Adventurer's Journal

This portion of the Journal chronicles initial party creation, an introduction to 'X', the adventurers sponsor, and the party's first adventure. A journey to a floating island to recover some rare books for 'X' . The lost island of Castanamir looms ahead in treacherous waters. Set sail with the 'Summoned Six' on a journey into the unknown.


Real-world date: 11 January 2003
Game-world date:1-2 Janus 1001
Written by: Ike (of Mike & Ike)

Right, so here's how it started. My brother and I were just minding our own business, then it went black. Waking up, all I could hear was my brother and a few other peoples. So me brother and I roamed around a bit. We ended up a bit wet, after takin' an unexpected swim in a river. Sure was dark in that cavern.

After getting rescued by some strangers, some runt of a kid shows up. He leads us out of the cavern. Us and two other people that is (we hooked up with a couple more adventurer types later on). The kid takes us to meet some weird magic wizard of some sort. I think his name is "Maghrehv Eiddiesse Ekhs". The boys name is "Ellis" from what I last recall.

Well, anyway's, after some small talk and a bit o' nice 'ospitality, Ekhs; Let's call 'im "X" fer now; tells us that we were summoned to do his bidding. Well, to be honest, I think he's weak. X offered to send us on a small quest in return for the opportunity for rewards.

Now this quest involves returning a set of magic books that were borrowed while in magic school. This other wizards name is "Castanamir". All right, equipment has been provided, like the magic bookshelf and some info on the location; a magic floating island.

To be 'onest, between Mike and myself, me thinks this X is evil. There's something about this entire scheme that just doesn't fit. So here it is, Mike, myself, "Theollius", "Duracell", "Quethrell" and "Lumiarti" were summoned to go on a quest, and now all we have is tomorrow.


Real-world date: 25 January 2003
Game-world date: 2-6 Janus 1001
Written by: Ike (of Mike & Ike)

Mike and I woke up early like, found ourselves some grub, and went about doing wot we do best; tearin' stuff up. We commenced to redecorating; remodeling our rooms as it were. Nathis the houseman didn't appreciate our artistic efforts. He took away our hammers and summoned the Dwarven smithy to repair the damage we inflicted.

A few minutes later, the whole lot of us were 'aving breakfast in the manor. We was then introduced to two new members of the group. Quethrell, a Human fighter, she's o.k. and Lumiarti, one o' those uppty elven Wizard types.

After breakfast, we went to town. We toured the town as it were. Taking in the sites. The boy, Ellis, took us down to the edge o' town and set our compass straight. He gave us the low-down on some wacky laws. Apparently, maps and directions are illegal in Willip! What the? Anyway, we went lookin'. Stopped at a place called 'Where Now' and got a bunch o' directions from a half-pint Halfling

We grabbed a taxi, and went lookin' for a ship to hire. Headin' for the docks we soon found ourselves a ship for hire. A bunch o' stinkin' half-orcs runnin' a ship known as the 'Lucky Bucket'. A meetin' with the first mate (Krodnar) sealed the deal, and we went about our bidness.

A couple days later, we boarded the Lucky Bucket, met the Cap'n. A fat Human named 'Felix Busbo', and his mostly 'alf-orc crew. We 'ate's 'alf-orcs! On a three day journey, we have a boring ass time. Trying to keep to ourselves, and away from the stinkin' crew, nothin' 'appens until the third day of the journey.

The Lucky Bucket gets stopped by a ship which is painted all red. The 'Scarlet Cutlass' is crewed by none other than that notorious pirate "Cap'n Ira Bledsoe". Krodnar informs us that "Tis best if you just remain below, and keep out of sight."

Me brother 'n me was itchin fer a fight, but the Scarlet Cutlass was much bigger 'an the Lucky Bucket, and we wussed out when the rest o' the pansies decided to heed the 'alf-orc's lame suggestion.

After some negotiatin', the cap'n of the Scarlet Cutlass let the Lucky Bucket be on it's way. We ended up payin' part of a stinkin' extortionists fee to that bastard! Me brother an me thinks it was all a setup see, they scammed us out o' the cash, and we just bent over to take it! Bastards!

On the evening of the third day, we comes upon a nasty storm. Krodnar informs us that the tiny spot of rock off the starboard bow is the island we was lookin' fer. What!? That tiny pimple of pumice? That's Castanamir's Island? Sounds like a set-up to me. We're such idiots!

So, we get in the longboat; by the way there's a hellacious storm ragin' all about us at the moment. We manage to make our way to the island, and are forced to seek shelter as debris is blowin' about so fiercely as to cause damage.

The only place on this postage stamp of an island is a little depression at the center of the island. Here's where we find the entrance. So we're all huddled around this hole in the rock, and Quethrell is trying to open this warped door. In the meantime, the rest of us are getting battered by the storm, if something doesn't break soon, we're gonna be in some serious trouble.

Seconds later we're huddled in a dank passageway staring at another door. This one's a bit easier to open. Beyond it is an underground complex. As we cross the threshold into Castanamir's lair, the sounds of the storm above continue unabated. It's good to be out of the storm!

Mike and Ike are in! We enter the first room, and turn around. That's odd, the door is gone. On the wall where the door was is a black portal, no sign of a door, just this mysterious black portal. Seems that there's a lot of these strange lookin' portals all about. That can't be good. So, we set's about explorin' the 'Living Room'. Obviously this is the lair of a Magic User. There's a fireplace, light coming from nowhere specific, and the black portals are all screamin' Magic to Mike and me.

A few minutes later we've looted a closet full a' junk. Ya never know when you're going to need a wool blanket. Mike and I stashed a bunch a' the junk and set out for the nearest black portal.

See ya later suckers...


Real-world date: 22 February 2003
Game-world date: 6 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

Mike and Ike left the group. That probably wasn't a good idea. I wonder what they were thinking. I hope they're o.k.

As soon as the two brothers left, we encountered a couple of invisible creatures. We're not sure what they are though. Some sort of Fairy creatures. We didn't know what they were until I killed one of them. Well, I didn't actually kill one, but I almost did. Didn't mean to hit the thing that hard.

The creatures were playing games with us. The frisky folk were a bit upset with the party, after Mike and Ike made off with a bunch of their junk. They took to transforming our items into junk. Turned the Wizards staff into a big noodle. They turned one of the Ranger's expensive arrows into a candy cane. Then they turned Quethrell's leather pants into a pair of chaps, and her life vest into a pink feather boa.

We didn't hear anything more from them after I clobbered one of them. I laid that laughing leprechaun out straight; doing some heavy duty damage. The little fellow was lucky he survived. He's currently recuperating on the leather couch in front of the fire place.The other one either left, or it's hiding, waiting for us to leave.

The Ranger loaned Quethrell a pair of wool pants and the party set out to investigate the room down the hall. We decided to open the other ordinary door. The wizard opens the door, the Ranger spots a body on the floor, steps forward, and immediately becomes the victim of an Ambush! As an arrows zips past his head, the Ranger shouts 'Ambush!'. As the Ranger jumps back, the Wizard slams the door and the party regroups.

Hours later (The wizard needed some rest), a plan is formed, and that metal turtle thing is thrown through the two-way mirror. That's right, that giant mirror in the living room was actually a two-way mirror. That kind of explains the ambush. A coordinated assault results in party members entering the room as the mirror breaks.

The room turned out to be a library! Hours later (it took a while to search the place), the library has been looted, but none of X's books were found. A desk was searched, and looted, and the party finally decided to follow Mike & Ike through the dark portal.

That's when we decided to go looking for the two brothers, Ike & Mike. Those two broke off from the rest of the party at the outset of the adventure; passing through the first black portal in the room.

Ready for a heated battle, the party is somewhat relived to find the room empty. Aside from the dead brothers, and an assortment of weapons for the arena. We found the two brothers just through the portal. Their bodies were stiff with rigor, and it looked like something with long sharp teeth had made a meal out of them.

We tossed their bodies back through the portal we came through, and began searching the room.
Minutes later two Ogres appear through a dimension door like portal. The Ogres look confused, they spoke to the party in Ogre, and then they head for an exit. First level characters shouldn't split off from the party. So now the party is without a Cleric, and down to four members.

We resumed our search again, only to be interrupted again. Seems like we're in some sort of timed arena. Three nasty Grimm's appeared and attack the party. Charging at the party, we took them down before they damaged any party members. Not that they didn't try.

That's where we left off.


Real-world date: 8 March 2003
Game-world date: 6-7 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

We pick up our adventure with a chance meeting. While exploring the maze that is Castanamir's Isle, we came upon someone who had barricaded theme self into a guest room. With signs of a battle nearby the besieged occupant was hesitant to meet us. After he learned that we had been sent to the Isle by Castanamir's, he hesitantly opened the door to meet us.

After a round of greetings, we learned that Thalidimar (A cleric of Torm) was part of another group sent by 'X' to retrieve some books. Presumably the same books. After hearing about the demise of the others in his party, we extended an invitation to join our group. Thalidimar agreed, and we are once again a party with a cleric (that's a relief!).

We then proceeded to lay a trap for some Lizard men lairing nearby. With blood and carrion soaked linens, we baited the trap. Laying in wait we grew tired and restless. It was a couple of hours later when something approached. Readying his bow, the ranger was surprised to find that an Ogre was advancing down the hall. Sensing our presence, the Ogre crashed through the door into our midst, and a great battle ensued.

Every party member (including the newly found Thalidimar) was involved in the battle, but only a few of us actually hit the beast. After spending his arrows, Theollius attempted to withdraw, but only drew the Ogre after him. A stunning blow with that Great Club sent the Ranger reeling to the floor. Then the Ogre turned to face the rest of the party. A critical strike from Quethrell ended the Ogres assault, and none of us were dead; thank Ilmater!

After the battle, we spent the night in the same room Thalidimar had been holed up in. In the morning we set about exploring again. We encountered a room full of tall goblinoids. Barricaded behind a highly defensible position, we decided to leave that horde for another day. We also found a room full of giant rats. Luckily, they're a bit skittish, as their numbers could likely have overwhelmed us. Eventually we found our way back to the living room. After a more amicable exchange with the Leprechauns, we returned their items, and our gear was restored to it's original shape. In parting the little folk rewarded us with some marbles. Back to exploring..

Moments latter we stumble into a trap, an ambush no less. A kitchen in disarray, with pots and pans arranged to provide warning. Laying in wait, two blood thirsty Berserkers, bent on defending this lucrative lair..

So, the summoned six now numbers 4 + 1. Hopefully, our odds will improve.


Real-world date: 5 April 2003
Game-world date: 7-10 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

More personnel changes with the group. Bad news and good news. Bad news: We lost another player. The player who ran Quethrell (Samantha) has dropped out for personal reasons. Good news: We gained a new player. An old friend of ours (Dino). Dino played D&D with Kim and I back in the late 80's. We haven't seen him in ages, and now he's living in Denver. When he found out we were running a D&D campaign (as usual), he immediately added himself to the players table. Welcome to the group Dino, we're glad to have you back.

Dino took over Thalidimar, that's a good thing for the party. We definitely need someone to run a Priest. Unfortunately, with the loss of Samantha, the DM (Robert) had to take over Quethrell. Once again we had a slew of cancellations. Samantha, Tony and Doug all took a pass on the evenings meeting. Luckily, Dino was in a gaming spirit. The two of us (Dino and Kim) took on the challenge of playing two characters each, while the DM played Quethrell as an NPC. So, without further ado. On with the meeting.

When last we met the party had stumbled upon the lair of a couple of Berserker's. The battle was close, and bloody. Three of five party members lay bleeding and unconscious, a heavy price to pay for the defeat of two opponents. After three days of rest and healing we are off again.

We have found a room we call the Gingwatzim room. There are four Gingwatzim here. We're not quite sure what a Gingwatzim is yet, but they appear to be a life form of some sort. Theollius found an intelligent sword (short sword), which claims to be a Gingwatzim. The sword speaks, and says its name is Kazashi. Kazashi gave us some information regarding Gingwatzim, but we're still not sure of all the details. Kazashi wishes to be turned in its multi-form. For now we're carrying Kazashi with us until we find its true name, then we can set him free.

That's all for now. We didn't get started until 2100, and the game ran a bit slow with only two players. Until next time..



Real-world date: 19 April 2003
Game-world date: 10 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

Well, it was another typical meeting at the table. Two players and one DM. That makes it kind of tough when the party consists of five characters. We really need some more players. Robert's been posting adds at work, but that's not having a noticeable impact. Next, we try adds at the gaming store.

