


My PayPal page. Yes, I have a PayPal account* - I use it to send and receive various payments.
PayPal is awesome! Please feel free to donate money to help defray my operating expenses?
Perhaps you like Rob's World! so much that you'd like to express your appreciation in the monetary way.
Feel free to contribute to my PayPal account.

Official PayPal Seal

Your contribution will be used for some frivolous pursuit. Perhaps I'll use it to buy some computer software,
pay for my internet bill, or purchase a new car! I make no promises regarding the disposition of any contributions,
but I do promise to send you a personal email in response. Thanks for helping keep Rob's World! running.

(* In order to verify my PayPal status/provide me a donation - by clicking the link above, you may need to log in to your
PayPal account. If you don't have a PayPal account, you won't be able to send me any donations. - Bummer)

Donations to date: $74.34

Thanks go out to Rob R, Aaron and Dennis; a few fans/friends who generously donated - 4 total donations since 2003.



Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: