

Kasha Thunderhoof:
Female, Shaar Catfolk, Fighter - Played by (Leah and Brian S.)
(Hand drawn illustration created by Leah S. Copyright held by Leah S (player in our campaign (as of Feb 2022)). Image used with permission). Linked character illustration created using Anvl custom miniatures website. Image used with permission. I added a background image and a shadow (to linked image) using Logoist 4 by Synium software. GraphicConverter software by Lemke Software GMBH was used to crop and resize the image).

Kasha is one of the original members of the group. She was already living in Whillip, and already employed by 'X' when the rest of the party came together to form our group of adventurers. She was a bit late in joining the party though. After the other characters left for the city of Shaes, X had to redirect Kasha in order to catch up with the party in the town of Kesler. Kasha has accepted employment with X in order to make some extra money for her family. The life of an adventurer may be hard, but it is rewarding, especially when you have a family member with special needs.

As of 14 Jan, 2021: Kasha was played by Tim C., until he left our group in January of 2021. Since Tim's departure, we've kept Kasha on the roles of the Xterminators until we fill Tim's vacant seat.

As of 11 Dec, 2021: Leah S. has agreed to play Kasha until the party gets back to Whillip. Leah S. is now a permanent player in our group, and she will be introducing a new character after the party returns to Whillip.

As of 02 Sep, 2022: Leah and Brian S. are still playing with our group, but Kasha's been 'retired'. See Background/History below for more details.

Physical Description
At 5'6" and 120lbs. Kasha is typical for a Catfolk, female from the Sharr region. With green eyes and a cheetah patterned coat, Kasha is more at home in the savanna than a frigid crypt along the sea-coast. Catfolk resemble a cross between a large predatory cat and a human, with a sleekly muscled humanoid body and the head and mane of a feline. Most female Catfolk keep their manes short and sleek. Catfolk have thicker nails than other humanoids, but not the powerful claws of their feline counterparts, and they make unarmed attacks just like humans. Many Catfolk favor the use of charms and totems that they braid into their hair for luck in battle, success on the hunt, and good fortune in other such endeavors.

Homeland (Country/City)
Kasha Thunderhoof was born in the Shaar region, part of the Thunderhoof clan, nomadic horse based tribe. She traveled to Whillip at the age of 15, to become an apprentice to a famous performer. She took up residence in whillip for her training and began employment as a dancer. Frequent travel kept her away from Whillip until just recently. Typical Catfolk roam the open grasslands in temperate and tropical regions, shunning the colder lands even in the heights of summer. Wandering tribes of Catfolk rarely come close to the large cities of other races, but they occasionally camp within sight of a smaller town or village in order to trade. Catfolk roam great distances in their travels and do not become attached to a specific range or territory the way that nomadic tribes of humans sometimes do. Kasha is anything but typical when it comes to Catfolk

Background / History
(Please keep in mind that this is Player Knowledge, unless the character has shared it (or parts of it) with other characters). You can read all about Kasha's unique story in a character centric article prepared for the game. Learn how Kasha moved away from the plains at an early age. Read about her love of dancing, her marriage, and her extensive family - So many kittens!

Update: As of 02 Sep, 2022 (In game date: 20 Sep, 1008), Kasha has left the Xterminators. She earned enough money from the last adventure that she was able to afford a 'Cure' for her sick kitten. Kasha paid for the cure (actually the kitten was afflicted by a curse, brought about as a 'consequence' of a previous adventure. Evil enemies - Curses! but that's a differnt story altogether. Kasha took some of her remaining money, and managed to buy a house in Whillip. No more renting! Now she can concentrate on being a mommy Cat. Leah and Bryan S. continue to play with our group, but Kasha's officially retired.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: