
Mot Torva:
High-Elve, Cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor - Played by Brian Seim

The party knows very little about Mot. His first adventure with the members of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights was the 'Black Flame of Fletchin's Swamp'.

Physical Description
At 5'6" and 90 lbs. Mot is typical for a Male High-Elve. Of course being an adventurer makes him atypical for his race. His skin is covered in Red Dragon scales (from a permanent enchantment), his head and shoulders are often immersed in a shroud of black flames and he wears a copper crown fashioned in the likeness of fangs with diamond tips. Carrying a skull-like mace, Mot is sometimes mistaken for a Lich or servant of darkness.

Homeland (Country/City)
No one in the group knows anything about Mot's homeland, as he hasn't related any details to our party yet. The party knows virtually nothing about Mot. About the only thing we know about this mysterious Cleric is his 'family curse' which sometimes results in the manifestation of undead bent on his destruction. Accepting him into the group on trust alone, the party has displayed a great willingness to accept the unknown. To embrace the uncertain, to tempt fate and dare the odds.

Background / History
We know nothing about Mot's background. Considering the fact that he's plagued by a curse, and unusually fearful of the Fey, it ought to be a pretty good story.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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