A big snow storm hit the Aurora area on
the 3rd of Feb, 2012. The snow started
falling on the evening of the 2nd. The
temperature dropped, and the snow kept
falling. On Friday, the snow got heavier,
and it kept snowing; all day! The place
where Kim and I work declared a 'code
red' event. They were closed for all but
'mission essential'. We got a paid day off.
Getting a day off because of snow isn't
always fun. No sleigh rides around White
Potato lake for this kid. No snowmobiling
across the frozen tundra, no sledding at
knob hill... A snow day means extra work
for most folks. Trading three hours of
back breaking work for eight hours of
work in front of a computer? Those five
free hours better be well spent!
Time to get to work! This chore is made
much more bearable when I listen to
some podcasts. My favorite? The No
Agenda podcast with Adam Curry and
John C. Dvorak. "In the morning!"
I shall conquer this snow. No problem!
Good thing I've got a warm coat (down
filled) and a good snowblower. I can't
imagine how difficult this would have been
without a snowblower. Well, actually I can.
I still remember that snow storm in West
Virginia; 36" in 24 hours, and no
snowblower. It took me three days to
clear the driveway.
It was actually pretty easy going at first.
I really should have distributed the snow
more evenly, and stayed away from the
snow in the road.
This year (2012) has brought us more
snow than usual. We're already above
average for the amount of snow, and the
season is far from over.
The snow at the end of the driveway was
very heavy and wetter than the rest. The
longer I worked on the driveway the
heavier it became. I really need a more
powerful snowblower.
This isn't fun anymore.
I even had some help from a neighbor
(thanks Greg). He ran his snowblower
down the sidewalks on this side of the
street. His snowblower was much larger,
and it didn't look like he was having any
problem with the snow. If it hadn't taken
me three hours to clear my driveway (and
part of the sidewalk), I would have helped
some other folks. Unfortunately, but the
time I finished, I was completely
Almost done now. A three stall garage
means a lot of driveway.
That snow bank is way bigger when you
look at it from back here.
Finally finished!
One snowblower, two shovels, one tired
Robert conquers snowstorm!
O.k. Kim, you can stop taking photos now.
O.k. I'm just acting silly now.
Shovel - Made in canada; where they
know what snow is all about.
I started around 0900, and finished at
1200. No more snow. By noon it had
stopped snowing, and the driveway was
A little bit of celebrating...
O.k. Seriously, you can stop taking
I think I'll take a little break now. Right
Time to get up, take a shower, and take
Kim to the grocery store. No rest for
Oh, my aching back!
Snowstorm - Feb 2012
Photos copyright Kim Vaessen - photos taken February of 2012
Webpage author - Robert Vaessen