We spent most of the session mapping out the compound, which portal leads where, etc. We encountered 2 Lizard Men in a hallway, and a battle ensued. Duracell with her lightning fast shurikens took one out in the first round, while the rest of the party took the last Lizard Man into custody, as he surrendered. Theollius interrogated him and we then found out that we have been to every room in this compound.

We rested, then released the Lizard Man and went our separate ways. Agreeing if one found the way out we would leave a note for the other. We then went to the Gingwatzim room, feeling that we were missing something. We spent an extensive amount of time searching the "alcoves" to get more information on our adventure. We did a search of the room, (everyone) but it took the wizard to find a trap door in the ceiling. This is where we left off as it will be a new level, and we must leave a note for the Lizard Man.

That's all for now. We started on time, and we had a lot of food. A fruit tray, oriental style chicken wings, and soda. The game ran a bit slow with only two players. Until next time..



Real-world date: 3 May 2003
Game-world date: 10-12 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

We had a little better turnout this go around. Three players and one DM. Tony showed up around 2100. We really need some more players. Robert's posted adds at work, in the property mail room, at the local gaming shop, and on-line. There's not much left to do.

Well, we finally managed to get ourselves to the 2nd level. The 2nd level in this case happens to be above the 1st level. The entrance was rather difficult to find, as it was a trap door on the ceiling, and we were looking for secret doors and trap doors on the floor. As soon as we found the 2nd level we were attacked by a giant Wolverine, that wasn't a very friendly welcome! According to Kazashi (A Gingwatzim in the shape of a sword), the beast was actually a Pakim (A type of Gingwatzim). The nasty bugger almost took out Theollius. Lumiarti delivered the death blow.

In one of the complexes rooms we found a study. In the study were some magic user books, some magic items, and a 'ahem' invisible servant? Lumiarti experimented with the magic items, discovering a ring of Horse summoning, while Theollius. discovers the fire trapped spell books. After the party manages to destroy two of the books, Thalidimar discovers something invisible against one wall. Thalidimar proceeds to 'grope' the invisible creature, and discovers an anatomically correct 'Ken' doll! Yowza! Thalidimar, we had no idea you were that kind of guy!

After resting we continued our quest, eventually we came upon a circular room inhabited by some sort of magical creature living in a pool. The creature is an oracle of sorts. Exchanging money, magic items, and lives for the answers to important questions. After some preliminary haggling, we came to the conclusion that we haven't got enough money yet.

Moving on, the party resumed the search for X's books. By the way, where is the exit? we soon came upon a huge tower isolated on a very tall isthmus. The weirdest 'room' yet. This place appeared to be a locale on a different planet or plane. With two suns, and an outdoor environ, it was definitely a strange place to find inside a dungeon. After investigating the tower we discovered a wizard that may or may not be Castanamir in suspended animation. After avoiding a flying Eagle-Horse, we set out again.

A short time later, the party discovered a Golem workshop. While investigating the workshop, Thalidimar decides to pull the cover off one of the statues lined up against the wall. Big mistake! Waiting under the tarp was a complete Iron Man with instructions to Kill! The tiny metal man (3' tall) immediately set about thrashing the party. Two party members were unconscious on the floor before someone succeeded in covering the ironmans head with a cape. That was a close call!

After another extended rest period (seems like we spend more time sleeping than we do adventuring), we're ready to once again take up the quest for X's books.

That's all for now. We started on time, and had plenty of snacks and soda, as usual. Despite two combat sessions, the game ran a bit quicker with three players. Hopefully we can find some more players.



Real-world date: 17 May 2003
Game-world date: 12-13 Janus 1001
Written by: Duracell

We had a much better turnout this go around. Three new players have responded to adds I've been placing. Two of the players started working on their characters, but couldn't make it to tonight's session. Another new player, 'Mark', made it to the meeting, and Tony brought another new player, 'Jason'. It appears as if we now have enough players. With four new players, and the three we already had, that makes seven. More than enough players to create that essential human social dynamic that distinguishes 'Face to Face' play from the miasma of on-line play. Gaming started around 1900, with Tony and Jason showing up around 2000.

