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We've Arrived: It didn't take long. We arrived before noon on the 23rd. We had a bite to
eat, and spent the day unloading and unwinding.
Pine St.: Here's a view of Pine St. De Pere, looking East. The street where Kim grew up.
It's a lot quiter than the street I grew up on (Suburban Dr.), but it sure looks nice with
all the big maples.
VFW Park: Taking a break from computer configuring (I spent four days working on a
new computer set up at the inlaws house), I took a walk around West De Pere. Here's
one of my favorite parks. VFW Park was a great place for kids. At 0830, it's completely
empty, waiting for the kids to get here.
West De Pere high: The high school that Kim and I attended (back in the early 80s). I
don't even recognize it anymore. None of the original building are visible in this view.
The school is huge now. More than three times larger than the school we attended.
Greek food in De Pere? Taking another break from computin'. We all went out to eat (on
the 24th) at something new for De Pere. A Greek restaurant just across the bridge in
East De Pere. When Kim and I were growing up, the only ethnic food available was
Polish, German and Norwegian.
Sharon's beautiful backyard: The Kuchta's backyard is a great garden spot. A restful
respit from the stressful day. Lot's of flowers and a cozy little deck. A great place to
relax, have a conversation, and enjoy a refreshing drink.
Railroad tracks: The rail road tracks along Ft. Howard Ave. I spent plenty of days hiking
the length of these tracks. Two friends, and my cousins (Zuehls) lived in close proximity.
I wonder if kids still flatten pennies on these tracks?
Downtown West De Pere: Here is Main Ave. looking East just after the Claude Allouez
bridge. Many bars abound. Not as many as I remember, but it's still crowded with the
suds shops. Unfortunately, the old library is no longer open.
Where'd the bridge go? Taking a walk across the bridge with Sharon. Here's the remains
of the old Claude Allouez bridge. The bridge used to be to the left of this service walk,
now it's to the right.
Downtown East De Pere: Here is S. Broadway St. looking North just after the location of
the old Claude Allouez bridge. Ye' Old ShopKo still stands. HQ'd in Ashwaubenon,
founded in Green Bay, now in 13 states!
Farmer's Market: We had a nice time at the Farmer's market in East Green Bay.
Reminded us of the open air markets in Italy. There were five rows of vendors, each row
was appx 20 vendors per row. We bought some fresh corn, some drinks and a nice
bracelet for my mom.
Dinner out for the B-Day girl! Kim's birthday was the 25th of July. Happy birthday Kim.
We went out to eat at the local Texas Roadhouse (in Ashwaubenon, WI?), and
celebrated with some cake after dinner.
The Troublemakers: Here's a photo of us Troublemakers at the Kuchta's in De Pere. Ted
and Sharon have always been the best hosts. We're really glad that they're there
whenever we decide to stop by for a visit...
Another pose for the photos: Here's another shot of the visitors and their Inn keepers.
Robert, Kim, Ted and Sharon.
Sitting pretty: Here's a picture of Kim, the 'Birthday Girl' on the day after her birthday.
Wow, that's a nice shiny rock you've got there (around your neck). Is that a birthday
Author/Copyright holder: Robert L. Vaessen. All photos/captions copyrighted by author. For contact information see my feedback