[notime] After initial invites - We're up and runing

Robert Vaessen robert at robsworld.org
Thu Aug 6 16:28:16 MST 2015

All -

After a little more than 24 hours, and we’ve got 13 people subscribed to the newly launched ‘Akinetochronism’ mailing list.  I hope to see the number grow over time. I’m sure that it will, but I just wanted to get it up and running with an initial invitation, and now the inaugural posting (see first conversation thread with Matt Mars).

My plan for the weekend is to post some of the conversations I’ve had over the years. I’ll redact the email addresses when it’s a conversation with someone who isn’t a member of the mailing list.

Feel free to chime in at any time. Contribute, dispute my assertions, provide feedback, additional examples, etc. I’m not planning to/don’t think I could respond to every posting, but I will certainly read and respond as ‘time’ permits.

To post to the list, simply send your message To: <akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>>

FYI: I’m planning to post under the address <notime at robsworld.org <mailto:notime at robsworld.org>> so you probably won’t see many more instances of <robert at robsworld.org <mailto:robert at robsworld.org>>

As a reminder; the postings to this mailing list are publicly archived at: <http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/ <http://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/>>, and the posts will get archived by Google and other search engines.  Email addresses will be visible (in the archives), but they’ll be munged to help reduce scraping by spammer driven spiders. I hope the munging prevents some spam, but my primary address is already compromised, and there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle, so here’s to Spam, and the bastards that invented it!

- Robert

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