Here's a photo of the players in the Rob's World! Face-to-Face (f2f) campaign. This photo depicts all current (as of 03 Nov, 2021) players in the campaign. It's a group photo with hot spots. Pointing to the photo will reveal information, and clicking on various sections of the image will link you to that players character. If you'd like to see a more extensive listing of the player and non-player characters in the Rob's World! campaign, check out the Who's Who? page. For a listing of past and present characters, check out the Gallery of Hero's.
Watch your browsers status bar as you move your mouse over the players. There are links to the character(s) they play. Click on the image to see a description of that player's character.
Pictured (left to right): Robert W. - Playing Vern of Shadowdale; Sean O' - Playing Phulleigh Dotfive, aka Dotfive, aka Five; Pete B. - Playing Garreck Palegold; Kim V. - Playing Wistari-Rainn; Robert Vaessen - Campaign Master / Dungeon Master playing everyone else (NPCs and Bad Guys); Leah (and Brian) S. - Playing AvyLynn*; David H. - Playing Nathaniel Moonwayne. Note: Numerous players and candidates (Most recently Brian S.) have been playing Pfineas since Brent I. left our group back in July of 2023. Currently (Dec of 2024), our newest member (Andrew R. / not pictured) is playing Pfineas Starmantle.
Note: As of Dec 9th, 2024, I started searching for a new player who could fill the seat vacated by Jeff L. who left our group in July of 2024. It took approximately fourteen months to find a candidate to replace Brent, and now we have a new player.
Note: As of Feb 17th, 2025: This new candidate (Andrew R.) joined our campaign as a full-time/seated player, has 'adopted' Pfineas, and agreed to play Pfineas as his own character.
*Leah & Brian S. deserve our special thanks. They've consistently been willing to help us out (despite the fact that they've moved to Minnesota) over the last couple of years - before and during the pandemic. After searching for a seventh 'in-person' player for more than a year, we decided in December of 2021, to accept one 'remote-player'as a permanent addition to our 'in-person' f2f campaign. Together, Leah and Brian playing one player character (AvyLynn) and Brian helps out be temporarily playing any orphaned characters as needed.
These 'Characters' constitute the players in our campaign. Many players have graced my Gaming Table over the years, but this group is the latest crop. Some are old friends, some are new, but in the end - friends are what we call each other.
If you are interested in joining our group (As with most D&D campaigns, there are occasional openings), please feel free to send me an email and I'll put you on our 'Waiting List'. The Campaign Master/Administrator: Robert L. Vaessen.
The photo above was taken 12 Oct, 2024, but I manipulated it in Dec of 2024, to show Leah seated at our table (even though she and Brian play 'remotely' from Minnesota). I will update the photo again, now that we have filled that final vacant seat - Copyright held by Robert L. Vaessen
Return to the 3E Campaign page.
Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated:
February 24, 2025