After a protracted battle, the dreaded question is posed...
Where's Fang!?


Big Cave

After a protracted battle with a tenacious group of urquirsh...

Over a period of three meetings, our group of adventurers fought a pitched battle in a large underground cavern.

After the party finished off the last of their opponents, Zeddishous sought out Duracell. The question was burning in his chest, and he confronted her with the deadly serious query..

"Where's Fang?!"

Confronted with the gravity of this awful question, Duracell broke down, and related in sobbing breaks, the awful truth of the matter.

After they were teleported away from the rest of the party, she and Fang found themselves sequestered in a small room with a group of deadly wraiths. Fearing for her life, surrounded and outnumbered, she took the only course of action available. She fled, leaving Fang behind.

Upon hearing the terrible news, Zeddishous took flight. Heading straight back towards the corridor where the party encountered a group of wraiths.

With Duracell in hot pursuit, the rest of party was slow to realize what had happened. In a matter of seconds, Duracell and Zedd had departed the main chamber of the large cave, and no one knew for certain where they had gone.

Moments later, the rest of the party caught up with the two adventurers. Engaged in a heated conversation, Duracell and Zeddishous were just outside the lair of the wraiths.

While the two of them argued, the rest of the party maneuvered to block Zedd from a poorly considered course of action. After initially convincing him to wait, Grenco directed Flash to check in the room. Perhaps Flash could determine the fate of Fang.

Flash returned with bad news - Fang is dead! - This led Zedd to fly off the handle - again. With these words "The crypt thing is the first to die", Zedd slipped past the party and headed off down another corridor.

With Thalidimar following Zedd, Solmar attempted to cut Zedd off before he could do anything rash. The party is nearly exhausted, low on hit points, carrying taint, and completely out of 'turn undead'. If Zedd attacks the wraiths now, it'll be a very dangerous encounter. Here is a map marking the current location of the party members. As midnight brought an end to our gaming session, the party is left in the midst of a very dangerous situation. Don't miss our next meeting. It could prove very deadly.



(This encounter took more than one session to resolve. It started during our meeting of 08 Sep, 2007,
and continued on to the 22nd of Sep. This is a synopsis from the third day of the encounter.)

Legend - Party members scattered about in the corridors of Firestorm Peak

(Note: Some of the material presented in this synopsis/on this map is player info only. It is up to the players
to assess this information, and use only the information that the character is aware of.)

The passages in this part of Firestorm peak are narrow and treacherous. Some of the corridors are only 5' wide, and the party has encountered more than one trap down here. The wraiths could be waiting just out of reach, beneath the floor, behind the wall, or lurking just above the party's head. Wraiths aren't the only creatures to be encountered, and the party isn't in the best of shape.

So, where is everyone? Well, the primary purpose of this web page is an aid to play. We'll print it out before the next meeting, and work from it in order to set up the starting positions of all the characters. Towards that end, here is the situation for each character in the cavern complex:

1 - Thalidimar - Currently sickened from the stench of the urquirsh. Thalidimar is doing his best to keep up with Zeddishous.
2 - Duracell - Recently returned from a trap induced absence, she's still a bit distraught over the loss of Fang, and Zedd's reckless actions.
3 - Zeddishous - Reeling from the loss of Fang, Zedd is set on destroying the wraiths and the creature which teleported Fang and Duracell into the wraith's lair. Zedd's maneuverability is currently hampered by the hardened urquirsh resin coating his body (-4 to DEX).
4 - Tanar - Stunned from the sudden developments, Tanar has let Zedd know that he will back him in any decision he makes. Still smarting from damage sustained during combat with the urquirsh, Tanar is still sickened from the stench of the urquirsh, and weakened from a wraith attack (-3 to CON).
5 - Grenco - Like many of the party members, Grenco is sickened from the stench of the urquirsh. Grenco's callous attitude towards the loss of Fang, may be partly responsible for Zedd's dangerous course of action.
6 - Solmar - Completely unaffected by the acid and nausea, Solmar is currently ahead of Zeddishous, having cut him off. What course of action does Solmar have in mind?
7 - Dynnera - is still disguised as a Duergar. She did her best to convince Zedd not to attack the wraiths, but it seems that her efforts have been in vain.
F - Flash - Still following the party, curiously attracted to Grenco and Zeddishous. Even Flash has been sickened by the stench of the urquirsh. Who knows what Flash is thinking? He still seems uncommitted to any real involvement with the party.

The party is nearly exhausted, low on hit points, carrying taint, and completely out of 'turn undead'. If Zedd attacks the wraiths now, it'll be a very dangerous encounter. Here is a map marking the current location of the party members. As midnight brought an end to our gaming session, the party is left in the midst of a very dangerous situation. Don't miss our next meeting. It could prove very deadly. Be sure to check back (at the journal), and find out how this battle plays out.