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Day 1 - Departure: Here's the Volvo; all packed up and ready to go on the 22nd of July,
2009. One reason we decided to drive... We brought alot of stuff with us.
Driving to Wisconsin: The drive to Wisconsin was relatively uneventful. Traffic was light
(not like this) for most of the drive.
Severe Weather: On the drive through Nebraska, we encountered some severe weather.
Heavy thunderstorms, threatening tornados. Thankfully it stayed ahead of us.
Gotta get some gas: Driving was a bit more expensive than flying, but when you factor
in the cost of a rental car (we did a lot of driving), it's more economical to drive.
Overnight stop: Driving to De Pere, Wisconsin (from Aurora, Colorado) takes
approximately 18 hours. That's a long drive. We prefer to stay overnight before
completing the drive. This time we stopped in Dubuque, Iowa.
Sleep Inn: This odd lounge was arranged off to one side of the Sleep Inn reception area.
Too bad the entire lobby wasn't as nice as this tiny nook.
Crossing the Mississippi: This photo isn't black and white, it's actually color. The fog was
heavy on the morning of the 23rd, but it didn't last very long.
Misty valleys of the Mississippi: Here's another photo taken early on the morning of 23
July. The fog around the Mississippi was quite thick. Thankfully the traffic was light.
A little bit of Wisconsin: We knew we were getting closer when we saw the Piggly Wiggly
truck on our drive through Iowa. FYI - Piggly Wiggly midwest (a large franchise) services
Illinois and Wisconsin. The larger corporation serves the south and east (primarily).
Author/Copyright holder: Robert L. Vaessen. All photos/captions copyrighted by author. For contact information see my feedback