Another going away luncheon


Another going away party - For the military folks that I work with, this is a common occurrence. A recurring theme, a way of life, just another one of those things you have to sacrifice when you're in the military. John and Nora are going away - back to Misawa. They've been there before, and like many military members, this will be there second time in Japan. I enjoyed working with and for, John. He's a lifer, like me. He'll put in his 20, and maybe more.

On Friday (16 May, 2009), a small group of coworkers gathered (appx 12 people) at Jim N' Nick's in the Southlands mall. We had a bit to drink, some food, and a good deal of conversation. We gathered there to see off a couple of our friends; a going away for two of our coworkers. It's not the first of these things, it's not the last, I'm sure I'll see many more in the years to come. Good luck John and Nora, you two deserve all the best. We'll miss you.

We’ll miss John and Nora: