Anton Mortimer Helsing


Anton Mortimer Helsing:
Human, Cleric of Tempus
Previously played by Lee Fiechtner

The party knew very little about Helsing. He was first encountered on the trail. The party was on their way back to Whillip, after concluding an adventure far to the south. For some reason, his superiors insisted that he be onboard the skyship when the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights were picked up by the skyship Artarius. The party and Mortimer (aka Anton Mortimer Helsing) met during a return trip to Whillip. Mort continued adventuring with the party when they decided to look for an ancient artifact known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula". While searching for this book, the party encountered a powerful enemy. Engaged in combat with Glan Sarin and his minions, Mortimer fought to the bitter end. Battered and blasted by the infernal Fiendish Dragon Hounds, Mort stood his ground and never backed down - Long live Mortimer, brave champion of Tempus!

Physical Description
Helsing is a young adult Male, Human. At six feet tall and 185lbs, he's relatively unremarkable. With wavy black hair and no distinguishing tatoos his skin tone is white with some signs of weathering and a few battle scars. The most distinguishing characteristic of Helsing is his armor. The outer surface of his armor is covered with razor blades. It certainly looks daunting. One wouldn't want to grapple with an opponent wearing a suit made out of razor blades!

Homeland (Country/City)
Helsing hasn't revealed where he's from. All the party knows is that he's spent a couple of years in Whillip.

Background / History
3rd son of a noble family who was disavowed by the family - for both family and own misdeeds. Prior to his birth, well respected noble family with two sons…. Father did something (his secret) which upset Tymora so Tymora's blessings turned away from family. Since his birth, the family has slowly lost Tymora's grace (seemingly small turns to the worse whenever chance presented itself). He especially seemed to always have the worse happen at inopportune moments. Father always saw his shame in Anton so he distanced himself. Antin grew up a wastrel; at 15 his father gave his some gold and told him to be off (knowing that wishing him good luck would be futile)

From 15-18, flitted around from one bar room, drug denizen, or decrepit location to another, losing more and more money as he went. His Tempus mentor, Colonel Conrad Heider found him in an alleyway, beaten senseless by three thugs to which he owed money. He said he watched the fight and remarked on how Anton attempted to hold off the three with courage; he said he saw some 'Spark' of a new life in Anton; one dedicated to Tempus.

From 18-23 he devoted his life to Tempus and his mentor, for they truly saved him.  Once becoming a warrior-priest at 24, his mentor told him it's time to find his own path. Helsing doesn't know if Tymora's curse remains upon his father and family, but I he has found succor within Tempus' grace.

Note about the former player of this character:
Lee left our campaign on the 5th of Jan, 2013 - After nearly 6 years with the group, Lee had this to say (in his parting email): "I want to thank you and Kim for opening your house to me these past years on a bi-weekly basis, as well as all the great dinner spreads and general cheer around the table." Mortimer was run as an NPC until the fateful battle with the party's nemesis 'Glan Sarin'. Lee's departure (along with the departure of three other players) marks the end of an era. Over the last few weeks, we've seen the departure of four long time players, and our campaign is currently (as of Mar, 2013) undergoing a drastic transformation. Kim and I will miss all those players who've graced our table over the years, and hope that the new players entering our campaign will find the campaign to be just as rewarding as those who've departed.

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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