Quinton Olliver Trypp: Todd left our group in Sep of '09, and Quinton is now being run as an NPC by the DM. The party knows very little about Quinton. He was first encountered outside the city of Silverymoon, at a Shrine to Fharlanghn. He was there with a couple of other adventurers. Greywing and Gregor. The three of them were members of the 'Cleanup Crew' until the group decided to hire out as mercenaries to a clan of exiled Duergar from a Dwarven fortification called 640. Physical Description Homeland (Country/City) Upon arriving in his newly adopted home, Quinton joined forces with a group known as 'the Clean Up Crew'. When the composition of that group acquired a more materialistic outlook (they decided to hire on as mercenaries for a group of Dark Dwarves), Quinton couldn't abide. That move marked the final straw in a series of changes which convinced Quinton that he needed to move on. He said his goodbyes and parted company with that group. Quinton and a few other party members left the Clean Up Crew in Silverymoon. Unsure of where they would go from there, they heard of the 'S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' most recent predicament (just outside of Silverymoon) and decided to lend a hand. After concluding that adventure, Quinton became a founding member of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights; a new adventuring group formed from former members of the 'S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' and a few new adventurers. After helping to form this group, Quinton found a new calling. His deity called upon him to found a church and he has been working towards that goal ever since. Building, managing and founding the base of a new religous order is a demanding job, and Quinton simply couldn't afford to leave this work to others. He left the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and devoted himself full-time to this new church. Quinton remains in Whillip, and surely the party may encounter him from time to time. Note: Todd had to leave our campaign (and Colorado) in Sep of 2009. As a result of that departure, Quinton became an NPC. Now (as of Nov, 2009) Todd is back in town! While we may see Todd back at our table, Quinton isout of the picture as a player character.. For now... |
Author: Robert
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