Monsters Known

This page contains a listing of all the monsters/creatures the party has encountered, or has knowledge of. This list serves as a history of monsters and creatures previously encountered. Intelligent NPC's and Player Character races are not (typically) included here; they are listed on the Who's Who page. Here you will find a listing of 'monsters', and a short paragraph detailing the party's collective knowledge of the monster in question.

Creatures Known/Encountered
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Abishai, Black: The party read about this monster in a Bestiary - Their knowledge is limited to the following information: These creatures look like humanoid bats.  They are medium-sized chaotic evil outsiders.  They resist damage from any weapon that is not magically enhanced, and they regenerate any damage that they do suffer.  They are immune to fire and poison.  They have a stinger which causes acid damage when they hit an opponent with it.  They can summon other outsiders like themselves.  They resist damage from cold and acid, and they can see perfectly well in the dark.  They can communicate telepathically.  They are vulnerable to holy water.

Alaghi: Alaghi are a race of monstrous humanoids who inhabit temperate mountains and forests within the Realms. They're medium sized primitive beings with lower intelligence than other humanoids of the realms. These intelligent forest-dwelling humanoids are shy, peaceful and typically kill only for food. Barrel chested and covered with thick hair (usually blond). They have with thick necks and sloping brows, they look a bit primitive, somewhat apeish, but they're not the ignorant caveman types that most assume or mistake them for. Adult males stand about 6 feet tall, weighing 300+ lbs. Their life spans are similar to those of humans (75-85 years), and they speak a smattering of different languages; primarily a debased form of Sylvan. Some live in villages, but many are known to be nomadic or semi-nomadic; following herd animals as they migrate. They use tools, are known to wield weapons for defense and hunting, but typically seek pastoral, agrarian, or herding lifestyles.

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Banedead: Another undead creature. Our party of adventurers sure seems to attract their fair share. These particular type of undead are created from the remains of fanatical worshipers of evil deities. Looking like a withered and dessicated corpse, lacking all semblance of life, this shriveled shell of a human is imbued with a burning, all consuming malevolence that shines in its glowing red eyes. Oddly, one of this creatures hands is enormous. A twisted and hideous claw fashioned from the remains of a once normal hand. This monstrous hand is clearly large enough to wield two-handed weapons with ease, and the claws seem designed for rending metal as easily as flesh.

This particular creature was trapped inside a 'glyphed' room. The glyph seemed to hold evil at bay, unable to escape - Until, of course, our group of dungeon delvers decided to liberate the remains of this evil denizen. Of course entering the crypt-like confines wasn't enough to sate the parties curiosity. Then of course they had to remove the one ton sarcophagus lid that kept this creature entombed within. Upon freeing the creature, they realized that they probably should have left it well-enough alone. This foul fiend was far smarter than your average skeleton. Armed with magic weapons and various items, it did it's best to deal death to our dearest dungeon delvers. For some reason, it seemed to focus all of its energies on the parties Paladin and Priest.

With a very high degree of damage reduction, and the immunities inherent in most undead, this creature proved quite difficult to kill with traditional weapons. Our party found it impossible to even damage this monster without magic, be it in the form of sword or spell. The creature seemed to deal extra damage to the good aligned members of the party, but they weren't sure whether that was incidental to the magic sword it held or the evil nature of its soul.

Bear, Dire: This hulking bear has bony brow ridges and claws like sickles, with a wildness and destructive gleam in it's cold, piercing eyes. A typical dire bear is 12 feet long and weighs as much as 8,000lbs. They attack by tearing at opponents with their claws.

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Demon(Tanar'ri): Demons constitute a vast fauna of the Abyss. The Abyss is a plane of endless evil. The creatures that live there are fierce and aggressive. They often attack others (including other Demons) out of boredom or for the fun of it. They enjoy terrifying their victims before they slay them, and they often consume those that they slay. Some are not satisfied with their own foul souls, they take pleasure in tempting and corrupting mortals. The variety of these creatures is broad and deep. There are various sub-species that many have seldom seen. Their appearances vary distinctly. Some are fascinating, even beautiful to behold, while others are frightening and dark. A number of Demons belong to a race (and subtype) known as the Tanar'ri. As the unchallenged masters of the Abyss, the Tanar'ri form the largest and most diverse group of Demons.

Tanar'ri Traits: All Tanar'ri possess a number of similar traits. Immunity to electricity and poison; resistance to acid, cold and fire; the ability to summon others of their kind. Due to the fact that most Tanar'ri are arrogance and vain, Tanar'ri are reluctant to use their summoning abilities until they are in obvious peril or dire circumstances. All Tanar'ri have telepathy, and unless otherwise noted they all speak Abyssal, Celestial and Draconic.

Demon Chicken: The Demon Chicken is a demonic creature. It's a normal animal; a chicken, that has been possessed by a demonic spirit (the spirit of a demon). This monster comes to us from 'the Internet', my version is based upon/inspired by a monster entry I found online (on a 'dnd-wiki' webpage, by a 3.5 Homebrew author who goes by the handle 'Eiji-Kun'). This creature is not intended to be 'serious'. It was introduced into our campaign in order to provide a bit of levity to the game. We all enjoy a little laughter now and again. The 'Demon Chicken' is 3.5 functional, and I created it to be balanced to the party's strenth (7xECL2 PCs), while still presenting a challenge.

Amongst the hordes of mindless chickens blissfully unaware of their impending doom, one stands apart from the others. Its eyes seem to have a dull red glow behind them and it glares at you with malicious intent.

The lowest spawn of the demon lord Bookbakoook the Mother Clucker, demon chickens are nearly indistinguishable from normal chickens save for their dull red glowing eyes which shine with dull intellect, and trademark pitchfork (aka trident); which they manage to keep within the tenuous grasp of their wing (yet they have no fingers - except for the legendary and delicious 'Chicken Fingers', which children adore). The fiendish chicken species hates mankind for the wanton slaughter of chickenkind and their hearts are filled with thoughts of brutal unforgiving revenge. They are used as Bookbakoook's basic grunt troops to invade the prime material, and to corrupt pre-existing farm chickens to turn to the dark meat of the force. Fortunately for mankind, farm chickens are pretty stupid, so demon chickens usually fail at making converts. Perhaps they get their revenge, though, in their terrible Death Curse.

Demon Chickens usually do not speak, but can speak Abyssal as well as the language of chickens and other domesticated birds.

Demon Chickens are surprisingly tough chickens who can take a lot of punishment, which is important because they do not possess great tactical cunning. They prefer to attack in numbers, flanking opponents and using their Swarm Attack when possible. When not an option, they move in with their trident and pecking, hoping to outlast the enemy through attrition.

They have a special 'Blood Taste', going into a frenzy once they taste blood; their's, the blood of opponents, or the blood of normal chickens - It really doesn't matter who's blood.

Demon Chicken's are known to harbor great hatred for those who consume the flesh of innocent and peace loving chickens; and they can tell who you are! Once they get it in their head that you are one of 'them', you know those who eat the flesh, Watch Out! Their hatred allows them to fortify their attacks with extra damage, and you will be marked for extermination; no matter where you are, no matter where you hide, no matter what you do to cover your tracks.

Watch out for Demon Chicken surrounded by normal chicken, for they can recruit these normal fowl to their cause. Compelling the standard chicken to attack as a swarm. These 'possessed' chicken move as a group, focussing their relatively useless but bothersome attacks upon the target of the Demon Chicken's ire.

Oh, yes, then there's the legendary headless chicken dance. That's right these Demon Chicken are no different than your ordinary chicken in that regard. Lop off their head, and they just keep on fighting.

As reported in Vern's observations: Tiny chicken with dull red, glowing eyes.  Eyes show spark of intelligence. Demon follower of Bookbakoook, hates mankind and wants to invade material plane.  Speaks Abyssal, can fly (knowledge, not witnessed).  Communicates with normal chickens and turns them to evil.  Surviving chickens returned to normal once leader died. Somehow wields oversized trident with wings, due to magic. Has a power to strongly hate a single target, doing extra damage.

Demon Quasit: The Quasit is a Demon, but not of the Tanar'ri order. While other Demon's consider them inferior (they're not Tanar'ri), they consider themselves to be superior because of their unique natures. These tiny humanoid-shaped creatures have leathery skin, spiked horns and disproportionately small bat like wings that allow them to hover and fly with precision. Their hands and feet are long and slender, ending in long claw-tipped digits. There are small warts and pustules covering their green tinged skin.

These insidious and malevolent little Demons are often found serving powerful chaotic spellcasters as counselors and spies. In their natural form, they very small. Standing only one and a half feet tall, they barely tip the scales at 8 pounds. These Demons speak Common and Abyssal.

Although our party had very little knowledge of the Quasit, they soon learned that they had some supernatural abilities; like the ability to become invisible and cause fear in a 30 foot radius.

The Quasit that attacked our party of heroes waited to do so until it could execute an ambush. Extremely well hidden amongst the rubble of the room it occupied. It attacked ferociously with claws and a feeble bite. Its claws were poisonous, and the party was soon concerned that one of their own might have been affected by some form of slow acting effect.

As reported in Vern's observations: Small demons that speak common and abyssal. Can fly and hover. Can cause fear, poison on hit, and cast invisibility on self. Burned by holy water, slightly resistant to damage from normal weapons.

Dog, Death: A medium sized magical beast. Resembling a large hound with undead features, this beast has two heads. An evil creature which stalks the wastelands. It kills anyone it can manage to defeat. While the teeth and claws are dangerous, Death Dogs are also known for their disease ridden bite. They often bite prey to inflict disease, then retreat and wait for the victim to succumb to the deadly contagion spread by their bite. Sometimes employed by evil necromancers, demon lords and other powerful lords of evil. They can be trained to track and slay designated prey. Although they cannot speak, they can understand common and abyssal. Those who mistake them for simple evil beasts are often surprised by the cunning intelligence of this evil beast.

DragonDragon: During his recent advancement studies, Pfineas did some research on dragons. Pfineas spent a lot of time researching the subject in libraries of the Mages Guild in Whillip. According to Pfineas's research, the meanest, baddest, most powerful of dragons in the Realms are something called True Dragons; of which there are two types - Chromatic and Metallic. The chromatic (colored) dragons are evil, and the metallic dragons are good. This of course is a broad generalization, and there are always exceptions to the rule.

All dragons (in the Realms) are winged, reptilian creatures of ancient lineage. They are known and feared for their size, physical prowess, and magical abilities. The oldest dragons are among the most powerful creatures in Toril. These creatures, whether good or evil, are extremely fierce and highly respected by the wise. All True Dragons gain more abilities and greater power as they age. Dragons range in size from several feet when hatched to more than 100 feet when they attain ages in excess of 1000 years! Some varieties are larger than others, and they grow at various rates.

These fearsome predators have been known to scavenge at times, and they'll eat almost anything when hungry. A dragon's metabolism operates like some arcane furnace, capable of ingesting and digesting nearly any material, including inorganic materials. In fact, some dragons have acquired a taste for the metal of armor clad knights.

Highly intelligent creatures, their motivations vary as widely as those of men and their kin. There is however one thing that unites all dragons, good and evil alike. These creatures are covetous in the extreme. Highly territorial, they love to dominate, collect and hoard treasures. Most keep large caches of material wealth. A mound of coins, gems, jewels, pieces of artwork and always, magical items. It is for these large collections that some misguided individuals quest. The dragons bed (often referred to as a hoard), the treasure is always guarded, difficult to find, and never far from it's owners grasp.

In combat dragons wield a large inventory of tactics and weapons. The bite is fearsome and combined with claw attacks, most prey fall to these basic instruments. The wings of a dragon not only provide lift to lofty heights, they are sometimes used to attack airborne or land based foes. A dragon's tail slap can be a surprise to even the stoutest warrior. It can be used to bludgeon opponents or knock them off their feat. Some dragons are capable of crushing opponents with their entire body. Grapple attacks are sometimes used as a precursor to the most deadly attack of all - The Dragon's breath weapon. Varying in accordance with the color or tint of the dragons hide. All dragons wield a deadly breath weapon capable of reducing all but the mightiest foe to nothing more than memories.

Beyond the physical tools of destruction, dragons are often equipped with a series of mystical, magical and extraordinary abilities. Their presence alone is capable of freezing people and animals in their tracks. Spell casting and spell like abilities are also known to these great beasts. All dragons cast arcane spells, and some have access to divine magic. As dragons age they acquire resistance (damage reduction) to physical blows and their physical blows acquire the damaging potential of magical weapons. All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis, while some have immunities to other attack forms. Creatures imbued with magical power are often resistant to magic and dragons are no exception. As they grow older, their resistance to spells and spell-like abilities increase. Keen senses, skills, and feats round out the dragons vast array of offensive and defensive tools.

Anyone seriously considering a dragon as foe, or targeting a dragons hoard, had best be mighty indeed, as might alone will not suffice. Knowledge may be your best defense, so take to the books before you lift the sword. Beware this mighty beast, lest you become a morsel to its feast.

As reported by Vern's observations: While our adventurers were engaged in some dungeon crawling, seeking fame and fortune in the Twilight Fortress, Vern and his companions learned about a legendary Dragon of old. According to some local legends and confirmed by some musty old papers. Anaglathos was a Dragon that caused desolation in the Steppes. This particular beast was Revered by a group of Dragon cultists. Believed to be long dead, one can only hope that they never need to verify this assumption.

Dragon, White: During his recent advancement studies (advancement to 2nd level), Pfineas did what many young wizards do; he conducted some some research on Dragons. Pfineas spent a lot of time researching the subject in libraries of the Mages Guild in Whillip. Given the availability of the vast library resources afforded by advancement through the Mages guild, Pfineas read all he could about the White Dragon. As previous research had revealed, the White Dragon is a type of True Dragon. The White Dragon is one of the chromatic (colored) dragons. Most of the chromatic dragons are evil, so caution is warranted when dealing with a White Dragon.

According to the research (related to the party by Pfineas), this type of Dragon has a beaked nose, spiny dewlaps and a crest that is supported by a single backward curving spiny protrusion. There is a faintly crisp chemical odor accompanying the Dragon, and it's scales glisten slightly, like freshly fallen snow.

The White Dragon is one of the smallest and least intelligent of its kind - Of course, saying that it's less intelligent than other Dragons doesn't mean it's stupid. The least intelligent of Dragons can easily be smarter than your typical human. Most of the White Dragons are animalistic predators, and their faces rarely display the shrewdness of a cunning and thoughtful Chromatic Dragon.

The scales of a wyrmling (0-5 years old) White Dragon are said to glisten like iridescent mirrors. As the Dragon ages, the sheen disappears. By the time they reach old age (401-600 years old), their scales have turned pale blue to stone gray amongst the predominant white. A wyrmling Dragon is typically tiny (2.5 feet long), by the time they reach old age, they reach huge proportions (15 feet long) with a reach of 10 feet.

White Dragons are omnivorous, but they prefer to eat their prey frozen. They enjoy the crunch of flesh that they've frozen with their breath weapon, and they will sometimes store excess kill in snowbanks. Speaking of snowbanks, one might mention that White Dragons prefer to lair in cold environs and caves where the warming rays of the sun are absent. They especially like icy caverns where the light of reflected gems might give one the feeling of being surrounded by gems.

In combat, White Dragons prefer sudden swooping assaults. They use their ability to fly to burst forth from beneath snow, ice or water. Like all Dragons, the White Dragon has a breath weapon which it uses to freeze opponents with a cone of cold. In addition to its breath weapon, the White Dragon is also known to employ its ability to walk or climb on any icy surface to defend itself and attack with advantage. Older (old age or older) White Dragons can create these conditions using a freezing fog spell like effect.

Our group of adventurers was recruited by a 'seemingly' friendly tribe of Kobolds who inhabit the Twilight Fortress. In exchange for a little help, the party was granted safe passage through the Kobold controlled areas of the dungeon. The party helped the Kobolds recover their 'pet-napped' mascot. A wyrmling (very young) White Dragon named 'Corthas'. With 'Beebo' as their guide, the party was led to the Goblin's lair. Eventually, they found their way (seemingly by chance) to the room where Corthas was being held. After a brief and bloodless battle, the party rendered Corthas unconscious and swiftly returned him to the Kobold controlled section of the dungeon. Gratefully, Yanithrex the Kobold Queen rewarded our adventurers and bid them luck on their journey. The more powerful monsters are usually light on details. Thankfully, Pfineas seems to have a vast knowledge of Dragons and he told the party all about this creature's powers.

As reported by Vern's observations: White Dragons have a faint chemical odor, scales glisten like snow. White dragons are animalistic predators, as opposed to most more intelligent dragons. Young white dragons scales appear as mirrors. Live deep underground, prefer cold temperatures. Only consume frozen food. Breath weapon: cone of cold damage. Can walk on ice as easily as most creatures on dry land. Witnessed: The youngest white dragons can be Tiny size. Can make/maintain patches of slick ice in its lair. As tiny creature, cannot full attack (can bite) without entering another’s square. The small White Dragon (a Wyrmling) that the Xterminators encountered in the Twilight Fortress was named 'Corthas'. We knocked it unconscious, and returned it to the Kobold tribe living in the fortress.

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Eagle, Giant : A huge bird, with a wingspan of 20', these creatures are enchanted beasts. They are not ordinary birds grown large. Protectors of the land, and travelers, adversaries of Evil, and stalwart allies to good aligned Rangers and Druids. These highly intelligent birds can communicate in the spoken common tongue, or through a form of telepathy.

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Fungus, bone: Unlike your benign of beneficial fungus, most of which exist without regard to other living creatures, some specimens are extremely dangerous when encountered by the likes of dungeon delvers. Such is the case with Bone Fungus. Some fungus grows on rotting trees, some grows on toenails, other forms of fungus grow in the deep, dark recesses of the dungeon. This most dangerous type finds its home on the remains of bones. Piles of bones and skeletons are sometimes left to rot in the dark of your typical dank dungeon. When that happens, they sometimes become home to this ivory colored fungus that's nearly indistinguishable from the bone itself. Until it's disturbed... When disturbed, this 'Bone Fungus' releases a 10 ft radius cloud of white spores. Inhaling the spores is definitely dangerous. Inhaling the spores can cause Dexterity damage.

Thankfully our party was astute enough to spot this fungus before they were affected by the spores. According to one of the party members, everyone should avoid breathing it. Everyone was able to hold their breath to prevent exposure. Again, they were lucky. No one was adversely affected by the spores, and they were careful to brush them off of everything after their encounter with the animated hosts.

Fungus, shrieking: Unlike ordinary kinds of fungus, which are fairly harmless to other living creatures, some specimens can be dangerous to adventurers. Fungus lake chlorophyll, a true stem, roots, or leaves. Incapable of photosynthesis, these creatures exist as parasites, breaking down organic matter slowly. One type of dungeon dwelling fungus encountered by the party can best be described as 'Shrieking Fungus'. The grey colored fungus started 'Screaming' quite loudly as soon as the party approached near it. This in turn triggered a reaction by another nearby fungus. Together these two fungi seemed to function in concert as a primitive 'Alarm System' of sorts. These fungi screamed out a shrill warning to all creatures within a quarter mile (or so you might imagine). Surely every denizen within the crypt heard this alarm blaring. As soon as the party withdrew to a 'Safe' distance, the fungus stopped screaming. There was no motivation to figure out what the exact distance was that triggered the shrill screams of these seemingly unfriendly fungus.

Fungus, violet: Unlike ordinary kinds of fungus, which are fairly harmless to other living creatures, some specimens can be dangerous to adventurers. Fungus lake chlorophyll, a true stem, roots, or leaves. Incapable of photosynthesis, these creatures exist as parasites, breaking down organic matter slowly. One type of dungeon dwelling fungus encountered by the party can best be described as 'Violet Fungus'. The violet fungus approached our party of adventurers with it's highly motile 'tentacles' waving fiercely, but the party fired arrows at it before anything else happened. Who knows what alien intentions it had, perhaps it was only waving a friendly 'Hello' to the party?

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Goblin: A scourge upon the Oerth. This foul race of beings is known for its evil disposition. Flat faced humanoids with broad noses and pointed ears; Goblins have wide mouths full of sharp fangs. With various eye, hair and skin colors, Goblins constitute a varied tribe of evil creatures. Usually attacking in numbers, these creatures make good tacticians and experts at ambush. Small and relatively weak, their numbers and tactics can sometimes leave more experienced opponents in retreat.

As reported by Vern's observations: Small, mostly evil humanoid creatures.  Often raid humanoid villages.  Encountered many in Twilight Fortress.  Often serve powerful evil masters.  Like most small humanoids, not very strong.  Hate Kobolds in Twilight Fortress. Hobgoblin: Larger goblin? Medium humanoid related to goblins and often found with them.  Presumably mostly evil as well.

Golem, Chain: Our adventurers encountered this construct while they were on on their way to a rendezvous in Shadowdale. This strange monster is constructed out of chains. The body is composed entirely of shifting, seeking, moving chains of various size and shape. Some chains were extremely thin, some covered in barbs, some ended with hooks. Some made of silvered high quality steel, some of cold forged iron. The construct was vaguely humanoid in appearance. Seemingly equipped with two legs and two arms; in fact, these were just vestigial arms and legs, and the creature didn't actually walk so much as levitate inches from the ground. The chains made it easy to locate the creature, and the party heard it well before it appeared amidst their camp. As soon as it entered the camp, it began attacking as if it had a purpose or mind of some sort. It used it's grasping appendages to flail against the party, and even began to spin about, creating a nearly impenetrable and deadly barrier of whirling chain which ripped and tore at the party with brutally deadly force. This slicing, dicing, deadly shield of chains was very similar to a spell (according to the party's Wizard) called 'Blade Barrier'. Wounds inflicted by this creature continued to bleed well after most would have stopped, and the party found that it was resistant or immune to most magic. They were only able to defeat it with magical weapons. The party's Wizard cautioned that the construct's creator might be nearby, but there was no immediate sign of any other opponents. After defeating the creature, they followed it's trail for about an hour. It seemed to have no specific pattern to its movement, and may have been wandering aimlessly through the wilderness.

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Hammerclaw: Armed with huge, oversized claws, this crustacean has a purplish, mottled shell, and blue eye stalks that move independtly, as if seeking out predators or prey. As large as a horse, Hammerclaw are dangerous aquatic predators armed with powerful claws (pity the person that gets hit by both in a single attack) and a deadly sonic bolt. The cone shaped sound blast reaches out 30 feet, and is used to stun even the most difficult opponents. The pair of Hammerclaw encountered by our heroes was lurking amongst the submerged remnants of a ruined bridge. Well hidden in the murky freezing waters, the party didn't expect the danger to arrive in the form of a giant lobster-like menace. These crustaceans were patiently waiting for the prey to come to them. When the party got close to the water, they emerged from the icy depths, looking for an easy meal. Despite their vicious, cunning and predatory penchant for ambush, they weren't able to get away with so much as a 'horse-hock'. With an exceedingly tough shell, and predatory intelect, they proved to be worthy foes. The sonic blast left some of the party stunned and others severly injured. Hammerclaw speak Aquan, although they rarely can manage more than a few dozen words of the language. This pair of predators didn't bother with much in the way of parlay; they went straight for the 'Horse d'oeuvres'. If it hadn't been for some rapid applications of healing belts, one of the party members might have met their demise. In the end the only casualties were two Hammerclaw, and one War Horse - R.I.P. Pancake!

Hip-Hopping Zombie Vampire: A very frightening undead creature that our party of heroes encountered on their way to a rendezous in Shadowdale. These evil undead guardians were peacefully residing in the alcoves of a humble Halfling restaurant in the middle of nowhere. In between towns, on the way to Shadowdale, the party happened to stopped in the whistlestop Hamlet of Cardise. Ready for a little rest and relaxation, the party unhooked their wagon, prepared the horses for a well deserved rest, and headed over to the local restaurant for some late night dining... One of the patrons - Clearly a group of Zhentarim milita members - took offense to the service. This brute shoved a serving girl to the ground, drew his sword, saying "And now you will die!" At that the party sprang into action. Killing the Zhentarim ruffian, igniting a restaurant clearing row that escalated very quickly. At some point during the battle, some of the staff members tore some papaers off of the foreheads of some statues...

As reported by Vern the observant servant of Lathander: These undead guardians exhibit two different forms. Their primary (inactive) form is that of a stone guardian. In this form they appear to be 'Terra-Cotta' type statues of 'Kara-Tur' soldiers or warriors. Dressed in ornamental armors wielding some type of spear. Once 'Activated' they became 'Undead Gaurdians'. Agile but slow moving, these undead were constantly hopping up-down and side-to-side five feet in all directions. The constant hopping created a displacement effect that made them extremely difficult to hit. Approximately half our attacks completely missed the mark. They assaulted the party with a variety of attack forms - The Roman Candle attack (screaming, flaming, unholy balls of flame! - The fire can damage equipment and easily blinds anyone within 30 feet of the Hip-Hopping Zombie Vampire) was one of the more deadly attack forms. They also had some special forms of defense; slashing and piercing weapons didn't seem to do much damage at all, but magical fire did. Another attack form - The Vampire bite executed when they successfuly grappled an opponent, caused geysers of blood to cover everyone nearby in a scarlet coating of thick viscuous fluids. Thankfully magical healing seemed to staunch the bite wounds. While their land speed was excruiciatingly slow, they seemed to make up for it with the ability to leap through the air up to 30 feet at a time. They even seemed to execute an attack at the end of this big leap. They were slow to move across the floor, but their high armor class and deadly attacks made them a very dangerous opponent. After a less than a minutes worth of combat, we decided to retreat.

Amongst the myriad number of undead minions which patrol the underdark, dark graveyards and crypts throughout the realms, this particular monster is a form of undead known to haunt tombs, crypts and one particular restaurant in the northern reaches of the Dales.

Their ‘inactive’ or ‘dormant’ form appears to be that of a statue. When dormant, their outward appearance is that of a statue in the shape of a Kara-Tur Samurai. This 5’6” appearance is basically a facade. These creatures are not Samurai in any sense of the word. They look like statues, made of stone, fashioned to have an outward appearance of an armored Samurai wearing partial armor and carrying a naginata. One curious feature is the paper plastered to the forehead of each statue. Adorned with curious script, the party soon learned that removal of this paper 'Activates' the Guardian. In this form, the outward appearance isn’t hyper-realistic, and there is no outward clue to their malevolent nature other than the detection of low level magic ‘Evocation’, which is attributed to the ‘Dancing Motes’ of light emitted by an Inactive Stone Guardian.

Each such Stone Guardian is slightly different in its outward appearance. These slight variations speak of manual craftsmanship. This appearance of stone is actually a chrysalis like false front, The stone-like outer appearance is shed; breaking away, dissolving into a grey dust, then blowing away by some mysterious wind, over a one round period of time.

Once ‘activated’ the stone chrysalis cracks, shatters and disintegrates with a shattering explosion of dust and stone (taking a full round/causing no damage to anyone/anything nearby), shortly after this explosive chrysalis shattering instance, the Undead Guardian form is revealed, as it ‘coalesces’ into a solid form, amidst a pile of broken, crushed stone shards. Standing in the place of the stone ‘statue’ is the (medium sized) Undead Guardian. Unlike the image of the Stone Guardian, the Undead Guardian appears to be a gaunt, lifeless undead creature. With greenish-gray skin tone, long sharp talons (where fingernails would otherwise be), sunken eyes which glow red, black greasy stringy hair that sprouts (when present) from patches on the head, tightly stretched skin, which is torn and ripped in places, revealing muscles and or internal organs in some cases. The creature appears to be dressed in the ragged remnants of typical ‘Rokugan’ garb, a tabard with ornamental stitching, loose fitting pants, a pair of fabric slippers with thin leather soles, and occasionally a hat of some sort. As soon as the creature has ‘solidified’ (which takes a full round to happen), it’s arms spring up, pointing straight out, in a classic zombie pose; reaching, seeking, grasping, flexing the digits to strangle any victims who venture to close.

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Icthyite: Icthyites are an ancient race of monsters that one of our party members read about in the library. While conducting some research for an adventure, the party's Knight came upon information about the 'Ictyhites', a type of creature that is descended from fish, but can live outside of water for short periods of time. This particular race of creatures are believed to have gone extinct approximately 700 years ago. It is believed that Troglodytes are descended from the Icthyites. In conducting this research, the Knight learned a great deal about their language. He even learned to speak a few phrases... Unfortunately, the descendants of the Icthyites (Troglodytes) don't speak the same language. Knowledge of these ancient creatures is limited to what the Knight learned in the library, and the party's experience with their descendants - the Troglodytes.

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Kobold: A cowardly and sadistic race of short humanoids (with a Draconic heritage) that vigorously contest Human and demi-human races for living space and food. They especially dislike gnomes and attack them on sight. Barely clearing three feet in height, Kobolds have scaly hides that range from dark, rusty brown, to a rusty black. They smell of damp dogs and stagnant water. Their eyes glow with a bright red spark, and they have two small horns ranging from tan to white. Because of the Kobolds fondness for wearing raggedy garb of red and orange, their non-prehensile rat-like tails, and their language (which sounds like dogs yapping/actually a form (dialect) of Draconic), these fell creatures are often not taken seriously. This is often a fatal mistake, for what they lack in size and strength, they make up for in ferocity, tenacity, and cunning.

Kobolds are typically weak. However, your common Kobold has a slight edge over the common farmer. He's more bloodthirsty. The Kobolds encountered by the Xterminators in the Twilight Fortress were members of a 'Tribe' known as 'The Rusty Hinge' tribe.

As reported by Vern's observations: Small, mostly evil humanoids. Believed to be related to Dragons. Reptilian in appearance, especially face/snout. In awe of Dragons, referred to as 'Dragon-people' by townsfolk speaking with the Xterminators. Kobolds in the Twilight Fortress hate the Goblins in the fortress.

Kuo-Toa: Kuo-Toa are humanoid creatures that live underwater. Slightly shorter than Humans, Kuo-Toa have a rounded body covered with fine scales, giving them the appearance of being pudgy or bloated. The arms and legs of a Kuo-Toa are slender, willowy, ending in broad, webbed hands and feet. The feet look a lot like flippers or swim fins. The creature's head is kind of bullet-shaped, and it's silvery-black eyes are large bulbous orbs that almost come out of the sockets. The Kuo-Toa that our adventurers tied up seemed very shy around the light of a nearby lantern, turning their heads and moving as far away from it as possible. Their skin was extremely slippery, to the point where their stinky oil ended up rubbed all over the two party members who tied them up. Given how slippery they were, it wouldn't be a surprise if they could wriggle free from the ropes in just a minute or two. The party never found out how good they were at escaping their bonds, as the two survivors and their dead companions were all thrown overboard, shortly after the combat concluded. The captain of the Sweet Lady didn't want the stinking fish-folk sticking around to complicate our lives.

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Lizard, Monitor: Monitor lizards were kept as guard animals by a group of Troglodytes that the party met. These animals were approximately 3-5 feet long. As guard animals, they were aggressive, using their powerful jaws to crush bones and rend flesh. About the same size as a human, the Troglodytes led their attack with the snapping jaws of an enraged monitor lizard.

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Mephit, Water: Our group of adventurers encountered a Water Mephit while they were exploring the ruins of the Twilight Fortress. This winged creature looked like a miniature fish-person. It's bulbous body was covered with fish-like scales and it had large bulging black eyeballs.

The Water Mephit is a creature from the Elemental Plane of Water, and the one that our party encountered was trapped inside a large metal keg. It seemed as if it was generating potable water that accompanied it wherever it went.

Surprising the party as its small squishy body popped out of the keg, the party initially attack the creature. They quickly learned that it's breath weapon was something to be avoided. A caustic burning liquid, many of the party members were burned as they attempted to escape from the cone of fluid which sprayed from the creatures mouth.

This creature is also know to generate a foul-smelling fog which causes nausea amongst those who might cause it harm. With the ability to heal itself when immersed in water, the Water Mephit can be a dangerous opponent.

Not interested in combat with the party, the Mephit was able to flee by flying away from the aggression directed its way. Barely escaping with its life, the water accompanying it seemingly followed as the Mephit fled out into a nearby ravine.

Vern's observations: Small extraplanar creature, with 2 claw attacks. Acid breath weapon. Flies fairly fast. Resistant to normal weapons, and heals damage in combat. Looks like a winged fish-like small humanoid, covered with scales and black bulbous eyes..

Mouther, Tall: A six armed aberration, best described as a 'Furry, blue, whirling dervish of devastation'. Any party encountering the tall mouther is likely to appreciate the ranged attacks of magic users after standing anywhere close to a Tall Mouther. Getting too close to a Tall Mouther is a dangerous proposition. The creature is rather odd looking. An immense, tusked, bobble-head aberration with six arms. It's blue fur, and crazed eyes come as no surprise when one hears its profane taunts, outbursts and insults. The creature has a 15 foot reach, moves quite quickly, and dodges missile attacks with ease.

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Pegasus: The party has never 'seen' this creature, and they don't know very much about it at all. It was described to the party by residents of Kulta. The residents described this creature slightly, in reference to a group of cultists who had a dispute with another group of cultists. One group of cultists worshiped a dragon, and they were the cultists that built the 'Twilight Fortress'. The other cultists, who made war against the dragon cultists worshiped a creature called the Black Unipeg. One villager described the Unipeg as being a cross between a 'Unicorn' and a 'Pegasus', but the creature had a black coat.

The party doesn't know anything about the Unicorn... Aside from the fact that it might be horse like; it might have wings, and it might have a 'horn'... Apparently, it doesn't have a black coat.

Pillar, Caryatid: A caryatid pillar looks like a simple stone pillar until an unwary creature violates the strictures given to the construct by its creator. In the blink of an eye, the caryatid pillar becomes a physically beautiful figure (male or female) adorned in flowing robes or well-crafted armor wielding a deadly magic weapon. Caryatid pillars are relentless opponents, and they are surprisingly agile despite their stone composition and size. They dance fearlessly into combat and expect feeble weapons to shatter against their marble skin. With martial skill uncommon in constructs, they attack and break their foes’ weapons. Caryatid pillars are incapable of speech. Note: This is a variant of the monster from the D&D Fiend Folio (Ref FF pages 30-31 / Version 3.0 book). I have slightly modified it to fit with a specific encounter, and to make it more relevant to my home brewed campaign: “Rob’s World! D&D Campaign” - R. Vaessen (16 Aug 2024)

Piranha, flying: Flying Piranha are a type of flying fish. A 'seemingly' natural aberration of the mundane flying fish, here we see evolutionary predation in action. Piranha with access to birds - prone to feed in waters where piranha hunt - soon began to hunt the birds that scavenged upon the prey and remnants from a piranha hunt. Eventually this particular species of piranha learned and evolved to hunt birds that flew too close to the surface of the lakes and rivers where the piranha lived. These particular piranha eventually adapted a more specialized form of hunting and prey, this led to the evolutionary development of fins which supported short flights.

Flying piranha are capable of short burst of flight (60' at a time) before they must re-enter the water (shallow coastal areas, lakes and rivers) in order to build up enough momentum to launch themselves back into the air in pursuit of prey (typically sea birds). Known to be aggressive, they have sometimes been known to attack fisherman as seabirds loiter around fishing boats in search of scraps and agitated sea-life.

The bite of a flying piranha carries with it an anti-coagulant which causes prey to continue bleeding after being bitten by a flying piranha. Other flying piranha can smell this blood and use it as a way of marking a potential meal. While multiple wounds do not promote a prolific amount of bleeding, the odor of blood will draw other piranha to 'swarm' (The creature is not a swarm) a victim, with each piranha taking a bite before returning to the water.

Flying piranha have an anatomy that is highly resistant to blunt force trauma. With cartilage as a substitute for bones, these flying fish take less damage from blunt weapons than one would otherwise expect.

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Quasit: The Quasit is a Demon, but not of the Tanar'ri order. While other Demon's consider them inferior (they're not Tanar'ri), they consider themselves to be superior because of their unique natures. These tiny humanoid-shaped creatures have leathery skin, spiked horns and disproportionately small bat like wings that allow them to hover and fly with precision. Their hands and feet are long and slender, ending in long claw-tipped digits. There are small warts and pustules covering their green tinged skin.

These insidious and malevolent little Demons are often found serving powerful chaotic spellcasters as counselors and spies. In their natural form, they very small. Standing only one and a half feet tall, they barely tip the scales at 8 pounds. These Demons speak Common and Abyssal.

Although our party had very little knowledge of the Quasit, they soon learned that they had some supernatural abilities; like the ability to become invisible and cause fear in a 30 foot radius.

The Quasit that attacked our party of heroes waited to do so until it could execute an ambush. Extremely well hidden amongst the rubble of the room it occupied. It attacked ferociously with claws and a feeble bite. Its claws were poisonous, and the party was soon concerned that one of their own might have been affected by some form of slow acting effect.

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Rat, Dire: An enormous rat. Bigger and more vicious than most dogs. The Dire Rat has coarse, spiky fur, malevolent eyes, and a long naked tail. Omnivorous scavengers, these creatures have been known to attack with a pack mentality in defense of their home, when cornered, or extremely hungry. Growing up to four feet long, and weighing over 50 pounds, their bite can induce a feverous disease.

As reported by Vern's observations: Oversized (Small Animal, as opposed to Tiny), more aggressive rats. Like typical rats, they often carry disease, and it can be transmitted by bite. Often in packs

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Scion ScourgeScion Scourge: (aka Scurvy Scourge or Evil Tumblers) Shrub-like creatures with two different appearances. The Scion Scourge is an animate plant with limbs as strong as an oaken sapling. These creatures thrive when they feed upon flesh and blood. Yet they can remain dormant for countless years subsisting on minerals from the soil and moisture from the air (no sunlight is needed to fuel these evil plants). While the creatures is capable of taking up a vaguely humanoid semblance, it often appears to be a simple, but barren shrub. No leaves adorn this plant, yet it looks as if they might have at one time. In many cases, the Scion Scourge is mistaken for a tumbleweed as it rolls along blown by the wind.

Do not be deceived by its mundane and seemingly innocuous appearance. The Scion Scourge can reshape itself at will, bending limb and twig to its will. This creature can easily correct its course, sprout limbs, interlock its leafless branches, stand upright and move with a motile will of evil intent. The sinister shape affected in this mockery of humanoids is adorned with empty eye sockets and a thorn filled maw. The appearance of an erect Scion Scourge is enough to fuel a week-long bought of nightmare filled dreams.

Scion Scourge are treelike creatures of evil disposition that normally stand about 3–1/2 feet tall (when affecting a humanoid appearance). When they withdraw their limbs, and bend low to the ground, they can appear much smaller; blending into native undergrowth with surprising ease. Spotting the difference between Scion Scourge and a simple shrub amongst a farmer's hedges is quite a difficult task.

Scion Scourge can root themselves in normal soil, drawing nutrients like a normal plant and appearing much like a woody shrub (festooned with sharp thorns). Despite its ability to draw nutrients from the soil, the Scion Scourge has a special taste for blood, and to sate its hunger, it attacks living creatures with its barb-like claws.

As the party ventured deeper into the Twilight Fortress, they encountered a new form of Scion Scourge. While these twisted monsters seem to come in many different shapes, this new one represents an entirely different threat to the party's progress. Recently the party has begun to encounter natural cavernous areas with a canopy of vines. These vines seem to live in a symbiotic relationship with some sort of glowing fungus which grows along the length of the vines. The concerning part is the seemingly living part of the vines. While most of the vine appears to be dead or dormant and devoid of leaves or green growth, another more sinister looking growth seems to extend downward and outward from the woody growth of vines. These darker (black vs brown in color) vines are covered in blood red thorns. The part that makes them especially threatening is their mobility. These vines typically extend downward from the ceiling; they then encompass or seem to have overgrown some trees that are rooted in the thin soil of the cavern. These vines, entwined in the branches of dead trees are highly motile; capable of lashing out at a moments notice, striking at the party with surprising swiftness. Although the party has easily avoided contact with these vines, the presence of the red tipped thorns leads credence to its relationship with the Scion Scourge, and the party would be wise to avoid further contact with these vines.

Scion Scourge can communicate amongst each other by altering their structure such that any wind passing through them is altered to produce an eerie whistling or rustling noise. Sounding much like leaves rustling in the wind, or the wind passing through a thicket. These rustling whispers are in fact a sophisticated form of communication.

Rumors speak of Scion Scourge who cooperate and join together. As they intertwine their twisted branches they form a more menacing form of woody terror. A gigantic Scourge sometimes referred to as a Twisted Tower, a Thorny Terror or a Scion Swam. Our group of adventurers has definitely seen Scion Scourge of various sizes; small, medium and even large. The party of adventurers now suspects that the Scion Scourge can take other shapes; like that of a vine. Recently spotted in the Twilight Fortress is a strange but similar type of motile vegetation with blood red thorns. These vines have been spotted rooted to rocks, cavern ceilings and walls (curiously not soil). The motile vines with blood red tipped thorns have been seen wrapped about the remains of dead trees rooted in the soil and floors of caverns under the Twilight Fortress.

Learned via rumor, confirmed via combat: The Scion Scourge is resistant to attacks by piercing weapons, taking half damage from weapons which only cause piercing damage. The sap of the Scion Scourge is mildly toxic. The poison burns briefly, causing minor injury, but it doesn't seem to cause lasting damage.

As reported by Vern's observations: Evil, presumably plant creature that eats blood. Reported to often kill cattle, they look like big tumbleweeds. The shape of tumbleweed with gaps means piercing damage is less effective. Though it isn’t easy to be sure, hit them hard and often enough and they die. Can survive very long periods without food (hibernation-life?), one had been trapped in a hallway for months and came alert to attack the Xterminators.

As reported in a Journal Entry by Kasha: How could they have missed this? Sheer luck I guess. In all there previous combat with the Scion Scourge, the party had never noticed that they were poisonous. Admittedly, they always did their utmost to destroy these evil weeds before they could ever injury the party, but it's still a bit unusual that it took multiple encounters before the finally discovered this disturbing fact. Not only do they seem to draw nourishment from fresh blood, wounds inflicted by these shrub like creatures are also mildly toxic. Here's what Kasha had to say about those ill effects: "Suddenly, an evil bush rolled up to Kasha and slashed her in the arm. Kasha felt some type of poison coursing through her veins and then her vision became cloudy."

Skeleton: Skeletons are undead creatures. Animated skeletons of once living creatures. Typically humanoid. Skeletons, being undead, are immune to mind influencing spells and effects. Skeletons are usually animated by evil clerics and set to perform chores/tasks of various sorts. Being less substance than the living, Skeletons take reduced damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

As reported by Vern's observations: A basic, fairly weak undead creature. Damage reduction bypassed by bludgeoning weapons. Mindless, only do what ordered to do. Powered by supernatural forces (negative energy). Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison, sleep, paralysis, and anything requiring a fortitude save. Can be destroyed with physical attacks. They don’t eat, breathe, or sleep. Can be turned and even destroyed by faithful application of holy might by low-level clerics.

Shadow: An undead creature that seems to be made of nothing more than a patch of gloom, shaped like a semblance of man. With an appetite for the living, these creatures sap the strength and life force from their victims with a chilling touch. These undead constitute a special subtype of undead, referred to as 'Incorporeal', these creatures are composed of semi-transparent gloom and bone-chilling evil. Having no physical body, these creatures can only be harmed by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, spells, spell-like and supernatural abilities. They are immune to all nonmagical attack forms!

Being incorporeal, the party observed that they were also able to move without making any physical contact with the floor. Gliding silently above the rubble strewn floor, the debris and rubble on the floor was undisturbed by their movement, and they produced no sound as they effortlessly glided towards the stalwart members of the party.

The most shocking revelation of their incorporeal nature came when one of them seemed to move entirely through the damaged interior corridor wall. Although the wall was damaged, and partially destroyed by unseen, ancient forces, the Shadow moved through it as if it were simply a curtain, pushed aside in its wake. Reaching through the wall, the shadow emerged in the midst of the party as if the wall presented only a minor obstacle in its quest to wrest the life force of the living from unwelcome guests in its midst.

One serious consequence of contact with a Shadow is Strength drain. When this creature makes contact with the living, its negative energy drains away a portion of one's life force in the form of strength. The consequences of one such encounter weakened Vern to such an extent that he could no longer carry all his gear and his movement was considerably reduced. I wonder what would happen if it drained all your Strength?

Stirge: A tiny magical beast, this nasty-looking creature seems to be a cross between a bat and a giant mosquito. It has membranous bat wings, a short furry body, eight jointed legs that end in hooked claws, and a needle-like proboscis. These nasty flying pests are capable of sucking the blood from opponents, and leaving them weak and drained.

Bat SwarmSwarm, bat: The party has had multiple encounters with swarms of bats. These animals congregate together to form a formidable hazard for warm-blooded prey. Typically 'triggered' into action by loud sounds or light sources. A sleeping or roosting swarm of bats can be incited to attack if their environment is 'invaded' by unwelcome visitors. This whirring mass of quick, darting shadows sweeps across the dark cavern. As it moves towards the party it fills the air with the screeching high-pitched cacophony of hundreds of bats.

A bat swarm is composed of hundreds of small (size: diminutive), fierce, carnivorous bats. They have a thirst for blood from any creature (usually warm blooded) unfortunate enough to cross their paths or disturb their rookery. Bat swarms are nocturnal, preferring to hunt at night, they are usually found below ground, in a cavern complex or hunting aboveground (at night) in the vicinity of their roosting place.

A swarm causes 'automatic' damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move (the swarm's move). Any living creature that begins its turn inside a swarm could become nauseous for a round. Any creature damaged by a bat swarm will continue bleeding (due to an anti-coagulant in the saliva of the bats) each round after the initial damage. This bleeding can be staunched by a successful heal check or any healing magic.

Bats can 'see' without any light at all. They have blind-sense, using echolocation to see creatures within 20 feet. Light doesn't blind them, but it may attract them. Bats also have excellent listen and spot skills.

While a swarm of bats is 'immune' to attacks with weapons and spells that target individuals, they are not 'immune' to fire damage. The party eventually fought off one such swarm with multiple attacks using torches.

Skeleton: Skeleton are a basic form of undead creature. Animated skeletons of once living creatures. Typically humanoid. Skeletons, being undead, are immune to mind influencing spells and effects. Skeletons are usually animated by evil clerics and set to perform chores and tasks of various sorts. Being less substantive than the living, Skeletons take reduced damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Swarm, arctic bat: The party has had multiple encounters with swarms of bats. These animals congregate together to form a formidable hazard for warm-blooded prey. Typically 'triggered' into action by loud sounds or light sources. A sleeping or roosting swarm of bats can be incited to attack if their environment is 'invaded' by unwelcome visitors. This whirring mass of quick, darting shadows sweeps across the dark cavern. As it moves towards the party it fills the air with the screeching high-pitched cacophony of hundreds of bats.

See entry above (Swarm, bat) for more information regarding bat swarms. This particular swarm of bats is slightly different than previous swarms that the party has encounter. This particular swarm of bats consisted of an 'Arctic' variety. Especially adapted to cold weather, these bats typically hibernate during warm periods, preferring to hunt, reproduce and thrive during the coldest months of the year. The bats that constitute this particular type of swarm are slightly different in coloration as well. They tend to be covered with a thick coat of white fur and are known to easily tolerate sub-zero temperatures. In addition to the well adapted sonar that all bats posses, these bats are also equipped with a type of heat sensing ability, which allows them to seek out warm-blooded prey against a frigid background of ice or snow.

Swarm, crab: The party encountered this swarm of armored arthropods in Dead Man's Cave; a rather dismal place to encounter a deadly opponent. The swarm appeared as a writhing mass of clacking shells and snapping pincers. It rushed up from a sandy cave, spider-like legs twitching across the sand. Crabs are voracious scavengers. They will eat anything living or dead that they come across.

Crab swarms contain over a thousand normal-sized crabs that rush over their victims, plucking flesh with thousands of pinching claws. Some fishermen claim tides and phases of the moon cause these creatures to swarm as they do. Crab swarms are slightly resistant to fire - negating some of the damage that most swarms are susceptible to - oh Joy! Thankfully, the Xterminators pulled it together and executed a brilliant strategy; splash the crabs with flasks of lantern oil, and then toss in a torch to start the crab boil - After they defeated these flesh rending crabs, they enjoyed a feast of tasty crab flesh.

A swarm causes 'automatic' damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move (the swarm's move). Any living creature that begins its turn inside a swarm could become nauseous for a round.

Crabs can 'see' without any light at all. Thanks to their 'Scent' ability. They can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes. While a swarm of crabs is 'immune' to attacks with weapons and spells that target individuals, they are not 'immune' to fire damage.

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Tar-pit monster: This particular monster was encountered by the party during their first adventure. Deep down in the ancient tomb of the Icthyites, lived an unusual creature. Appearing to be some form of ooze or slime, this pitch-black creature appeared as a bubbling, medium sized, goo-like denizen residing in a pit of bubbling, super hot, boiling tar. The creature menaced the party from below (as they crossed a trapped, ancient, rope bridge). Unfortunately for one unlucky Troglodyte (who fell into the pit), this vile creature seemed to have a 'taste' for the flesh of the living, as it enveloped and submerged the screaming victim in a single round of combat. Luckily for Spencer (an animal companion), the party wasn't willing to see what the Tar-pit monster would do with Phulleigh's trusty mount.

Thoqqua: A worm like creature which moved in an odd lurching manner. The body of this creature glowed orange to white, with the head of it being brightest. The 5 foot long body lit up the cavern where our party encountered it. They heard it before they saw it. The creature made an odd gravelly growling noise, like the sound of boulders clashing against each other. Like some insane rock tumbler where one might polish precious stones. Along with the grinding noise came a disturbing low frequency growl. A 'sound' that was more felt than heard. Disturbing the bowels, this odd noise became more intense as the party approached.

According to a recently liberated Thrush, this creature was something the Goblins were hunting. At first glance it almost looked like a snail of sorts; coiled as it was, while moving forward in an odd lurching manner. The party advanced towards the creature, Vern engaged in melee. As arrows struck the creature they burst into flames. The heat radiating from its body and its rocky composition quickly informed the party that this was an earth elemental of some sort. A creature born on the elemental plane of earth.

As the party fought the creature, they became keenly aware that this creature had created the tunnels they were now standing in. The glowing hot chisel like head contacted Vern and he burst into flames! As vern withdrew to put out the fire, the remainder of the party wondered how to fight such a creature. Pfineas quickly deduced that cold or water might hurt the creature. A ray of frost was called forth and the creature's rumbling took on a frightful tone as large chunks of it's 'Skin' fell away.

It struck out at the party in defense of its home and was quickly defeated by the combined might of the Xterminators.

As reported by Vern's observations: Earth element-related creature.  Worm-like creature with glowing spike on front.  This can often be used to tunnel through solid rock.  Spike is very hot and dangerous: does fire damage, can set people on fire, and destroy equipment.  Goblins believed to kill them for meat.  Arrows hitting creature melted on hit, but at least did damage first.  Takes extra damage from cold.  (Ray of frost)  Xterminators witnessed many small Thoqqua at a distance, believed family/group/herd.

Treant: This tall creature (Huge) looks much like an animated tree. Its skin is thick and brown, with a bark like texture. Its arms are gnarled like branches, and its legs look like the split trunk of a tree. Above the eyes and along the head are dozens of smaller branches from which hang great leaves. Our party of adventurer's encountered one on the way to Daerlun. The creature spoke in common, and it demanded 'Tribute' from the little furry peoples. Our adventurers didn't take kindly to its demands. A tense situation arose...

Troglodyte (of Shaes): Troglodytes are a warlike race of carnivorous reptilian humanoids that dwell in subterranean caverns. They hate humans above all, and often launch bloody raids on human communities in search of food and treasure. Six foot tall, leathery, and lizard like; Troglodytes are weapons wielders, and often follow strong evil leaders. They are known to speak Draconic and emit a debilitating stench when they are threatened or enraged. The group that our adventurers encountered had webbed feet, hands, and a frill or crest on their head, which ran part way down their back. The females of the species are nearly indistinguishable from their male counterparts (at least to non-Troglodytes). The only outward clue being their size. Troglodyte females are somewhat smaller than the males of the species. Sometimes mistaken for juvenile males, the females typically avoid combat, and their maternal instincts are far more developed.

During an encounter on the 20th of Janus, 1008, our party learned more about Troglodytes. The Troglodytes of Shaes aren't as 'Lizard like' as originally suspected. While some in the party were familiar with Troglodytes, this particular breed of Troglodytes are actually amphibious. They can breath air or water equally. They can live underwater or on land. They can swim quite well and see in the dark. Our party of adventurers has seen them swimming in near freezing waters, their feet and hands seem slightly larger than those of normal Troglodytes, and their skin seems wet all the time. They prefer damp conditions when they're on land, but they seem quite adaptable to either environment (air or water). These creatures lay eggs in clutches of 4-8 eggs. The eggs are about 12 inches long and 6-8 inches across, weighing 1-2 lbs each. The brown, leathery egg cases are soft to the touch and slightly pliable. Troglodytes will fight fiercely to protect their hatchery.

Troll: This large, bipedal creature is about one and a half times as tall as a Human (9 feet or more, easily weighing 500 pounds) but very thin. It has long and ungainly arms and legs, which allow it to attack opponents up to ten feet away. The legs end in great three-toed feet, the arms in wide powerful hands with sharp claws. The hide is rubbery, and its hair is thick and ropy.

They walk upright with a shuffling uneven gait. Typically hunched over with sagging shoulders, the Troll is capable of running in an awkward bounding manner, arms akimbo and uncoordinated. Their bodies are covered in a rubbery grayish green mottled skin with tufts of hair hear and there. Typical Trolls look a bit 'stretched out', their arms and legs, their fingers, their noses, their bodies, everything seems really long and thin. This particular Troll looked like it may have died of starvation. Its skin was dried out and body shrunken to a hollowed-out appearance.

The party seemed to know quite a bit about Trolls - Scary tales around the campfire seem to be an effective way of passing down the lore of the monster hunter. Trolls are carnivorous, found in all climates and avoided by most animals whenever possible. They have ravenous appetites and will hunt and devour all inhabitants near their lair.

Trolls speak Giant and they fear nothing. They often launch themselves into combat without hesitation, flailing wildly with claws and teeth used in the attack. While capable of wielding weapons, they favor the feel of their claws rending soft tender flesh. If they can manage to hit with both of their claw attacks, they can impose frightening damage as they rend bone and flesh in a devastating attack.

Not all Trolls are mindless barbarians. Some are skilled fighters and occasionally amongst their kind one might find a spell caster or even a priest.

The most astonishing thing about Trolls is their ability to seemingly heal instantly. Their recuperative powers are quite extraordinary, and the party stood in wonder as they watched normally fatal wounds stitch themselves shut moments after a killing blow. Most frightening of all is the strength of these recuperative powers. Despite a seeming death, Trolls will regenerate all damage, even after death. They will regrow lost limbs, a bisected torso, even a decapitation will not stop the Troll from recovering from such simple damage. The only thing that will stop a Troll from regenerating is fire or acid.

The party expended a considerable amount of oil, torches and other consumables making sure that this foul creature would never menace mere mortals again.

As recorded in Vern's observations: Dangerous large humanoid-shaped creature with claw/claw/bite attack. Regenerates damage taken quickly, but not fire or acid damage. Can see in the dark, always hungry for meat and fearless.

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Unicorn: The party has never 'seen' this creature, and they don't know very much about it at all. It was described to the party by residents of Kulta. The residents described this creature slightly, in reference to a group of cultists who had a dispute with another group of cultists. One group of cultists worshiped a dragon, and they were the cultists that built the 'Twilight Fortress'. The other cultists, who made war against the dragon cultists worshiped a creature called the Black Unipeg. One villager described the Unipeg as being a cross between a 'Unicorn' and a 'Pegasus', but the creature had a black coat.

The party doesn't know anything about the Unicorn... Aside from the fact that it might be horse like; it might have wings, and it might have a 'horn'... Apparently, it doesn't have a black coat.

Unipeg, Black: The party has never 'seen' this creature, and they don't know very much about it at all. It was described to the party by residents of Kulta. The residents described this creature slightly, in reference to a group of cultists who had a dispute with another group of cultists. One group of cultists worshiped a dragon, and they were the cultists that built the 'Twilight Fortress'. The other cultists, who made war against the dragon cultists worshiped a creature called the Black Unipeg. One villager described the Unipeg as being a cross between a 'Unicorn' and a 'Pegasus', but the creature had a black coat.

The villager went on to describe it in slightly more detail. This winged horse had a horn like a unicorn, but it's coat was black as coal. As is typical of creatures with a black coat, one might assume - in a historical context, that this creature was evil, and therefore so were the cultists that worshiped it.

The party doesn't know anything about these other creatures: The Unicorn or the Pegasus... Aside from the fact that they might be horse like. One or both might have wings, and one or both might have a 'horn'... One other thing. Apparently neither of them have a black coat.

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Vermin, monstrous crab, large: This isn't a monster so much as it is an abnormally large version of a natural creature. Vermin operate on instinct, driven by very simple needs - Consumption of food, defense of itself (sometimes its young), and the drive to reproduce. Most vermin only attack when they are hungry or attacked. Vermin typically possess the following traits: Mindless (no Int score, immune to all mind-affecting spells/magic, darkvision out to 60 feet, neutral alignment and no treasure (sometimes treasure from may be accumulated from consumed 'food' or because it's shiny and might attract a mate or other prey).

Monstrous crabs range in size from Small to Colossal. They are voracious scavengers that will eat anything, living or dead, they come across. Monstrous crabs have the following special abilities, regardless of size: Constriction (extra damage upon successful grapple), Improved Grab (used to establish a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity). Monstrous crabs have bonuses on grapple checks. Although monstrous crabs are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.
Monstrous crabs have bonuses to their Hide and Spot checks.

Our party of adventurers encountered a monstrous crab (large sized/about the size of a large cow) in Dead Man's cave. A seaside cave formed by waves and an ancient lava flow. The creature was accompanied by a swarm of normal crabs. The monstrous crab tried to make a snack out of some of the party members, but a coordinated attack with oil and a torch made quick work of this armored opponent.

Vermin, monstrous spider, medium: This isn't a monster so much as it is an abnormally large version of a natural creature. Vermin operate on instinct, driven by very simple needs - Consumption of food, defense of itself (sometimes its young), and the drive to reproduce. Most vermin only attack when they are hungry or attacked. Vermin typically possess the following traits: Mindless (no Int score, immune to all mind-affecting spells/magic, darkvision out to 60 feet, neutral alignment and no treasure (sometimes treasure from may be accumulated from consumed 'food' or because it's shiny and might attract a mate or other prey).

All monstrous spiders are aggressive predators that use poison to subdue or kill prey. Monstrous spiders come in two general varieties: Hunters or web-spinners.

Our party of adventurers encountered a monstrous spider (medium sized/about the size of a large dog) in some tunnels beneath X's manor. The tunnel led from the manor's basement to the barn/stables. A cave was dug out of the side of this tunnel, and living within that cave was a monstrous spider. The party attacked the spider before they even noticed that it had a 'name tag' around it's 'neck'. Inscribed on the brass 'name tag' was the word 'Spot' - The party attacked, an almost killed a pet. How embarrassing. The party never discovered what type of spider this creature was, but they didn't notice any webs.

After noticing the name tag, they healed the spider and left the tunnels in something of a hurry. They did manage to take some treasure from the spider's 'lair'.

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Zombie: Decayed, rotting, and stinking animated corpses dressed in their burial finery (or other accoutrement/sometimes armed and armored), these creatures are the results of dark and sinister magic. Mindless automatons that shamble about doing their creator's bidding without fear or hesitation. Zombies are not pleasant to look upon, and they often smell foul. Because of their lack of brains/intelligence, the instructions given to newly created zombies must be relatively simple; such as 'Kill anyone who enters this room'. Zombie have such poor reflexes that they can only perform a single move or attack action each round (unless it charges - then it can do both).

Zombie, Bugbear: A decayed, rotting, stinking animated corpse. This shambling undead creature was discovered guarding a crypt by our group of adventurers. The 'Bugbear' it was created from is an unknown monster (to our group) of Goblinoid origin. Approximately 7' tall, this specimen makes for a rather sturdy zombie. Despite it's mouth full of long, sharp fangs, this particular zombie was armed with a morningstar (and a quiver of javelins) and armored in a suit of half plate and a heavy wooden shield.

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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