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Keep things simple!

Pat -

Do you consider the entire probability matrix "probability tree" to be infinite
(i.e.: not talking about just any one particular Probability path or probability
Excellent question, and honestly, I hadn't thought that far down the probability tree. Now that I do, I come to a crossroads in my thinking. I do believe that all paths on the probability tree eventually end. Where do they end? That's the question. Particles eventually decay, lives do end, all things eventually come to an end. Or do they?

I guess that's the real question; where do we go after we die? O.k. I still believe that all paths on the tree eventually come to an end. A path that has no probable next node. But we're once again viewing things in a time oriented/biased fashion. We keep using words like "After" and thinking in terms of "What's next?". Loaded words/concepts that keep us in the time oriented trap.

All paths on the probability tree eventually come to an end. The last node in any probability path might end in particulate disintigration. It may be the node where a Super-Nova is occurring, or the node where a dust mote finally falls into the sun. Your physical existence (The node where your consciousness/point of view currently resides) may end in the fiery ball of a nuclear war. I certainly hope not though.

What we have to keep in mind is that our consciousness is what dictates a probability path. What's the next node that we/you/I can experience? What's the next probable step in 'our' evolution. In the Hindu religion, you would start a new journey on a new probability path (reincarntaion). In other religions, death is seen as a time when ones soul (consciousness) is moved to a 'higher plane' (Heaven?). What I keep trying to emphasize is that there are limited choices, but a very, very, very, very, very, very large number of limited choices.

I can't tell you what happens after your consciousness reaches the end of your probability path. Once again you're going to have to seek out the services of a Priest, Rabbi, or Shaman. What I will say is this. Even after you reach the end of your probability path, the nodes of the 'Probability Matrix' will still be there. I'm not trying to say that they are 'infinite', or that they will 'always' be there. Just that they simultaneously coexist in an overlapping multidimensional matrix.

The number of nodes is limited. The number of nodes that we can experience is limited, and our path will eventually come to an 'end'. If we can get past the use of time centric words like 'continue', 'after', 'next'. We'll come to understand that time is simply a concoction of our consciousness, our mortal limitations, and the inability to simultaneously/instantaneously comprehend the matrix, and it's attendent nodes.

I still don't believe in Infinity. In this discussion you got me thinking about infinity again. But the standard definition of 'Infinity' is clearly derived from our time oriented perception of reality. When you think about Infinity, you think about some thing, or event, which goes on forever. You're placing a time-centric template over your though processes.

Break the bonds of time. There is no such thing as time. You simply are. All things simply exist. Think in terms of Occam's Razor, Ernest Mach's principle of economy; "Scientists must use the simplest means of arriving at their results and exclude everything not perceived by the senses.", Or the Parsimony Principle. The simplest explanation, no matter how absurd, is the most likely. A universe without time or motion eliminates a vast array of conundrums. Escape from your 'path' and experience the whole 'matrix'.

You may be thinking I've dodged your question. But I don't see it that way. I'm thinking outside the 'Box' of time.

- Robert

On Saturday, March 2, 2002, at 07:23 , Patrick G Konshak wrote:

On Sat, 2 Mar 2002 06:07:19 -0700 "Robert L. Vaessen" rvaessen mac com
Pat -

You asked...

Question: Is each event infinity different from each other, or
can there be two events the same?

Answer: In three parts.

Part 1: This is a loaded question.
Yes, it was a loaded question.  However you did answer it quit well.

One lose end to tie up yet.  Do you consider the entire probability
matrix "probability tree" to be infinite (i.e.: not talking about just
any one particular Probability path or probability branch)?
