
Physical Description
Tremis is a 17 year old novice. Standing five feet and six inches tall, tremis weighs in at 148 pounds. With dark black hair and blue eyes, Tremis is rather unremarkable. The only physical charactersitic of note is a tattoo of a sword on his right arm. Tremis aspires to one day become the worlds best swordsman.

Homeland (Country/City)
Your character is from... A town called Baldur's Gate. It's on the western coast of the continent. "Halfway to everywhere". Baldur's Gate is a regular port of call for those sailing between Waterdeep and Calimport. The city is fifty miles up the river Chionthar, where the Trade Way from Waterdeep crosses a wide channel on the river. Baldur's Gate is a rich, growing community. Receiveing trade by way of the shipping traffic, and caravans plying the Trade Way. Baldur's Gate is an independent city in a vast area of unsettled lands just north of the Nation of Amn.

Tremis's father was a weaponsmith (engineering/war machines). He had a natural talent for the sword, and his father encouraged him and traded services for his training. Not wanting to sell his talent (soldier) he set out into the world to find adventure, fortune, and most of all, find sword masters to learn all their secrets. Most of his money is spent on his swords, training, etc.. and will buy the cheapest of anything else (except maybe armor).

When you were very young a group of adventurers traveled through Baldurs Gate. While you were working in your fathers shop they stopped in and asked if he could make a Trebuchet for them. One of the adventurers. (Who's name was Killian) had a sword which spoke to you! It was Astonishing! You thought that you were hearing things, when Killian exclaimed "It appears my sword has some interest in your Son". Your father looked confused and a bit cautious. Then Killian explained that his sword was magically enchanted, that it was intelligent and could communicate telepathically. Killian then drew his sword slowly in order for you to see it. It was the most magnificent piece of craftsmanship you had ever seen. A work worthy of a king. Killian explained that "Dramanthar" (the swords name), was crafted over a thousand years ago by a legendary Duergar forgemaster. That the sword was once the property of 'Neeleok the Mighty' a Barbarian King from the Northlands. The sword then spoke to you exclaiming 'A day will come when you will wield destiny in your hands. You have skills which will some day become the envy of all those you meet. Take care to avoid the dangers of the Nepthali". With that encounter your life was altered. It then began an inexorable journey towards the destiny the sword spoke of...


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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