[notime] What is the 'Seth Speaks Material'?

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Sun Feb 14 15:14:17 MST 2016

Andy -

There are no ‘rules’ regarding ‘how this forum works’.  You’re free to discuss any ‘No Such Thing as Time’ topic.  In the absence of other contributions, I’ve been replaying/relaying some correspondence I’ve had over the years.  Email conversations on the topic of ‘No Such Thing as Time’.  Any subscriber is free to contribute their ideas, questions, ideas on the relevant topics.

Could you provide some more information about ‘Seth Speaks’?  I haven’t read any of it, but I am interested to know how it relates to this topic.  Everything I know about the topic is based upon writings ‘about’ the material.  Is there anything in the material which supports a ‘no such thing as time’ concept?

Perhaps you (or some other subscriber) could contribute to this forum by providing an overview of what the ‘Seth Speaks’ material is, and how it relates to the topic of ‘No Such Thing as Time’?

- Robert

> On Feb 14, 2016, at 13:13, Andy W <accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com <mailto:accessweb_ltd at hotmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi
> Not really sure how this forum works but I would definitely recommend Reading Seth speaks the validity of the soul which in my opinion is the definitive work on this subject & many others..

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