[notime] No such thing as time or motion - Shadows again!

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Sun Jan 24 07:24:40 MST 2016

All -

As mentioned in previous posts to this list - I’m planning/am re-posting some of my previous ‘No Time’ conversations. Conversations with correspondents who wrote (over the years) in regards to the ’No Time’ article I wrote/posted at: <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html <http://www.robsworld.org/notime.html>>.  I will be re-posting, dissecting, discussing that correspondence here; on the ‘Akinetochronism’ forum/mailing list.  Here (see below) is another early discussion I engaged in with a correspondent. Please feel free to agree, disagree, or discuss these ‘No Time / No Motion’ ideas. In order to post/respond to the list all you have to do is draft and email and address it to: <akinetochronism at robsworld.org <mailto:akinetochronism at robsworld.org>>

In this particular discussion/conversation I received an email from ‘Hedley M’ - In that email he commented on my mention of ‘shadows’ in my article (the web page) about ‘no such thing as time’

Note that some ‘redaction’ has been applied to protect Hedley's identity and occasionally for brevity’s sake. In the case of email addresses or full names, I simply omit the full email address or name. 

- Robert

In this reposting, I have added my responses to the original post from Hedley M. Hedley's original email arrived on the 28th of Oct, 2004. My reply was sent on the same day. Hedley's comments are in dark blue (with a single indent/quotation level). My comments are in light blue (with a double indent/quotation level).

> On Oct 28, 2004, at 16:01, Hedley M. wrote:
> Hi Rob
> Have read you article ‘Time does not exist’.
> Surely shadows are not something that ‘exist’ but are simply an effect, as is perhaps time itself.  Anyway I believe that to say time does not exist is like saying God does not exist, bearing in mind that I believe that time is God, and that time is the creator of all things.  Evidently given sufficient time almost anything can happen, even the creation of three dimensional man!   In my book time is the true creative force in and of the universe.
> Hedley M.
>> On Oct 28, 2004, at 19:57, Robert L. Vaessen <robert at robsworld.org> wrote:
>> Hedley -
>> I wouldn't dismiss the first two dimensions so easily. Surely shadows are a perfect description for the first two dimensions. Would you argue that a shadow has depth (a third dimension)?  A four dimensional being might say that three dimensional artifacts (us/we?) are simply the result of the Hadremley effect*.
>> I'd prefer not to argue the existence of God. Using the existence or non-existence of God as part of one's argument for or against time is probably not a good way to establish a basis in fact or logical thinking, and is more likely to cause skepticism or an emotional response on the behalf of the second party in your argument.
>> Thanks for the email. I'm not surprised that my article has caused you to examine, or reinforced your religious views. It often has that effect. I hope you enjoyed the article or found it stimulating. Perhaps you'll find some of my other offerings entertaining or enlightening as well.
>> Have a good day.
>> - Robert
>> *'insert mechanism that 3 dimensional beings do not understand here'

Isn’t it interesting how much ‘time’ there is in the English language?  Notice that opening line on Hedley’s email “Have read you article”   Have (a past tense) and read (another past tense) - Two past tense words adjacent to each other. Is that an indication of negation, basically nullifying the two words?

It’s interesting how many times people have ‘dismissed’ shadows as the basis for any type of ‘no time’ discussion - or discussions about higher dimensions and alternate universes.  It seems that most people look at shadows and simply dismiss them as insignificant and trivial by-products of their certain knowledge of the universe.  When I look at shadows, they make me wonder why they’re there; what’s causing them, how they’re attached or controlled by some higher dimensional object or being...

- Robert

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