Lauralei Galanodel:
Half-Elve, Paladin - Played by Debbie Berg
(Character illustration created using the HeroMachine character portrait generator)
Lauralei has been very forthcoming about her background. She has related the tale of her origin to many members of our group. Her first adventure with the members of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights was the 'Black Flame of Fletchin's Swamp'. She joined our group as a companion of Imago, after his return from a rather interesting journey...
Physical Description
At 5'6" and 110lbs. Lauralei has a typical build for most Female Half-Elves. With a black pony tail, perfect skin and emerald green eyes, it's easy to see why many opponents succumb to her looks before they're banished by her sword.
Homeland (Country/City)
Lauralei was raised as a woodland Elf in the Reaching Woods with her father and his clan. She was raised learning woodcraft from her father but loves making jewelry in her free time. She was part of a small clan of elves who remained behind in hiding when the Gnolls eradicated the Reaching Woods of other races and claimed it for their own. Very knowledgeable about animals she preferred to spend her time communing with nature.
Background / History
Lauralei had known from her earliest memory that living the life of a paladin was her true calling and she trained with a paladin elf (a member of her clan) named Erumollien in secret under the canopy of nightfall. Erumollien, one of the clan’s elders, was a gifted paladin and more like a father, Lauralei felt, than her own. He had always seemed interested in what Lauralei had to say and encouraged her beliefs, even though he knew that her father would use them as an excuse to shun her. Already feeling different and alienated Lauralei kept her religious beliefs and training a secret and pretended to worship Ehlonna (goddess of the woodlands and her father’s deity) until, at the age of 19, her father caught her worshipping Pelor. Seizing the opportunity (as Erumollien knew he would) Lendian banished Lauralei from The Reaching Woods. Knowing she would miss Erumollien but pleased to finally be free of her childhood tormentors Lauralei stepped out beyond the boundaries of The Reaching Woods and never looked back. She thought of Erumollien often and, certain their paths would again someday meet, she carried on alone.
You can read more of Lauralei's extensive and interesting backstory online (be sure to read all about the adventures of Imago and Lauralei in the strange and mystical city of 'New Orc'):