Adventurer's Journal



The journal entry - A portal to the journals of our adventurers

Linked from this page are journal entries and notes we've been keeping (sometimes regularly, sometimes intermittently, sometimes just a trickle). A recap of the party's encounters (more than one group of adventurers), adventures and journeys in "Rob's World!" - A 3rd edition D&D campaign world. Someone or somebody thought it'd be a good idea to write it all down. Just in case we might need it for some reason. Plus, I thought it might entertain you.

Written by: A bunch of different folks. Players, Characters, Dungeon Master.







The Adventures of 'The Summoned Six' adventuring group covered three quests over a period of one year and six months (real world time). You can read all about their adventures in the journal entries that cover their journeys.

The Adventures of the SCREWOFFS adventuring group spanned four quests over a period of 4 years and 8 months (real world time). You can read the journal entries from those adventures by following the link.

Chronicles of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. An adventuring group based in Whillip. These journals cover five adventures, spanning a period of ten years and six months (real world time). The journal entries are available in HTML and PDF formats. When the party reached 12th level we decided to start over at 1st level with all new characters, and several new players.

The thrilling tales of the Xterminators. A group of adventurers sponsored by Maghrehv Eiddiesse Ekhhs (aka 'X' - It's much shorter and easier to pronounce) of Whillip. The characters in this party all work for X. He pays for room and board as well as taxes, but the party goes on adventures that he lines up.



Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: