[notime] Discussion

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Mon May 14 02:51:08 MST 2018

> On May 13, 2018, at 15:06, Dave Masters <masters56 at gmail.com <mailto:masters56 at gmail.com>> wrote:
> What is the link to the discussion site? Thank you.
> -- 
> Dave Masters

Dave -

You’ve arrived - There is no ‘link’.  The discussion occurs as a series of email exchanges by way of this mailing list.  The email address: <akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>> gets your message posted to the mailing list, and everyone who’s subscribed sees that message. If you wish to start a discussion, you may do so via email. All you need to do is send an email - As you can see, that simple act has spurred some discussion.

I set up this mailing list to facilitate discussions about the concept that there is ‘No Such Thing as Time’ - I’m only one (of many) person who came upon this idea while in my youth. I began writing about it as far back as 1996 (not professionally mind you - I’m ‘just’ a blogger). If you’d like to read some of what I’ve written (it’s not much), please start with my web page: <https://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <https://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>. Many others have come upon the same idea(s). Many others have written about this idea in a more comprehensive way (as evidenced by the most recent respondent - Matt Mars). One thing that seems to set my ideas apart from many others is my insistence that not only does time not exist, but neither does motion. While it may be somewhat easier to contemplate a world without time; most find it incomprehensible to fathom the fact that time and motion are inextricably linked and impossible without each other - unless one perceives/recognizes the motion of intellectual perception and mental/spiritual transportation through a continuously static universe of all possible realities.

If you’d like to peruse some of the previous conversation threads, you should point your browser at the mailing list archives: <https://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/ <https://robsworld.org/pipermail/akinetochronism_robsworld.org/>>. The archive is publicly available. You need not be a member to read the previously posted materials. FYI: The archives are indexed by web-crawlers/spiders. Please feel free to read or contribute.

As you can see (from the archives), there haven’t been many discussions as of late (last discussions occurred in Sep of 2016). I’ve been busy with other projects, but please don’t let my lack of initiation be any indication of a lack of interest. I’m still willing to discuss, participate and contribute. I’ve been primarily occupied with work and a long running effort to digitize a large collection of videos.

I intend (upon completion of my video digitization project) to continue the conversation where I left off in 2016. I was planning to/was re-posting some of my previous ‘No Time’ conversations. Conversations with correspondents who wrote (over the years) in regards to the ‘No Time’ treatise/ides I wrote/posted at: <https://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <https://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>. I will be re-posting, dissecting, discussing that correspondence here (on the ‘Akinetochronism’ forum/mailing list.

With that said, there is no reason to wait - I do not demand nor insist that I be the only one who leads a conversation or starts a discussion thread. Please feel free to step in and offer your thoughts and ideas on the concept of ‘No Such Thing as Time’. After all, we’ve got all the time we need.

- Robert

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