[notime] Changes to the Akinetochronism mailing list

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Mon Nov 2 06:07:47 MST 2020

All -

Due to changes implemented by my hosting/email provider (Stablehost), I’m going to turn off the monthly password/membership reminder messages. Recently (as of Sep, 2020) my hosting provider has become extremely sensitive to ‘excessive’ email. Even though the Mailman/Mailing list traffic is demonstrably legitimate, they see excessive email as a sign of possible abuse. Even though the Mailman traffic (including password reminders sent monthly) is legitimate and not abusive, they have decided to throttle my ability to send email - Which includes all email sent by my Mailman mailing lists. Since the Mailman mailing lists are sent with my domain name (robsworld.org) I need to find ways to reduce the amount of traffic sent in any given hour.

My hosting provider is now limiting my email send rate to 100 messages per hour (It used to be 1500 per hour and I never had problems when it was set that high). Since the Mailman mailing lists generate the most traffic, I’m making some changes to my Mailman mailing lists. I’m going to start by turning off the monthly password/membership reminder email messages. Hopefully that minor change will prevent a monthly surge which my hosting provider has interpreted as an indication of possible abuse. 

Although I haven’t personally had the time to become/remain highly engaged on this mailing list, I remind others that I do not need to be the person leading the way on these discussions (about the non-existence of time and/or motion). If you’re a member of this list, you have permission to send email/list traffic discussing the concepts inherent to it’s topic/category. I will be reading the list traffic, and will become involved when ’Time’ permits.


Robert Vaessen (author of ’Time Does Not Exist’ web page: <https://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>)
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