(Illustration at left - Copyright: Sean Wheatley, 2004)

Nibori Suda: Female, Wood-Elve Ranger. Played by: Stacy Ray

We never knew much about Nibori. Only that she used to be a member of 'the Clean-up' crew. A group of adventurers hired by "X" to assist with the fight against the Dark Naga in the town of Orlane.

After helping us and the 'Clean-up crew' in our adventure against an evil Naga, she was accepted as a full member of our band of adventurer's. She accompanied our group of adventurers on a quest to recover the Rondolim from Sharisthek. She survived a dangerous pit-laden dungeon, vicious battles with the Rusty Hinge tribe, and even an encounter with the most dangerous Kobold any adventurer ever met. Unfortunately, her ticket was punched on the journey back to Willip. An encounter with a couple of Troll assassins was more than she could take. Fighting until her spirit left her body, no one could say Nibori didn't give her all for the cause.

We'll miss you Nibori. Here's to a swift journey, and a peaceful ever after...


Physical Description
Nibori was very old when she died. Very old in elf terms. At the very young age of 120 years, Nibori left this world tragically, as suddenly and tragically as a predators strike. Nibori was willing to take on the world, and the world dealt harshly with her. Standing 6 feet tall, and weighing 113 lbs, Nibori's hair was brown and her eyes were green. A beautiful woman in her prime, struck down by Troll Assassins, her family will mourn her loss for years to come.

Homeland (Country/City)
Nibori grew up in the forests of Rokugan. A land far to the east of Sembia. Descended from Samurai lineage, her ancestors were tribal protectors. One of here ancestors was noted for ridding their forest of threatening Naga's.

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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