[notime] Invitation message sent

Robert Vaessen robert at robsworld.org
Wed Aug 5 02:11:22 MST 2015

Hello -

I updated the ‘No Time’ webpage: <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>

I added a new banner graphic, made a few changes to the color scheme and added some info about this mailing list.  Then, I sent out ainvitation message; to more than 200 email addresses - previous ‘No Time’ correspondents.

Hello -

No - I’m not a spammer.

Once upon a time, you emailed me about a topic that I’ve written about.

The non-existence of time and motion - as published on my website: <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>

You expressed enough of an interest in this topic to actually send me an email message. As a matter of fact we may have corresponded on the topic; exchanging a few messages back and forth.

Since you expressed such an interest, I thought you might be interested in the mailing list I just set up.  I’m not asking you for anything, I’m not trying to make any money from this endeavor. I’m not trying to get you to go to any web page filled with advertisement or malware. It’s just a simple invitation to join a mailing list that I’ve set up.

I’ve set up a mailing list where we (as a group) can discuss the concepts of ‘Akinetochronism’. We can continue the discussion that you and I previously engaged in. We can invite a large group of others to participate in that conversation. If you are so inclined, you can join the mailing list and participate in a broader and more extensive conversation on the topics of ‘no time’ and ‘no motion’.

What is ‘Akinetochronism’?  Well, it’s a coined word based upon Greek linguistic roots: A - Against or Antithesis of; Kineto - Motion; Chron - Time; Ism - Philosophy or ideology.  Put it all together and you get 'Against the notion of time or motion’.  It’s not just a word.  It’s a crazy idea that ‘Time’ and ‘Motion’ simply don’t exist.  Not just that they don’t exist in the physical sense, but the idea/belief/philosophy that they don’t exist at all. That they are simply illusions ‘created’ so that we can more easily comprehend a far more simple and at the same time more complicated reality.

The mailing list is a place where a group of us can come together in order to discuss the concepts and ideas regarding the rejection of these illusions called time and motion. Since you’ve previously written me regarding this subject; a topic I’m interested in, I thought you might like to join the mailing list in order to continue the conversation or re-engage in that discussion.

I assure you that this is not an attempt to advertise or harvest email addresses.  Your email address wasn’t purchased from a spammer or scraped off some website. You wrote me regarding my articles/web posting regarding the non-existence of time and motion, and that’s where I got your email address - From personal correspondence.  I still have that original email if for some reason you should need proof of this previous correspondence.

This is a one time invitation. I’m not planning to keep pestering you with this invitation, if you’re not interested there’s no need to reply. I’m planning to delete my list of previous correspondents (not our previous correspondence, just the email list I created for this invitation) as soon as I’ve sent out this invite.  If I don’t get a reply then I don’t get a reply. If you’ve moved on and I get a bounce then that’s that. If you don’t want to join the mailing list then don’t.

To join the mailing list (it’s a Mailman mailing list), simply send an email to: <akinetochronism-subscribe at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism-subscribe at robsworld.org>>.

Sorry for the brief interruption, you may now return to your previous scheduled program.

- Robert
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