[notime] Initial insight

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Sun Aug 9 08:20:17 MST 2015

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- Robert

> From: [name redacted by admin]
> Subject: Initial insight
> Date: August 8, 2015 at 15:42:35 MDT
> To: "akinetochronism at robsworld.org" <akinetochronism at robsworld.org>
> Not of the intellectual capability to participate in your discussions, nevertheless, here is what I call your true breakthrough: to me it's realizing the unequivocal fact there is really no such thing as time, and then stating it to b understood. 
> Not something we sit around and contemplate, but it is true, it just isn't there.  No matter how far u and others take the discussion (and I think u did a remarkable job simplistically codifying your thoughts), u can't argue with the fact time does not exist, whether we agree or not, it isn't there. 
> Once u think about it, your argument will disappear the more u try to prove it does exist, it is not there. 
> Where we go from here will b a fantastic journey. It truly stretches the mind to each ones limit. What's even more interesting, it does not create a bump in the road for those who follow Jesus. U have taken us to another aspect of reality looking at the creation from another point of view, and what a view!
> I just wonder what else is out there. 
> [initials redacted by admin]
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