(Illustration copyright: Joe Raiten 2003)

Half Orc Barbarian played by: Nicholis Bufmack

Kragus started out as an NPC created by the DM in order to beef up the party's muscle a bit. Kragus proved to be quite a 'character'. The Barbarian kept the party on it's toes with his comical lack of social skills, and straight-forward attitude.

Kragus really came to life when Nicholis started playing him. With his penchant for Goblin porn, and appetite for stirge horsdoeuvres, Kragus brought more than muscle to our group. After adventuring with our group for two years, Kragus went off in search of Orcs to fight. Surviving numerous battles and close calls on his own. Kragus eventually hooked up with the adventuring group known as 'The Clean-Up crew'. Last we heard, he was fighting Dwarves in Firestorm Peak.


Physical Description
Kragus is a young Half-Orc. Standing 6'2" tall, and weighing 220lbs, Kragus is built like cold-rolled steel ready to strike. A slave brand adorns the back of his neck. He wears it now as a symbol of pride and fierce independence. Kragus has grayish skin, a sloping forehead, jutting chin, and prominent teeth. In short, he looks like a Half-Orc.

Homeland (Country/City)
Kragus grew up in the wilderness of the Ride. An area of open steppe laying between the Dragonspine mountains, the Border forest, and the Gray land of Thar. It is the home of proud tribes of mounted Barbarians who consider anyone entering their land to be fair game. Humans, Orcs, and Half-Orcs call this land home.

Greetings, my name is... Well, that's not important. Let's just say I'm a long time friend of Kragus'. Seeing as how he can't write, I'm penning this introduction for him. It's been my pleasure to know Kragus, as he's been a loyal friend, and steadfast companion for many years now. No one has a heart as large as this big Barbarian, or motives more pure than this friendly hulk of a 'Man'.

Kragus tells most people that his parents were Orc's, but he knows that's not completely true. His mother was an Orc, but his father, well, he was Human, but his identity went to the grave with Kragus' mother. His 'Parents' were Orc's, that much is true. Kragus' mother loved Kragus dearly, but her husband despised the fact that Kragus was a bastard child. He beat the boy regularly, and treated him badly. Kragus' upbringing was particularly harsh, even for Orcish standards. Kragus wasn't sure whether he was supposed to love, hate, or fear his parents.

Things changed in a hurry for Kragus. At the age of seven, a rival tribe raided Kragus' village. Kragus was struck down by a horse charge, and he watched helplessly as both his parents were killed by the marauding Orcs. Afterwards, the village was torched, and Kragus was taken as a slave. For the next six years, Kragus was beaten, forced into hard labor, and treated as a slave by his Orc captors. Life was extremely harsh, but Kragus vowed not to break. He did his best to build up his strength and attempt an escape. Three times he tried, nearly dying after each attempt. He had almost given up hope when his liberators appeared.

A group of Human Rangers and Dwarven Fighters from a nearby settlement raided the Orc camp. They killed all the Orc's, sparing only the slaves found shackled and mistreated. Among the enslaved humans, dwarves, and elves was Kragus. The Rangers were of a good heart, and they spared Kragus. They learned of his fate from one of the other slaves, and one of the Rangers took him into his care. Kragus was free to do, and go, wherever he wished. His adoptive father; 'Theydar the Brave' did his best to heal Kragus' wounds, both physical and emotional. Kragus learned something's he had never experienced before: The love of a caring parent. The honesty of true compassion, and selfless sacrifice in dedication to moral standards.

Over the next five years, I grew up alongside Kragus. For you see, Theydar was my father as well. Kragus grew to be strong and swift with the blade. He's much smarter than most realize, and sometimes acts the fool to avoid ill treatment. He takes note of how others treat there fellows, and judges harshly based on a strong code of conduct. He learned the code of the Just from our uncle Namous the Paladin. Kragus left home at the age of seventeen, seeking the life of an adventurer. He claims that he wants to make sure that those who are suffering, be released from oppression. Some would say that those are pretty lofty goals for a Half Orc. I would say, don't sell my brother short.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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