(Illustration copyright: Joe Raiten 2003)

Elven Wizard played by:
Tony Dye, Rob Ramsey, Matt Lambert, Jason Hohler

As PC's go, Lumiarti was somewhat schizophrenic. You would be too if you had four different personalities.

Lumiarti adventured with our group for two years before joining a group of adventurers known as the 'Clean-up' crew.


Physical Description
Lumiarti is a young (143 years old) male Sun Elf. With emerald green eyes, and shoulder length black hair, Lumiarti chooses a different path than the others in his clan. Lumiarti is 5'3" tall, and weighs 110 lb's. His good looks and intentionally altered hair style advertised his rebellious nature, and often resulted in intentional scorn from others.

Homeland (Country/City)
Lumiarti grew up in a small Elvish enclave inside the Border Forest; a frontier connecting four different regions of Faerun. The forest's inhabitants are fey, such as Satyrs, Pixies, Sprites, and Dryads. The inhabitants tend toward cruelty and violence, partly because of their constant struggle with loggers from the east. Lumiarti's clan contributed warriors who fought against evil men to the east.

Lumiarti was born into a large family for Elves. Five children, all sons. Soon after Lumiarti was born, his brothers went off to fight in a war. Lumiarti had no idea why they were going off to fight in a war, only that they all died in that war. After the war, his parents (Enara and Denalin) sheltered him. Cloistering him in the house, tutoring him at home, and steering him away from war-like ways. They taught him of many things, fostering his magical talents, and propensity for arcane knowledge.

One day, Denalin's brother Etharius came visiting. Lumiarti was enthralled by the Bards tales of adventure, intrigue, and love. He had no idea that the world outside held such a rich tapestry of life. As soon as Etharius left, Lumiarti declared his intentions. He was leaving home, traveling to Whillip, the city of men, where he would enroll in magic studies at the Mage's Guild.

His mother was devastated, insisting that Lumiarti would surely fall victim to the evils of the world. She plead with him for days, begging him to stay. Finally Denalin silenced her, stating; "Be still woman, our son is a man now, he has made his decision. It is time that he learned the ways of the world. We cannot keep him forever in our cottage. He will return some day, to regale us with stories of adventure and conquest. The only thing left to give him is our blessings, and I for one will not deny him that." Enara realized that it was destined to be. Tearfully she said her goodbye's and bode Lumiarti good journey.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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