The party is now searching the second level for X's books. Our search method is fairly basic. We're lost, we have no idea where we're going, so we just go in and out of portals, trying to find our way around here. We eventually found ourselves back in the pool room. We asked the pool a couple of questions.

  • Question: 'Where are X's books?'
  • Answer: 'In Castanamir's library'
  • Question: 'How do we get to Castanamir's library?'
  • Answer: 'Go East from this room to the antechamber of the Alchemical lab, then go east from that room to the library.'

The questions cost us four magic items.All three of the miniature golem's we collected earlier, and a magical javelin from the Lizard men.

With instructions, we quickly made our way to the library. Of course it was guarded. The library was guarded by a simulacrum of sorts. A magic-using, weapon resistant, simulacrum!

Initially immobile, the simulacrum presented no threat until we started messing with the books. As soon as Lumiarti touched one of the books, the simulacrum started casting spells. After a slow start, where he incapacitated one of the party members, we figured out a strategy to deal with him. Leave the books alone and it leaves us alone. With that information as the core of our plan, we quickly dealt with him. We tied the simulacrum up and, Lumiarti enchanted Quethrell's sword, and Quethrell sliced the simulacrum in two with her bastard sword. So much for that guardian. Of course now we had to deal with the magical traps on the books. Luckily, none of X's books were trapped. We quickly loaded the magical bookshelf with X's books, and nabbed a couple of goodies off a nearby table. Packing up our loot, we made our way to the nearest exit.

With our objective secured, the next step of our plan is the exit strategy. How exactly does one get off this island? After a brief rest, we returned to our previous strategy; randomly wandering about until we stumble into something promising.

While searching for the exit we came upon a Gingwatzim summoning lab. The room contained four hovering spiked iron spheres. The sphere contained doors, and one of them was open. Peering inside, we saw an otherworldly environ. Theollius consulted Kazashi, and we learned that this was indeed a way to the Gingwatzim's home plane. With that information, we set back out looking for the exit.

Eventually, we came upon a crazed mage with a crow for a familiar. This man was furtively searching for something in a storage room. He threatened us, and warned us to leave him alone. Of course, being adventurers, we persisted in questioning him, pestering him, and ignoring his continued threats and warnings. Eventually, we did or said something that sent him over the edge, and the old coot actually attacked the party. Given his state of mind, we didn't think he posed much of a threat..

Minutes later, we were waste deep in 'What the!'. The wizard cast a hold person on Thalidimar, knocked Lumiarti into next week with his staff, and replicated himself five fold, with a mirror images spell. So much for the easy battle. The damned crow (with brilliant green gems for eyes) proved to be quite a distraction as it flew about the room, cawing at the party.

The mirror images made for a truly worthy adversary. As we hacked away at false images, the mage mowed us down one after another. Soon Theollius stood immobilized amidst the mirror images. With only two party members standing it was starting to look a bit dire..

Luckily for us, the wizard decided to cut and run. With only two mirror images left, and Thalidimar about to come out of the hold, he went invisible and fled with his crow and dignity intact. That was quite a fight. I hope we don't have to fight him again.

With some serious wounds, and lacking in spells, we made our way back to our recovery room; the inner antechamber of the golem workshop. This room is a secure place to recover from battles. It's only got two doors. One is barred from our side, and we've tied a rope between it and the other door, which opens outward. Effectively locking the door. After spending a day in recovery, we set out looking for the exit.

That's all for now. We started a little bit late, but the addition of two more players made the session a lot more enjoyable. Hopefully, we'll have a full house next time.



Real-world date: 31 May 2003
Game-world date: 14-26 Janus 1001
Written by: Thalidimar

We had a somewhat anemic showing this time around. Of all the new players who responded to adds over the last couple of weeks; only one seems to be sticking it out. Mark & Dino showed up for tonight's session. That makes three players to run five characters. No too bad. I don't know what happened with the the other two who rolled up characters. They haven't returned any phone calls. Tony and Jason had a party to go to. We started using standard 3rd Edition combat rules tonight. More on that later. Gaming started around 1900, it was delayed a little while the DM took some digital photos. This weeks entry was written by Thalidimar (Dino).

Another night in the Golem workshop; we need to get out of here, this is growing old. After the battle with the crazy wizard, we needed this rest in a secure place. Hopefully, this will be the last night we spend in here.

Thank Tymora that Theollius has an irrational attraction to cots. The cot he found turned out to have exceptional restorative powers for those who slept on it, which helped immensely in healing our wounds, not to mention saved me from having to heal and pray for a day to get all of us back to full strength.

Now, back to the root of the problem. We found X's books, we are ready to get out of here and hopefully, board the ship that is, I pray, waiting for us, so that we can return to Willip and deliver X his books.

After discussing it with Theollius and Duracell, a course of action was decided. Use Castanamir's own trophies as payment to the pool, for the answer we all wanted after days in this menagerie of portals.. Where is the exit!

The first payment to the pool was quite comical; a large statue of Castanamir now decorates the pool. After that, tapestries were used. We wondered if we could find enough sponges, if we could actually soak up the pool and get to the treasures that lie in it'd.. Well, never the less, we got the answer.. Take the exit in the resting room. As we should have expected, the pool was deliberately vague in response to our hastily asked question of "How do we get out of here". Several more tapestries later, we succeeded in getting the answer we were looking for.

A secret door, a simple secret door we missed as we entered the 2nd level led to the exit.. We were almost there...

We open the door, Quethrell standing ready for whatever might be on the other side, unfortunately something was..

Quethrell stood face to face with a creature that can only be described as a human form sewn together from parts of different humanoid creatures. Odd, the one thing that I recall, is the patch of hair over it's right ear, the only hair visible on this grotesque huge humanoid.

Quethrell, not being a women who likes surprises, immediately struck the creature with a mighty blow, that bounced off the creature like a cotton ball would if thrown against an iron wall.

The payment for her attack, a bone jarring 2 handed blow to the head. The creature knocked Quethrell from her feet with such viciousness that we believed she died instantly.

Lumiarti, without hesitation, hit the Golem with his tried and true magic missile, but that did little to slow the beast down.

Before the creature could react, I raced to Quethrell to heal her, and with Tymora's help I succeeded in bringing her back from deaths embrace. Weak, and barely able to stand, she stepped back, leaning on a spear we had found earlier. Her sword still on the ground where she fell, bloodied, but still with fire in her eyes, Quethrell struck again. This time the spear penetrated the beasts flesh, still to no avail, Quethrell was too weak to drive home a killing blow.

Lumiarti, remembering the magical daggers he had found, hurled them at the beast, one of the 3 found it's mark, the other, well, it found a mark too, one that shattered it in 2 pieces.

The battle was going poorly, and after the pummeling I took from the beast (after placing my self between the beast and the fallen Theollius), I doubt I had the strength to save the next party member that should happen to fall to the beasts attacks.

Luckily, through some inner strength, granted by Tymora, I was able to ignore the creatures blows, and heal Theollius who appeared to be creeping closer to deaths door.

Now for the 3rd time, Duracell charged. Attempting to push the beast backwards such that he would fall through an opening in the floor, she had failed the previous 3 times; the beast was too strong, too big, and too angry to allow Duracell to push him back. Luckily, Duracell survived each of these three attempts by rolling back and out of reach after basically bouncing off the creatures massive chest.

Theollius, back on his feet, struck the creature with a vicious blow from Kazashi, but the beast did not falter.

Quethrell dropped to one knee, still bleeding badly; Theollius and myself still dizzy from the creatures blows; the next time the beast got to any of us, we would be dead, with no hope. The fate of the party, of the adventure, changed on what happened next.

Duracell sprang! again.. Now I must be honest, most people would give up after trying something 3 times, but Duracell had a fire in her eyes, and was not about to let the party fall to this mindless quilt of human body parts.

Duracell, driven by a strength drawn from desperation and despair, launching herself again at the beast, fists flailing and feet kicking, the attack was a blur of motion, this blur stopped as quickly as it started and she dipped her shoulder to hit the beast low in the stomach and drive the beast back. It worked, she had gained the leverage needed, combined with the her skills and strength, she was able to drive the beast back 5 feet or so. It lost it's balance and fell 20' to the room below. Crashing onto the display case below, the creature ended up shredded, battered, and unmoving, amongst the shards of heavy glass on the floor below.

We burned the corpse of this vile creature, hopefully freeing whatever spirit may lay within it, and riding the world of its horror forever.

The party entered the room from which the golem had surprised us. This room as it turns out "The resting room", was Castanamir's bedroom.

We rested and recuperated, and even took time to free Kazashi by placing him in the portal to his home dimension. He thanked us and whisked away, turning into a ball of blue energy as we closed the door that would send him home.

Upon searching Castanamir's bedroom, we found some clothing, and amulet, and some coins and gems. Theollius, continuing his obsession with sleeping apparatus, found Castanamir's 'bed'. A belt that levitated and was attached to a pole, it was the only piece of furniture in the room, besides the chests we searched. After removing the belt and some experimentation, we discovered it was a belt of flying, which in the end, was our savior.

We were ready to leave. This room had the only normal door we had seen in a long time. However, when we stepped through it to the sandy beach outside, the door closed behind us to nothing. We turned, there was no door, only empty air, another portal, but at least we were out. We had made it to the island were hopefully the ship that brought us here was still waiting....

The island, was really nothing more than a floating cork of land, and the ship that brought us here was nowhere in sight, but there was a large amount of driftwood and debris. Unfortunately, the debris was from the ship that was to take us off this wretched place and back to Willip.

With no other course of action, we built a raft out of the debris, and assembled 4 days worth of brush for signal fires. We searched the horizon for hours using my spy glass, and Theollius continued to experiment with his belt, to see if we could spot anything.

On the 4th day, we set out on our raft. We headed towards what appeared to be an island close to us. Unfortunately, we had to leave behind a variety of equipment and booty, as there was just no way the raft could hold all of us, and the variety of loot we had picked up.

On the 2nd day at sea, we spotted an enormous sea beast that could have swallowed the entire raft and all of us in a single gulp. Luckily, he just swam on by, not interested in eating lunch just then. On the 5th day at sea, a bad storm hit us. Lumiarti lost his grip and was tossed into the sea, luckily we were able to pull him back on. Our supplies were starting to dwindle, and the island was still a great distance from us.

Day 6 at sea; man this is not fun, I cast mending on our raft, which was holding up quite well, but started to show signs of wear from the previous storm. The storm seemed to impede our progress, as we appeared no closer to the island as we were 3 days ago.

Then our luck changed. Theollius spotted a merchant ship in the distance, and quickly, using the flying belt, was able to fly over and convince the ships captain "Speedy" to assist us. The merchant ship Earnest Endeavor was our vessel for the last few days of travel back to Willip and on the 7th day we arrived back on the docks in Willip!

Willip, what a wonderful city, a city of peace, and amazement; the home of one of the most successful extortionist Halflings, who ever lived. Without this short money grubber, not a single new comer to willip would ever find directions to any establishment, except of course through his own "Directions" stand.

Seems this ruthless little operator had finagled an exclusive contract with the city, for directions to any building in city limits, and it was against the law for anyone other than him to give those directions to you. After an hour obtaining directions to the variety of establishments we would need to find, off to X's we traveled, to finally complete the quest we had started.

X was not in, but his protege Ellis was, and we were able to return the books as requested. We were paid handsomely for our efforts and rested in comfort in X's estate until the next day.

In the morning, we traveled to town as a group. We spent the day identifying magic items, having goods appraised, selling valuables, and settling out our earnings. The day ended with a bit of sadness in the air, as both Quethrell and Theollius explained that they would be departing our band to pursue other activities.

In the end, I was pleased that I had earned enough to pay tribute to Tymora for the strength and will granted in our success, and to pay for training, as I believed it was time to take the next step forward in my new career. Both Duracell and Lumiarti also mentioned training as we set off to the bank to set our accounts in order.

Tomorrow is a new day, just as next week, is a new week, and the next adventure, well that will be a new adventure.


Cleric of Tymora

(The 3rd edition combat went rather well. I made a slight modification to initiative rolls (modifying them by weapon speed) in order to address what I felt was a problem with the 3E combat. Everything seemed to work well, and the combat moved much faster than last session. That's all for now. Hopefully, we'll have a full house next time. I'm still holding out hope that the two who rolled up characters will join our group next time we play. - DM - )

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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