really hard to explain it to them, right?  

That's exactly why it's so hard for us to fathom higher dimensions than ours!  We're stuck here in the third dimension with only the power of words to try to explain the reality of there not being time, a reality made possible by some seriously-amazing higher dimensions that intermingle with ours.

Now before some of you laugh off the notion that there's something cool going on with the (third-to-second dimension) object to shadow phenomenon, because you think it's as simple as the fact that we have a sun shining light on us and our bodies blocking those light waves from hitting pavement, allow me to preemptively retort.  

Consider what causes the shadow phenomenon: light waves from our sun.

Consider what we know about how space literally bends to (f/k/a the "speed" of) light's will, and the bizarre wave-particle duality evidence that an electron can act like a light wave instead of a particle just because we're not looking.  

Light waves, or at least whatever causes them, likely come from a higher dimension than our own.  Just like gravity, or whatever causes it, does as well.  Before the truth of the no-time theory was even known, I had put light and gravity on the short list of things that were "definitely real."  Now it would be more appropriate to opine that the only things that are definitely real must be related to higher dimensions than ours.  

As a fourth-plus dimensional occupant, light waves are absolutely qualified to specially turn three dimensional things into two dimensional things.  Just because the appearance of a shadow of your head on the sidewalk seemed like no big deal at age five, it doesn't mean it hasn't always been related to (or possible because of) something special.  

There are billions of neutrinos traveling right through your body right now, and neutrinos have mass.  They could make it through a light year-thick piece of lead too.  So when light gets blocked by something three dimensional and generates something two dimensional, maybe we're not crazy for reading something into that!

Whether you're with me or not on the above, this would be a good time to channel your inner TARS.  Please turn down your suspiciousness settings and turn up your openness settings, because it's only going to get more effed up from here. 


Cooper <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: [When Cooper tries to reconfigure TARS] Humour 75%. 
TARS <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: 75%. Self destruct sequence in T minus 10, 9, 8... 
Cooper <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Let's make it 65%. 
TARS <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/?ref_=tt_trv_qu>: Knock, knock. 

In effect, we're only tuned into what could be thought of as the second- and third-dimensional radio frequencies of all possible and parallel universes.  

Just like someone who could only see shadows would see them moving around and feel like they're witnessing the whole story relating to that movement, our earthly egos give way too much weight to what we're witnessing here in the third dimension.  

For the math nerds among you, this complex dimensional concept could also be thought of using the calculus terms "derivative" and "integral."  The derivative/by-product of the sun shining on a three-dimensional object is the shadow.  The integral of the shadow is the three dimensional object that casts it.  

Calculus wouldn't be nearly as fun or useful if we could only calculate derivatives, but had no known way of calculating integrals.  But that's where we are in the calculus analogy, here in our universe.  

We're cool on the derivatives side of things.  We could teach the meaning of shadows to a four-year old.  And cats and dogs might even be able to see the first dimension for all we know, the way they chase shadows around with such purpose.

One of the keys to understanding all of this is that you have to start thinking of us as the shadows.

Our entire physical universe could be thought of as a shadow -- a by-product -- or "fragments...left in trance," as Seth used to say.  

What we are seeing and sensing, as real and complete as it seems, is just what's left over after a bunch of consecutive derivative calculations by our puppet master-like higher dimensions.  What we think of as "everything" is just a shadow of a shadow of a shadow (etc.) of the real everything.  

Are you starting to grasp this craziness a bit?  Good!  Then you're primed and ready for our second and final bombshell...
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