Declaration by Robert L. Vaessen
To senders of Unsolicited Commercial Email
(Uninvited commercial/bulk solicitation of all types)

Version 2.6 Copyright (C) 2024 Robert L. Vaessen

(Derived/developed from original JunkBusters declaration model)


TAKE NOTICE of my permissions regarding messages to me and use of information about me. This declaration pertains to solicitations by email, postal mail and telephone (including facsimile transmissions, and all forms of text or multi-media messages sent to/by way of phone), and the rental/purchase/use of my name (any personal information (including email addresses)) in lists and databases of any kind.

Rights in this Declaration

Copying, redistribution, modification and production of derived works of this Declaration are permitted only under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Copyright on parts of this document were once held by Junkbusters Corporation and this Declaration (developed by Robert Vaessen, derived from early forms of the JunkBusters declaration model) is used here by permission under the GPL. Note that the Junkbusters home page is no longer active (as of 21 Jan, 2020). This Declaration comes with no warranty. If clarification is needed one used to be able to refer to the Guide to Interpretation of Declarations published by Junkbusters, but their website has been 'shuttered'. I found the information archived on the Internet Archive - aka the WayBackMachine, but one never knows when an online version might disappear - so you can reference the copy I made (as long as it's available). Copies of the GPL are available from the Free Software Foundation, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.



Declaration of Permissions

I ask that organizations who may wish to make solicitations to me or to provide information about me to others first check the the appropriate line of the List of Organizations below in order to determine my permissions concerning such acts. Where the categories overlap the last line whose description is applicable should be considered as the appropriate line. These permissions remain in effect until I change them by issuing another Junkbusters Declaration or other explicit instructions to that effect. If a URL is specified in the Identification section, organizations involved in direct marketing are encouraged to check it periodically for revised versions of this Declaration. Each such organization is addressed as "you.'' If the line "Permissions apply to all residents'' appears below, "me'' and "I'' should be interpreted to mean all residents at my address.
  • If the line begins with a "D'' I deny you and your agents my permission to send me solicitations by mail, email, phone, text message or facsimile, and I specifically request that you include my address(es) below in any and all do-not-mail, do-not-call, or do-not-contact lists under your control.
  • If the line begins with a "P'' I permit you to send me solicitations by mail.
  • If the line begins with a "W'' I permit and encourage you to send me solicitations by mail.

If one or more telephone numbers are listed in the Identification section, I deny you permission to make telemarketing calls and other unsolicited calls including market research surveys to such numbers, and I specifically request that you include any and all of the numbers in all do-not-call, do-not-mail and/or do-not-contact lists under your control. I also deny you permission to provide information about me (other than than the contents of this Declaration under the terms of the GPL) to any other entity. I specifically request that you include my name on all lists you maintain of consumers who do not wish to to have their names rented or shared. However, depending on your business practices this may not suffice to ensure that you do not use my name contrary to my permission, so I ask that you take all other necessary steps to ensure that neither you nor your agents acting on your behalf do this. If one or more electronic mail addresses is specified in the Identification section, I deny you permission to send solicitations by email to such addresses. Notwithstanding anything above, I offer you a license to use and distribute the information in this Declaration under the GPL. I reserve my rights in the event that you act contrary to what I have told you I permit. Without in any way limiting these rights, you are advised that I regard 90 days from the date of your receipt of this Declaration as more than ample time for you to make the necessary preparations to ensure that you do not act contrary to my permissions.



List of Organizations for Mail, email, phone calls, text messages or facsimile messages.

Charities and Non-profits
D: Charities
D: Arts Organizations
D: Environmental Organizations
D: Political Organizations
D: Religious Organizations
D: Public Interest Groups except those previously listed

Media and Entertainment
D: Cable TV
D: Newspapers
D: Magazines
D: Books
D: Music
D: Media and Entertainment except those previously listed

Banking and Finance
D: Credit Card Providers
D: Insurance
D: Mortgage Loans
D: Other Loans
D: Investment Services
D: Financial Services except those previously listed

D: Enforcement Services for this Declaration
D: Health & Medicine
D: Telecommunications
D: Travel Services
D: Computer-related Services
D: Real Estate Services
D: Other Consumer Services except those previously listed

Consumer goods
D: Housewares
D: Gardening
D: Hardware
D: Home and Garden Goods except those previously listed

Other mechandise
D: General Merchandise
D: Food
D: Personal Care and Cosmetics
D: Clothing/Apparel
D: Jewelry, Gems, Watches
D: Toys
D: Games
D: Business Supplies
D: Computer-related goods
D: Audio and Video Equipment
D: Other Consumer Goods except those previously listed

Gambling and games of chance
D: Coupons
D: Sweepstakes
D: Direct Marketing Promoters except those previously listed

Other offers
D: All other organizations
D: Unsolicited offers of Employment, sponsorship, advertisement hosting, linksharing offers



Notification and Offer

I do not want to receive uninvited commercial/bulk solicitations by email ("Junk Email") phone, text message, or fax. I am unwilling to receive uninvited commercial/bulk solicitations freely because they cost me time and money. If you send me any uninvited commercial/bulk solicitations, I will take this to mean that you plan to use my personal information (email address, name, address, any personal information about me, my residence or persons living at my residence) without paying for it. If you ever try to do this I reserve my right to take any action available to me without further reference to you. Actions available to me include taking proceedings against you for negligence or breach of contract, which may result in substantial damages being awarded against you by a court. The unauthorized use of my computing resources/facilities may even be a crime.

I 'DENY' (see big red 'D' above) permission to everyone who would intrude into my life with unsolicited offers (where I didn't specifically agree to receive such solicitations) for any kind of product or service. If you insist on doing so, I will not do business with you - ever. Hopefully that clears things up. If you think you have permission because you sold something on Amazon and I've bought things on Amazon, then you're mistaken about my notification and offer. You need to have asked me for permission before you sent me any solicitations. If I came to you first, then you might have my permission. If I've never done business with you before, then you absolutely don't have permission.




Name: Robert L. Vaessen

e-mail address 1:
e-mail address 2:
e-mail address 3:
e-mail address 4:
e-mail address 5:
e-mail address 6:
e-mail address 7:
e-mail address 8:
e-mail address 9:
e-mail address 10:
e-mail address 11:
e-mail address 12:
e-mail address 13:
e-mail address 14:
e-mail address 15:

Email addresses: I have numerous (~1,000) email addresses, I have listed some of my publically known email addresses here. This list does not constitute all of my email addresses (most are not listed, and some have been cancelled or deleted) and any email address that ends in one of my domains (,,,,,,,,, is considered to be my email address for the purposes of this offer/declaration).


End of declaration




You may not, under any circumstances, sell, lend, barter, trade, give away, or provide in any manner, any of my email addresses to anyone else, without my explicit permission. Nor may you add any of my email address to any databases or lists used for, or in conjunction with, your email solicitations and or bulk mailings.

If any of my addresses are in your data bases or lists for the purposes of solicitations and or bulk mailings, I hereby insist that they be removed immediately - provided I have not given you prior explicit permission to use my email address(es) for the purposes of sending me uninvited commercial/bulk solicitations.



Spam is Bad!

It's crap, pure and simple. The opt-out model of email marketing is a sham. It will not work, and is wide open for abuse. The only feasible and responsible model is an opt-in solution. If I didn't ask for it, don't send it to me.

The amount of Spam I'm receiving in my inbox is getting steadily worse. More than living up to the origin of it's name. 'Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam...' What's a person to do? Fight back. There are hundrends of resources available and a multitude of methods. Don't give up, fight back!

I used to be an avid Spam hunter. Continuosly tracking down responsible parties, constantly writting ISP's, running trace-routes, etc, etc. All it ever got me was a head ache. The amount of time and effort I spent on it was growing, and there was no end in site. I even had a few web pages devoted to spam hunting. I have since throtled back a bit. Occasionaly, I track down offenders, and write sys admins of the responsible ISP's. I save my time and effort for the more severe cases now; those where fraud is involved, or the spammer is persistent enough to send a continuous stream of garbage my way. Hopefully, someone with some legislative power will be bothered enough by constituents and personal spam experiences, to draft some effective legislation (unlike the 'Can Spam' act). Until that happens, I'll delete all the crap that comes my way, and reserve my special attention for the more rancid spam.

Does SPAM cost you anything?

It certainly does! A recent study done by The National Research Council concluded that U.S. businesses spent about $12.3 billion to clean up the damage from spam in 2001, and predicted even higher costs in 2002. Wow, that was 2001. Can you imagine how much businesses spend today?

Critics of UCE/UBE estimate that for every $5 a user pays to an ISP, $2 goes towards spam-fighting efforts such as filtering systems, abuse desk staff, downloading, sorting, and handling UCE/UBE, as well as service costs associated with the effects of spam on ISP equipment and networks. These costs are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher rates for internet services.

If you think that spam in your inbox is a minor matter, easily dealt with using the delete key, think again. Are you really content with the fact that you are paying for the spam you're receiving? How would you react if the post man insisted on payment for each piece of junk mail delivered? Would you be a bit upset? Oh, but spam doesn't bother you, or does it? Even if you've never received spam, you can bet that your ISP spends money dealing with all that spam hitting it's servers. You're paying for it alright, maybe you're just now coming to realize it, but you're paying for it!

Can SPAM be stopped?

There are a lot of theories, methods, and ideas out there regarding SPAM elimination. Some are merely detection and avoidance techniques. What everyone should be looking for is a way to eliminate SPAM. Some say that it can't be done. I for one don't believe this defeatest talk. See my proposal/idea for a description of a SPAM elimination technique.

No, I didn't send you any Spam!

Read all about my bout with a Spammer (During November 2002, and later) who stole my identity, and forged my domain name/email address to the headers of his/her Spam. If you think I've spammed you, please see the information that I've made available here.

I try to send out an electronic newsletter once a month. I try to get the newsletter out during the first week of each month, but sometimes it's a little late. The newsletter covers what's going on with Kim and I, as well as the latest happenings at Rob's World! If you'd like to receive this newsletter, just send an email to Additionally, if you're currently receiving the email, and you'd like it to stop, please send an email to I will honor all remove requests.


Author/Copyright holder: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: March 25, 2024