Level 1 Dungeon Denizens

MONSTERS - Addendum, eratum, and information for the GM.

Here is a listing of the Mosters occupying level one of the Refuge. Keep in mind that these monsters are described in general terms, and in some instances my house rules have been used in order to avoid possible copyright infringement. If you wish to run this adventure as intended you would need to use the AD&D® Monster Manual in conjunction with these partial descriptions. Note however, that it is possible to play/run this adventure/scenario without the official AD&D® rules, as an experienced GM should have little difficulty converting the Mosters listed here to a form compatible with the game system they choose to use.

If you would like to use my house rules while running this scneario. Or need to know some specifics in order to convert these stats to a differnet system, consult the links listed at the bottom of this page for further clarification of the pertinent house rules.


Level,Room   Monster (nr's)                DR     Vp    DCvs9/10    #ATT   Dam
Special Notes.

VP's Listed from left to right.

                      Room for figuring Vitality points lost, notes, etc.

lvl=level of dungeon
Nr's=Number of creatures encoutered.
DR=Defensive Rating
Vp=Vitality Potential
VP=Vitality points
SN=Strike Number
DC=Damage Chance
DCvs9/10=Chance to Damage opponent with DR of 9 or 10
#ATT=Number of attacks
Dam=Damage capability

Click on any of the monster names listed in the Matrix to go to the detailed listing below.

Lvl,Room   Monster      (nr's)           DR     Vp     DCvs9/10    #ATT     Dam
1,2  Invisible Skeleton  (1)             7      1d8      18/17       1      1d6
1,6  Skeletons           (24)            7      1d8      18/17       1      1d6
1,11 Shadows             (8)             7     3d8+3     15/14       1      1d4+1
1,12 Doppleganger       (1)             5      4d8      15/14       1      1d12
1,15 Ghoul               (v)             6      2d8      15/14       3   1d3/1d3/1d6
1,17 Poltegeist          (5)             10     1d4      14/13       *      fear
1,18 Wight               (1)             5     4d8+3     14/13       1      1d4

* Number of attacks is special

....Still under construction....

Lvl,Room Monster (nr's) DR Vp DCvs9/10 #ATT Dam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,2 Invisible Skeleton (1) 7 1d8 18/17 1 1d6 Invisible skeletons cause a penalty of -4 to the characters Strike Number/Damage Chance. Skeletons take 1/2 damage from sharp/bladed weapons. VP 5 Lvl,Room Monster (nr's) DR Vp DCvs9/10 #ATT Dam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,6 Skeletons (24) 7 1d8 18/17 1 1d6 Skeletons take 1/2 damage from sharp/bladed weapons. VP's 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lvl,Room Monster (nr's) DR Vp DCvs9/10 #ATT Dam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,11 Shadows (8) 7 3d8+3 15/14 1 1d4+1 Each successful attack by a Shadow will drain away one point of a characters physical strength. If the characters physical strength is reduced to 0, or the character is reduced to 0 Vitality, then that character will become a Shadow. The physical body will melt away in a gruesome display while the newly 'born' Shadow will seek to slay any living companions. If a character survives the attack of a Shadow then his/her Physical Strength will return to normal within 20 to 80 minutes. A weapon of +1 or better enchantment is neede to harm these dark denizens. VP's 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 21 Lvl,Room Monster (nr's) DR Vp DCvs9/10 #ATT Dam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,12 Doppleganger (1) 5 4 14/13 1 1d12 The duplicitous Doppleganger surprises opponents 25% of the time. It has ESP and the ability to imitate the outward appearance and mannersims of anyone observed with an uncanny 90% accuracy. Dopplegangers make resistance checks as if they were 10th level warriors. This Doppleganger will do it's best to infiltrate the party. Striking when the party is most vulnerable. VP's 26 ....Still under construction....

Link to the Defensive/Protective Ratings rules.
Link to the Strike Number rules page.
Link to the Vitality rules page.

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Last updated:Thu, Jul 30, 1998 18:13