Kyrinearthá (aka Kyrin):
Moon Elf, Druid - Played by Sean Branham
(Character illustration (at left) is a D&D Online (DDO) Avatar. I don't know exactly who holds the copyright, so I want to make sure everyone realizes that I am not asserting copyright. In addition, I have not obtained permission to use this illustration. If the rights holder wishes, I will remove the illustration. I'm not using it to promote any product or service. I'm not receiving any fee/compensation for posting the image, and I don't make any money by running this website)
The party knows very little about Kyrin. She was first encountered at an inn. The party was venturing south, seeking a rogue Dragon, in a quest to help the citizens of Deepwood. They met Kyrin at an Inn along the way.
Physical Description
All we know about Kyrin's physical description - She's a good looking Female, Elf. Wearing a traveling cloak when we first encountered her, we later saw her armor. Some sort of 'home-grown' plant fiber. At 4' 2" and 80lbs, she's a petite little thing with tan skin, green eyes, and hair the color of new-fallen snow.
Homeland (Country/City)
So far, the only thing we know about Kyrin's homeland, is the fact that she's from some other realm. She didn't name it specifically, and that leaves some party members with an uneasy feeling. She also mentioned that she had lived in a place called the forest of Starmantle for the past few years.
Background / History
The party first encountered Kyrin at an Inn along the trail, a stop-over on a journey to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. We know nothing of her background.
Kyrin's departure
On the 18th of Jularva, 2004, The party was waiting for the crew of a flying ship to affect some repairs. They had just completed a long adventure, and they were on their way back to Whillip - their base of operations. By 6pm (on the 19th) repairs had been completed, and Kyrin said her goodbyes to the party - That's right, Kyrin announced that she'd had enough of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. She'd joined the party in order to help the party defeat the evil plaguing Deepwood, and now that quest was over. With no interest in treasure or fame, she bid us farewell, transformed into a sparrow and flew off into the growing dusk.
Accompanying Kyrin is a companion wolf, but Sliver is no ordinary wolf. Apparently the wolf is able to shrink down so small that it can fit in Kyrin's pocket. Either that or Kyrin has cast some magic upon the animal. Sliver is the second wolf to accompany Kyrin. The first companion was named Zareb. The former companion died in combat with monsters. Hopefully Sliver won't suffer the same fate.
Note: Sean B. left our gaming group in Sep of 2011. Kyrin has departed the group while Sean finds his personal schedule a bit hectic. Hopefully, we'll see Sean back at our table some time in the future.