BBEdit table builder

Once upon a time... BBEdit distributed a standalone application for HTML tables called 'BBEdit Table Builder' - Table Builder was awesome (in my humble opinion). It did one thing, and it did it very well. I haven't been able to find anything since (see below), that works as well since the demise of Table Builder. - R. Vaessen (Apr 7, 2020). FYI: I recently discovered (as of 7 Apr, 2020), that there are some helpful online 'Table Builders' that work well. Perhaps you'd like to try one out: <>

From the BBEdit Help File...

BBEdit Table Builder

Starting with BBEdit 6.0, Table Builder is no longer included in the BBEdit package. After thorough consideration, we decided that in order to expand Table Builder's capabilities sufficiently to meet the needs of a majority of our customers, it would be necessary to replicate much of the functionality presently provided by existing visual HTML editors.

Please note that if you have Table Builder from a previous version of BBEdit, you can still use it to prepare tables for use in BBEdit 6.5. Create and edit a table in Table Builder, then use the Copy HTML command from its Edit menu, and paste the resulting markup into the desired part of your HTML document in BBEdit.

The icon you see on this page was not created by the the Author listed below. It was culled from an application resource file. It is copyrighted by the respective application author. The image was obtained using a nifty little OSX utility called IconGrabber. This tool roots through an applications resource files, finds all the icons and displays/saves them in multi-page tiff format. Pretty neat!

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: