Whisper Demon

As Grenco entered the treasure vault (a much larger room than those previously encountered in this maze of rooms), he found a guardian demon forming, and heaps of treasure in the corners. Grenco attempted to trap the creature, but his magical net failed him. Thankfully, the rest of the party followed him in, and battle commenced.

After four rounds of combat, the party is doing their best to destroy this ‘Whisper Demon’. The creature floats through the room with the greatest of ease. Capable of passing through walls, ceiling, and floor; the demon fills the party’s head with maddening whispers, while taking potshots at the group. Confused by the voices inside, some party members have become so befuddled, that they’ve attacked themselves.

This incorporeal demon appears immune to most physical attacks, but Tanar’s magic missiles are doing a good job, and physical attacks sometimes cause damage. While avoiding the walls, the party seeks a strategic advantage over this highly maneuverable foe.

When we wrapped up the session, the battle had barely begun, and already the party had caused more harm to themselves than the creatures physical attacks. Babbling incoherently, standing dumbfounded, or attacking themselves, the party seems vulnerable to this demon’s insidious whispering.

T’was the 12th of Detenday...

When our party of adventurers decided to return to the scene of the crime. After teleporting in (the entrance to the lair had been effectively blocked) to this far distant tomb, the party began  to explore the hidden recesses of the Taxini’s lair - places they didn’t have time to explore before. Ostensibly, they were looking for the leaders of this cult. What they found was a trapped treasure vault, guarded by a demon...