[notime] Why not a Google group?

Robert Vaessen notime at robsworld.org
Fri Aug 7 15:59:36 MST 2015

Shivangi -

I prefer this method. In my opinion it’s just as easy/comfortable to use. To use the forum/mailing list you simply compose and reply to email messages. The forum has an online archive capability if you’d like to view previous posts online (for those who join later), and it has the added bonus of no advertisements.  Sure Google groups has lots of web based features, but I don’t see how they enhance an activity that is primarily reading and writing posts. I’ve been writing about ‘no such thing as time’ since 2002, and as far as I know* this is the only group forum with this focus. Let’s try to focus on the subject of the forum rather than the forum itself. I’d love to hear your ideas about the non-existence of time and motion.

- Robert

* Famous last words: “As far as I know”
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 05:43, Shivangi Sarabhai <shivangisarabhai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can't we create a google group for this . it would be more comfortable.
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Robert Vaessen <notime at robsworld.org <mailto:notime at robsworld.org>> wrote:
> All -
> After my last email to the mailing list (at appx 1828MST on the 6th of Aug, 2015), I inadvertently deleted almost all my email forwarders, including the ‘akinetochronism’ aliased/email forwarders.  If you’ve been trying to post to the mailing list since then, you may have encountered some bounce messages/email issues with any of my @robsworld.org <http://robsworld.org/> email addresses.  I’d like to apologize for any problems you may have had.  The problem should be corrected now.
> - Robert

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