[notime] Thanks for the info - No need to be so critical

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Tue Feb 16 16:19:06 MST 2016

Daniel -

I’m not sure why Andy was so offended that he had to unsubscribe.  There’s plenty of bandwidth here to discuss these topics.  As I stated earlier, there are no ‘rules’ regarding where we can take the ‘No Time’ and ‘No Motion’ discussions.  Some of the forum correspondents asked for some additional information about Seth/Jane Roberts, and your other postings are also on topic.

Thanks for providing some input for consideration.  I know that it will take me some time to digest everything you’ve posted, so you might not hear from me for a while.

To everyone else -

Lets try not to be judgmental and closed minded in our search for knowledge. If we close off the possible, however improbable (by our personal standards or the pre-conceived models), we’re left with very little room for expansion of our knowledge.

- Robert

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