Adventurer's Journal


The journal entry - A portal to the journals of our adventures

Linked from this page are journal entries and notes we've been keeping. A recap of the party's encounters (more than one group of adventurers), adventures and journeys in "Rob's World!" - A 3rd edition (3.5) D&D campaign world. Someone or somebody thought it'd be a good idea to write it all down. Just in case we might need it for some reason. Plus, I thought it might entertain you. This particular page contains some javascript designed to present a more compact viewing experience.

Written by: A bunch of different folks. Players, Characters, Dungeon Master.







The Adventures of the Xterminators. The Xterminators are a group of sponsored adventurers. Like 'the Summoned Six', this party of adventurers are sponsored by the mysterious and mystical blind man who lives outside of Whillip. These adventures started on the game date of 12 Janus, 1008. Real world date of 19 October, 2019.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: