[notime] Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist...

Sue S. sdsup at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 12:06:24 MST 2016

Thank you, Hans, for the link - interesting article.  I am wondering though if time exists in the same way that space exists?  You compare the unreality of minutes and meters, as arbitrary units of measurement, yet I'm not sure if you believe both time and space don't exist or just time does not exist.
The reason I ask is that I'm looking for the theory (I think there must be one) that time is just like space except that we cannot see it all laid out as we see space.  Therefore we mistakenly believe that events "happen", when actually we are simply choosing one path from an immense number of paths that are already in place.
I am just now opening a book by Storrs McCall, in case he can tell me.
I hope you will also let us read the second part. Thanks again!
Susan Sup

On September 5, 2016, at 12:08 AM, Hans Meijer <hans-meijer at live.nl> wrote:

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Dear friends of "Robs World",

Robert suggested me to send you my article about the non-existence of Time, as published recently by "Stillness Speaks" (and others like "Science and Non Duality" and "Awaken").

Please enjoy reading it and if you want to comment or have questions, please use "REPLY" on the website of Stillness Speaks and I will answer you there.

Kind Regards,

Hans Meijer  (from The Netherlands)


Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist (Part 1 of 2) - Stillness Speaks


Guest author, Hans Meijer explores the subject of time and posits that "Time does not exist." ... He makes the case that "... there is only NOW – in which all that is manifested appeared, changes and disappears ..." ... and that "... existence is fundamentally connected with the eternal now, the timeless" - something that was directly realized by beings such as Buddha. Enjoy this fascinating exploration  ...

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